View Full Version : Halo or egg ? Opinionzzzz any1?

07-15-2004, 01:39 AM
Ok I am looking really hard at buying a new hopper. Money isn't an issue. I only want the best for my money.Couple questions.
2.any problems with the electronics? Rain, dirt?
Voice all your opinionz. I want to know good and bad about each item. Or is there any other hoppers out there that is worth getting? HOLLA :eek:

07-15-2004, 01:54 AM

egg likes to spontaniously explode. Just random pieces will be cracked/missing, each time you pull it out of your bag....+ it's ugly

07-15-2004, 01:57 AM

egg likes to spontaniously explode. Just random pieces will be cracked/missing, each time you pull it out of your bag....+ it's ugly

Eggs may fall apart but they dont burst into flames like Halo's can (it has really happened before;))

Halo = Faster, better build quality, smaller capacity
Egg = a bit slower, cheaper, lighter, larger capacity, uses 9 volts.

Do a search, there have been a couple of threads about this topic.

07-15-2004, 02:09 AM
if your gonna get a HALO buy al least 5 because the motherboards and motors will decide they dont want to work or evn explode and the little light at the back will just flash colors at you untill your so anry you will want to smash it (thats what i did with mine :D ) but seriously in the past 2 months my teammate has gone thru 5 of them they just kept frying no he use'es and egg like me and me and him have never been happyer you can always tell when its off or on because they dident cheap out and they put more than one button/swtich on it and a HALO is not really as fast as its cracked up to be but they sure bounce good when you chuck em at concrete.

final verdict get an Egg save yourself the agrivation.

07-15-2004, 02:30 AM
ok i would definatley go with a halo or reloader B... the shells are much much stronger...the only advantange to an egg is its board is good but the feed neck and feed cup break constantly and the lid wears down fast or breaks off very easy..half my team had eggs now they have halos..or the apache it is tested for some 20 bps and other than a thin shell i like richochets products!!!!

07-15-2004, 02:51 AM
Sometimes I wish some random or New company would come out with a new Hopper...that was like 20bps or faster, electronic or some new non-design, and held at least 175-80rds.

Hmmm... gets me pondering....


07-15-2004, 10:30 AM
Sometimes I wish some random or New company would come out with a new Hopper...that was like 20bps or faster, electronic or some new non-design, and held at least 175-80rds.

I used to think the same thing but I've come to think that since my pods only hold 140 I don't need anything bigger than 150-160.

I know it's nice to be able to hold a few more balls at the beginning of the game but I don't know if worth the extra weight to me.

On the other hand, I would be nice to be able to add a new pod of paint when the hopper was 1/4 instead of basicly completely empty.

Back on topic...if money isn't an issue then get the Halo. It is simply the best hopper available at this time IMHO. :D

07-15-2004, 11:20 AM
Halo, hands down. I had a halo, loved it, but I was stupid, sold it. I now have an egg, it stinks. Looks very bad, the design of it is ugly, refilling it is, I always manage to drop at least 20-30 paint when trying to refill it.

07-15-2004, 11:39 AM
Ok now, I am truly biased on this subject for I own a Halo B w/ rip. But in all honesty I would look for a PreBE revvy and put in a Z board. I have seen these on Guam and it is awesome. on my angel it looked kind of weird, but it saved me from a day of watching. I am surprised that no one else has tried this. It is really fast, better then an Apache but not as fast as my Halo but almost.
if not that get a halo nothing wrong and it wont turn into a bomb unless prompted. :mad:

07-15-2004, 11:44 AM
Personally, I say Halo... as long as it won't crush the paint you're using.

07-15-2004, 11:51 AM
If your gun has eyes or is not gonna go abouve like 12 or 13.
They are alot more reliable than any other hopper on the market, just not as fast as some.

If you want the extra speed get a Halo. They do have alot of problems with the electronics but from what ive seen its bettar than my egg was.

07-15-2004, 01:41 PM
halo, for shure, eggs are crap, dont feed well and fall apart even if they did, halo is the only hopper i use, cuz its the only thing i cant outshoot (except for a Q or envy, but, those are...differnent and i dont want one) its also higher quality than most hoppers

07-15-2004, 02:34 PM
Go with the halo and then get a victory board. Feeds faster than you will ever shoot, easier on teh paint, and less likely to have problems.


