View Full Version : Chicago Area This Weekend - CPX & College Tourny

10-17-2001, 03:56 PM
If anyone is going to be in the Chicago area this weekend and is looking for an excuse to check out Challenge Park Extreme and all of their nifty theme fields, the 6th Midwest Intercollegiate Tournament (MICT VI) will be there on Saturday, Oct. 20 with 20+ teams from Iowa to New York. For those of you who have been looking to show some friends what tournament paintball is like (or just see for yourself) this is a great opportunity to bring them out to the field and be assured that you'll see nothing less than outstanding, straight-up, sportsmanly competition suitable for spectators of all ages.

Teams to be in attendence include:

University of Illinois Illini (2 time national champs, Spring 2001 Champs)
Purdue University Boilermakers (2001 National Runners up, Fall 2000 MICT Champs)
Iowa State University Cyclones
Ohio State University Buckeyes
Michigan State University Spartans
Michigan Technological University Huskies
University of Cincinatti Bearcats
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Warhhawks

So if you happened to go to any of those schools, you should definitely show up and cheer on your team.

I'll be there myself, so if anyone has any questions or interest in college paintball, feel free to track me down - pretty much anyone htere should be able to point you in my direction.

Event info at www.mict.college-paintball.com.
Directions and field info at www.challengepark.com.

Paved parking and flushing toilets available courtesy Challenge Park Extreme.

And yes Tom, RT's *ARE* legal. ;) (But not, as you suggested, in overrun mode.)

- Chris Raehl
National Collegiate Paintball Association, Inc., President
www.college-paintball.com - "A Club on Every Campus"
www.high-school-paintball.com - "We Create Newbies"

10-17-2001, 04:12 PM
I go to RPI, We were gonna go to that cause someone told us about it when we were at the tourny down by west point.

10-17-2001, 04:40 PM
Then why arn't you going? ;) If you guys still want to go (I know it's last minute and a bit of a drive) email Karen Dunn at [email protected] and let her know you're coming (as well as how many teams you're bringing so she can get you in the brackets) and bring the $110/team registration with you. Captain's meeting at 8:30 AM SHARP, so be there at 8. Marbs is $65/2000, FPO. Should still be plenty of room at the hotel, and it would be great to get a couple more teams out there. And you get to be in APG. ;) (And PSI and whoever else we get off our butts and write articles for.) And preserved eternally on the NCPA website, of course.

Is RPI on the college clubs list? If you're not, you should get on there at www.collegelist.college-paintball.com. That's the list we use to send out all of our email letting people know about events, NCPA club discounts/sponsorships, etc. Buncha nifty stuff all college clubs/teams and their players get just for getting more students to play paintball. (Well, that and there's a few thousand of us, many of whom are new players just starting out with their clubs, so it behooves companies to get their product in front of the new players before they first buy equipment as well as in front of the players who run the clubs and pretty much determine what the new players buy. I think AGD may be overlooking a prime opportunity here. <nudgetomnudge>)

Ok, enough of the sales pitch. ;) I heard the West Point event went very well, just saw the complete results so they'll be up on the NEIC page pretty quick. You can catch them now on the USMA website (which is linked off the clubs list for anyone who's curious.)

Wether you go to the MICT this weekend or not, don't forget that there's the NEIC Fall Conference Championships at Top Gun Paintball in New Jersey on November 10. You can email Amy Low ([email protected]) for more info on that event. I believe it's $150/team, not sure on the paint - you can also hit the NEIC discussion forum on the NCPA web board for up-to-the-minute info.

And of course there will be the 2nd incarnation of the College National Series this Spring, including another round of the MICT and NEIC, plus the GPICT (great plains), SACC (South-Atlantic) and SCCC (South Central) and hopefully something in the S. CA/NV/AZ area as well depending on interest - so for those of you in college who don't have clubs and teams YET, you've got a few months to get on it and jump in next time around - and if you want to make sure there's a tournament in your area, just drop me a line and we'll help you set one up. National Championships probably on the 13-14 of April, field should be announced soon.

For those of you OUT of college, you're more than welcome to make a tax-deductible donation to the NCPA to help us provide even less expensive events for college teams. (We're a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under 501(c)3 - organizations for the promotion of national and international amatuer athletic competition. Kinda like the Olympics - so if you're going to miss the lower tax bracket by a few bucks, just toss them our way. ;) ) 100% of general donations go straight to player benefits (essentially cheaper participation to get more people playing) - none of that "administrative expenses" stuff.

Chris Raehl
National Collegiate Paintball Association, Inc., President
www.college-paintball.com - "A Club on Every Campus"
www.high-school-paintball.com - "We Create Newbies"

10-18-2001, 04:48 PM
HEy cuz I will be there later Hills

10-23-2001, 02:51 PM
how was that event ah137?

I heard it went fairly well

10-23-2001, 06:49 PM
Hey, just wanted to say we appreciate the work you guys put into the College League.
I attend Kansas State University, and we're still in the process of rebuilding our team, but plan to come out strong this spring for the GPICT, and hopefully the National Event.

I know theres alot of behind the scenes work that go into these events, you have a big thank you from the players here at kstate.
