View Full Version : AO-CO 3.0 Rocky Mountain Invasion wrap up

07-13-2004, 02:58 AM
Well, the invasion turned out to be more of an infiltration, as not as many actually showed up as first planned. We ended up with 11 out of the 23 or so that we had hoped for, but it is quality and not quantity that counts, and we had that for sure. We attended a scenario game with roughly 80-90 players, and two regular scenario teams there. The big news was that our AO group was recognized for outstanding team sportsmanship. Interseting thing about that is that there are only five of us that have made all three events and those are the only times we have ever played together! Well, this post is only meant to be a thread starter, and hopefully the other attendees will post up and contribute some pics and other info.

A big thanks to bryceeden and zeroack for contributions to the prize pool for the attendees, bryce with t-shirts and a jersey and a ducky ;) , and zero with some zerosacks(goggle sacks). Also a huge thank you to byrce for getting the event t-shirts printed and bringing them to the event, all the way from utah to denver! Thanks to AGD for their contributions to the prizes as well, most notably a warp feed that dawump(keith) can hang from his new tac1! :hail:

07-13-2004, 10:28 AM
"This thread is worthless without pics" :ninja:

07-13-2004, 10:37 AM
Yeah it was a great time as usual. Got some pics, hopefully I'll be able to throw em up later on tonight after I get home from work! :bounce:

07-13-2004, 12:08 PM
Yep, it had Good Times written all over it. We really need to get that team photo they took at the awards ceremony, I think that had everyone in it.

As for a list of people, I think it was:

Barry (Bsolomon)
Keith (Dawump)
Jeff (ShooterJM)
Garrett (Zeroack)
Zero's son, Josh
Russ (Boggerman)
Tony (Timbpaint)
Bryce Eden
His friend (I don't know his name! doh!)
Brook Eden

I really want to say thanks to Bryce and his crew for driving all the way out from Utah, and bringing the T-Shirts. Those kicked major booty!

As for the game, it had its ups and downs. This was the first time the scenario producer had put on a game, so it was to be expected not everything would go alright. I've played with that guy numerous times though, and he is taking the feedback we give him to heart, so by all means make suggestions on Anthony's forum, or at www.playpaintballcolorado.com so he will know what and how to fix the game.

If we hadn't given our CO to a kid who couldn't be much older then 10, he would have recognized that Barry was hands down our MVP. Barry just has this uncanny knack for getting behind players, mowing down 12 at a time, then forcing another 20 go looking for him after he's been eliminated.

And yes, my signature has been changed to reflect the game and dinner afterwards :rofl: :cheers:

07-13-2004, 12:43 PM
Yep, it had Good Times written all over it. We really need to get that team photo they took at the awards ceremony, I think that had everyone in it.

As for a list of people, I think it was:

Barry (Bsolomon)
Keith (Dawump)
Jeff (ShooterJM)
Garrett (Zeroack)
Zero's son, Josh
Russ (Boggerman)
Tony (Timbpaint)
Byrce Eden
His friend (I don't know his name! doh!)
Brook Eden

I really want to say thanks to Byrce and his crew for driving all the way out from Utah, and bringing the T-Shirts. Those kicked major booty!

As for the game, it had its ups and downs. This was the first time the scenario producer had put on a game, so it was to be expected not everything would go alright. I've played with that guy numerous times though, and he is taking the feedback we give him to heart, so by all means make suggestions on Anthony's forum, or at www.playpaintballcolorado.com so he will know what and how to fix the game.
If we hadn't given our CO to a kid who couldn't be much older then 10, he would have recognized that Barry was hands down our MVP. Barry just has this uncanny knack for getting behind players, mowing down 12 at a time, then forcing another 20 go looking for him after he's been eliminated.

And yes, my signature has been changed to reflect the game and dinner afterwards :rofl: :cheers:

Why do you keep spelling my name Byrce :confused: ? It was alot of fun, I am not realy a scenario player and it showed but I am looking forward to next time.

07-13-2004, 12:46 PM
Doh!. You win this round BRYCE :)

07-13-2004, 10:32 PM
Lets see some pics

07-13-2004, 10:55 PM
In all the excitement I didn't take any pics - not even one of my Tac1!!!

Must say it was nice to get up there and hang out and camp for a couple of nights. Many thanks to the Renegades for not showing up in strength and pissing around all night keeping me awake this year - much appreciated.


07-14-2004, 07:43 AM
pics coming soon. Have to buy a new usb cable, my old one crapped out last night when I was trying to upload the pics I took off my camera. :tard:

07-15-2004, 12:02 AM
Well I had a great time. Never met a better group of guyz.

Here's a few of my pics...

Camp site

Part of our "Side" in the Battle for middle earth

Koosh finding out why you work on a Mag at a table.


07-20-2004, 06:15 PM
Good news everyone! [/professor farnsworth voice] The AGD schwag has been sent out, I finally got around to it today. Jeff, I am going to apologize right now for butchering your last name, your handwriting was a little hard to read so I made my best guess. Also, there is one more poster available, it is a big AGD logo and says AO CO 3.0 - Rocky Mountain Invasion on it. If someone wants it speak up now, otherwise I will give it to Tony(Timbpaint) to put up in his "store".

We need to plan 4.0 a little earlier in the year so it is not so :cuss: :mad: hot. If the idea to do it in GJ still appeals to people, I can put a few up at my place to save on expenses, just a thought.

07-20-2004, 06:25 PM
I'd call dibs on the poster, but I think it'd serve more use at the "store" then hiding on the wall in my room somewhere...

I forgot to mention, the Paintball Celebri-duck found a good home, he hasn't flown away yet either! :)

C'mon now, where are the rest of the pictures!

07-20-2004, 10:47 PM
Pictures! Woohooo. Got the camera working....ish.... :bounce:

07-20-2004, 10:48 PM
More pics.....

07-20-2004, 10:50 PM
last ones for now...

09-02-2004, 02:51 AM

Zeroack finally got off his lazy butt and got anthony's pictures up to date


The good ones:


Lets see here, standing we have:

Bryceeden's friend
TimBPaint (holding our sportsmanship award)
Zeroack's son, Josh
Bryceeden's brother, Brook
and Barry

Kneeling its

and myself, flashing the gang sign towords the RogueFactor AGD hat...


Our little staging area...


Our awesome Tshirts from the back


And from the front...

07-30-2005, 07:02 PM
So if I post to this thread, how many of you guys get a wakeup email?

Are we doing anything this year?


07-30-2005, 08:03 PM
So if I post to this thread, how many of you guys get a wakeup email?

Are we doing anything this year?

I do, I do!![/german guy voice from supertroopers]

Just kiddin', we tried to do something over here, but the man held us down. Seriously, the forest service shut down out attempt to play up on Grand Mesa two weeks ago, so it looks like this year is a bust :cry:

07-30-2005, 09:46 PM
First of all, I love Super Troopers. My sn for online games like starcraft and call of duty is Johnny_Chimpo lol.

Anyway, these AO events looks really great when done like that. You guys even got a T-shirt designed! I wish someone in NY would make an AO NY day. It'd be cool if it were in like Madison county, right in the middle of the State. Cmon someone!