View Full Version : why doesnt the pic thread have a sticky?

07-14-2004, 11:50 PM
like the title says, why isnt pic thread stickyed?(sp) or we could add a whole 'nother piece to the forum that only has pictures and/or videos. i think this would be a good idea.

07-15-2004, 12:06 AM
The pic thread is fine the way it is. It dosent need a sticky.

07-15-2004, 12:10 AM
yes it does, do not question me :D its just when i first got on i didnt know there was even a pic thread

07-15-2004, 12:48 AM
IIRC, it was stickied a few years ago but got un-stickied for some reason(probobly too many stickies atm) and has just been floatin around ever since. No real reason for it to be stickied imo. Most people make a whole thread for their gun if they think it's worthy enough for us to look at, lol.

07-15-2004, 07:38 AM
Because this forum, where it exists, is used for current events and hot topics and it recieves too many stickies as it is. So its not a good place for a "resident sticky thread".

I offered many times to move it to Friendly where it could be stickied but not many people liked that idea.

07-15-2004, 08:18 AM
AO needs an Ultimate sticky. It's one sticky with links to all the other big threads.

07-15-2004, 09:44 AM
Which photo thread would you sticky? THere are many pic threads for guns.

07-15-2004, 10:31 AM
I'm guessing he's referring to the one -§on- made a few years ago since it's the oldest and biggest.