View Full Version : Boo-Yaah/Mako Tech Specs?

07-14-2004, 03:29 PM
Hey, I have me 2 ELCD frames here, and I was wondering if any of you guys out there in AO land had any technical data on them. What I'm actually trying to figure out is if I could maybe add some eyes to it or change the trigger assembly to something that I like more than just the switch. I also might want to make it be able to shoot faster than 15 BPS. Is the reason they limited it to that a hardware problem, software problem, or do you think it's arbitrary? Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks a lot

PS- I'm not necessarily looking for specific instructions on this (although they would be nice). I could start with maybe some circuits used in it or something.

PPS- Now that I think about it this maybe should be a workshop question. If you think so, mods, go ahead and move it.

07-14-2004, 07:38 PM
Hey, I have me
I find that amusing