View Full Version : I broke my Reloader B, Help! (or HALO in general)

07-12-2004, 10:24 PM
I cracked the hell outta my Reloader B. Replacement shells will be ordered tomorrow. Extra care will be taken from then on.

The question is that the, erm, yeah. The part that "feeds" into the marker is cracked as well. I don't mean the feed neck, I mean the tube that runs from the drive cup to the feed neck is cracked.

I've browsed around on HALO's site, and I'm curious as to what part I need to replace (aside from the shell, of course). Does it come with the shells (unlikely) or is it part of the drive kit?


07-12-2004, 10:37 PM
im not completly sure but i think its called a drive cone.

07-13-2004, 02:23 PM
nope, the drive cone is what moves the paint inside the halo. I would replace the shell and see if you even need to replace that part first. once the new shell is on there, it might hold it together enough that you wont need to worry about it. otherwise give odysesy a call and describe what it broken. they will know what part you need.