View Full Version : RetroValve for sale at my local shop

07-13-2004, 06:59 PM
There is an RT for sale at the shop. Its the newer not older RT.(pre X)

He has had this thing for years. I think its been on the wall since I have been playing. Its got the lvl7 bolt , powerfeed body ,& composite single trigger.

The asking price on it has been $400 for as long as it has been there.

I have an intelliframe , and a few other goodies to make it into a really nice RT and have been thinking about trying to get him to come down on the price. I notice that a "similar" marker just Xvalved, ULE bodied , and no barrel is available for $340 on the store.

I imagine that way back the store owner probably paid more than that for the gun at his cost.

Does anyone know what these markers cost to the dealer was ? What do you think would be a good price to get one of these for now , brand new ?

07-13-2004, 07:43 PM
Well all you can do is try and make an offer. Whats the worse that could happen, for him to say no. It doesn't hurt to try.

Is it new or used. Use that to base a price you'd be willing to pay off of.

Also, even if they say no, look on the bright side an just buy it from agd. You will get a gun with more stuff cheaper.

07-13-2004, 07:45 PM
oh btw, I wouldn't offer more than 275 or 250 for it even if its new.

07-14-2004, 04:46 AM
for a new old school rt pro i would go atleast 300...thats what i paid for my classic but that was pre x valve/lvl 10/ ule in general so yeah!