View Full Version : Paintball vs Computer Games

07-14-2004, 03:31 PM
After having a small debate about paintball and shoot em' up computer games with a friend, I wanted to know the views of some other people, try and bring more to this discusion then just a fixed view.

The topic is the effects of paintball on people vs the effects of shoot em' up compter games.

As I see it paintball "trains" people more, where the computer games will have a greater mental impact.

-Mental Impact
-chance of injury (caused by the above, or in general if its appropiate)

I also feel there are three groups of people
-young kids who don't know the difference between a fake gun and a real gun
-teenagers/adults who still don't know the difference between a fake gun and a real gun
-people who do know the difference between the two.

I feel anyone who doesn't know the difference between a fake gun and a real gun and the effects of both (fake wont hurt someone real will hurt someone) shouldn't play video games, or paintball or play with cap guns ext. for that matter. Because it will have a mental impact on them and the effects may be negative.

And my opinion on people who do know the difference on the other hand can play both and will have fun playing both. Without any mental impact.

07-14-2004, 04:23 PM
computer game does not include:

bumps and bruises
bonus balls
tasty paintballs
and who can forget the hot chicks that want to handle your piece and play with your colorful balls?

as for comp game have more mental impact.....90% of paintball is mental

IMO comp game dont even come close

07-14-2004, 04:45 PM
Well, in computer games, there are no consequences for your actions, outside of the game of corse.
In paintball, you screw up, you might end up with some nasty bruises, or miss that oppertunity to win prize money.
Lots of computer games are just pointless shooting. Almost no strategy involved.

07-14-2004, 04:46 PM
Paintball Trains people? Trains them to do what?
A .223 round will spiraly from the chamber, and right through an airball standup, right into you.
A paintball will splat ont he bunker.

07-14-2004, 04:53 PM
Paintball gives you bad habits...

I try to bunker people in CS, and it doesn't work too well!

07-14-2004, 04:55 PM
It sounds like you have the foundations for "A Well Thought-Out Englilsh Paper" here, temps.

Since maybe like the Middle Ages, there have been many differing opinions about computer games and paintball. This cannot be denied. It is my intention to sit down and play video games for several hours.

First, moving around quickly, and with purpose, is a true sign of character. Secondarily, paintball yields more product for the working types. "Paintball and video games are like my right and left arms", said Li'l Spicy in his famous "Paintball and video games are like my right and left arms" speech. Webster's defines paintball as "excited and often noisy activity; a stir." A stir, indeed. Finally, sometimes gross stuff can be funny.

In conclusion, I, Goat "Hammerhead Barrels Shoot Darts" Boy, think I have done a great job illustrating the many differing opinions about paintball and computer games, and we will have fun playing both. Without any mental impact.

Chicago Pb 7
07-14-2004, 05:20 PM
After a day of real paintball come home and play some digital paintball (mod for cs) :headbang:

07-14-2004, 05:27 PM
I enjoy both paintball and computer games.
both teach you great hand-eye coordination, both give you an adrenaline rush, both are fun if you play them properly, both include teamwork, and both you can do with friends

in paintball you get physical exercise, teamwork, hang out with friends, physically communicate with people, and you get to be outside (sometimes)

in computer games you get team building skills, you can still hang out with friends, and you can do it from the comfort of your own house. And it's a lot cheaper than paintball

Head knight of Ni
07-14-2004, 05:28 PM
you mean half-life not cs. Computer games no but console games you learn complex eye hand coordination. :ninja:

07-14-2004, 05:28 PM
Both are great fun. They both belong in section for recreational, sport, game, entertainment, etc. And yes, both will produce a mosaic of effects. Somewhere down those lines, people for whatever reason waste thier time figuring out the "why" and "what" effects in the negative aspects of both, than the possitive ones (both have multiple sides).

I agree with Automaggot68; PB trains you for what? Warfare related activities? Then actvities or sports like American Football, disc throwing, javaline throwing, etc. serve the same effect for that matter. Effects? Yes, a sense of accomplishment, of loss, of victory, of learning, of leading, of going beyond, etc... I don't see it as training, I see it as a way of life, and if your team is half serious as a discipline. But it's still just about having fun.

Videogames, while not pshysical (except those ocational runs to the batrooms between games ;) ) leave effects as well, as just as in PB or any competitive activity generate many effects. Those effects vary way too much; it's like debating over an open ended argument over stuff like coffee, or too much TV or the traumatic effects of elevator music.

Fcat is, IMHO that the only real training PB has given me is not to show up with a hangover for practice. Paintball rocks, and Videogames too for that matter; it's mainly (but not restricted to) FUN, and I'll keep doing both untill I'm unable or something greater comes along.

My 2 centavos...