07-15-2004, 02:36 PM
no need for V board IMO

07-15-2004, 02:39 PM
ive got both

evo2 with a z-board
halo b with a v35 board.

i have yet to use my egg since ive gotten the halo....you can not compare the two.

i had a halo a in the past and it was super crappy, however they seem to have fixed most things because ive yet to have a problem with my new halo.


07-15-2004, 03:07 PM
ReloaderB. All the benefits of a HALO, with a few little extra features. I'd buy one if I did't already have a HALO.

Mister Sinister
07-15-2004, 03:15 PM
Besides all the gripes that everyone else has already stated about the Eggy2 what I didnt like was where it sat on my gun. I vote Halo all the way!

07-15-2004, 05:06 PM
I owned both. The halo threw off the balance of my gun. It was way heavy. The eggy however had it's weight tilting backward. This kept my gun balanced. I refill better with the eggy mouth, but alot of people just can't feed the ggy at all. My eggy has never failed me! :headbang: And for those reasons. I sold my halo.

07-15-2004, 05:47 PM
I've always had great luck with my Egg 2. The A4 fly set a 20bps does'nt out shoot it but I feel thats the max speed it will handle. It will shoot 15 bps fullauto all day long. The halo seems to do about the same from what I've tested but its quieter. My on/off button on the halo sucks everyone has a problem turning the damn thing on. You"ll be fine with either of the two.

07-16-2004, 12:12 AM
Thus far I haven't had a single problem with my Egg. I got a Z-Board in it and it feeds basically just as fast as my HALO B with T1 software.

My HALO had a motor burn out in it, my teammates HALO had a board fry and then the on/off button broke after it was sent back from Odyssey. He then sent it back and hasn't seen it for about 3 months. He's just too lazy to call them and find out what happened, but one should never need to call a place to find out where their product is.

The thing I've found with the Egg is you need to remove the lid springs right after you buy it. These create a huge stress concentration on the lid and cause cracks. Also, the battery door puts too much pressure on the batteries and ends up breaking off at the paws it locks on. Sand down the battery contact points on the battery lid and you can eliminate battery door cracking problems.

07-16-2004, 12:23 AM
The thing I've found with the Egg is you need to remove the lid springs right after you buy it. These create a huge stress concentration on the lid and cause cracks. Also, the battery door puts too much pressure on the batteries and ends up breaking off at the paws it locks on. Sand down the battery contact points on the battery lid and you can eliminate battery door cracking problems.
You'll need a lot of sanding to make a significant decrease... I removed 1 spring from my lid, so it slides real nice! Put something to back up the door such as duck tape. The eggys I have used have never failed me. They just need proper care. Take care of it as if it were an egg.

07-16-2004, 05:42 AM
I have both and either works fine. I really like the reloader B though since it is easier to load!

07-16-2004, 10:06 AM
Well… let’s see…


• Supposedly the fastest electro hopper out there
• Small profile
• Spares are available
• Easy to understand and fix


• Expensive (even the spares are expensive)
• Battery hog
• Heavier hopper out there
• One day, it will simply break down on you without a reason
• Cheap parts (there is always some part of it that just broke or is about to)
• Can’t read darker paint
• May cause trouble in some breeches due to the force it pushes the balls with


• Very acceptable feeding rates (with a Z board in contrast to an average HALO B)
• Cheaper than HALO (and spares a slightly cheaper too)
• Uses less batteries than HALO and they last longer too
• Reads all kinds of paint
• The balls are pushed in a more gentle manner and thus no that many breech issues
• You can put in extra paint
• Never gotten any issues with the electronics and works all of the time


• The lids on these things are crap, you’ll be buying spares in no time
• The shells are crap too
• The raceway (neck) is crap as well
• High profile
• Not as fats as HALO B

Personal preference:
Well, when I used the X-Mag I used the Halo all the time. There were always issues with part breaking of here and the battery consumption was kinda harsh. Eventually the clear spinning tray broke, shells were obsolete and the wiring had seen better days. Not to mention that cleaning it is not easy (assembly and disassembly). When I switched to a Timmy and eventually to a Trix, I gave the Egg a chance, and other than having replaced the lid twice and having noticed some wear in the shells, I haven’t put it down. I own both hoppers, but I use the Egg because it hardly ever gives me any trouble. Hope that helps! ;)