View Full Version : new AGD nubbins ?

10-17-2001, 08:40 AM
i heard the agd staff was tampering with new plastic nubbins that are more durable. I only want to know because a few months back I ruined a PMI ceramic when the nubbin decided to wrap around the nubbin entry and in bed itself into the barrel making a huge nick in it. the barrel can know be used as a new fetch stick because it is useless to put paint thru.


Go NIU paintball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-17-2001, 11:04 AM
Yes, AGD has come up with a polymer nubbin that should hold up better than the steel ones due to their inherent lubricity. If a bolt impacts the plastic nubbin, it won't embed into your barrel either. Right now AGD will send you a couple free, if you are one of the first 100 to send them a stamped, self addressed envelope with your correct home address on it. Be sure to include your AO nickname so Tom knows who you are!