View Full Version : i dont know where this goes

07-15-2004, 12:42 AM
does this go here? I am going to go on vacation soon (Austin, TX area) can anyone tell me the names of fields in the austin or travis county area, i went to pbrevie.com but i cant ever tell if those little cities they list on the location thing are close to where i am going to be :bounce:

07-15-2004, 02:03 AM
I'm pretty certian that the field to go to in Austin is Petty's. I've never been myself but if I recall correctly, that's where the next Texas AO meet will be.

07-15-2004, 09:28 AM
Well there is www.txpb.com
Good fields but you can drop over 100 easy there, field paint only

Then there is Outlaw paintball
Only 2 or 3 fields and to tell the truth it is almost all speed ball and air fields

Pettys is the best bet, but you are going to drive for a while to get there

Have fun and when are you coming to play?


07-15-2004, 02:02 PM
early august, my aunt lives on lake travis. whats the closest field to there?

07-15-2004, 02:41 PM
pettys! its near lock heart, i live in austin, but thats the only feild i play at, very cheap, great people, very nice, good refs, awesome feilds.. best feild ive ever played at, if u go ill meet ya up there ehhe
good luck

07-15-2004, 10:49 PM
check out AO Get Together section of the forum.

It's a collection of "when and where" threads of varuing complexity.

A good bet is to find someone who posts a lot in your geographical area (either throug Meet & Greet or just looking around) and shoot them a PM asking for recommendations and if they are playing anywhere that time your in TX.

Bet ya a :cheers: you'll do O.K.
