View Full Version : What's an 8-hole mod?

10-17-2001, 08:21 PM
Just like the title what is it and what is the advantage of having one?

10-17-2001, 09:58 PM
but, i think an 8-hole mod is something that lets more BAD BOGONS into your mag....the reason the valve is designed with only one hole is to keep the BAD BOGONS to a minimal number...thereby making the elves job easier

;) ;)


10-17-2001, 10:14 PM
An 8 hole mod I believe an aftermarket part which uses 8 holes instead of one to allow a greater flow.

Does it work?

You can easily check out this theory at home with your own body. Simply eat very unhealthy food for two days until you are constipated. Then strip naked and look at yourself from behind and below in the mirror. You should be able to notice an orifice from this angle. Now, rip another 7 of those in a concentric circle and see if that helps.


As far as I can see neither do the 8 hole mods for the Automag.


10-17-2001, 10:18 PM
now THAT was funny!!!

(course maybe my funny-o-mometer is being influenced by the amount of beer ive had)

10-17-2001, 10:44 PM
Well that makes things consistent. My posting was DIRECTLY proportional to the amount of beer I'VE had ;-)


10-17-2001, 11:09 PM
An 8 hole mod is where a stock valve reg, or an aftermarket valve reg is taken and had 7 extra holes drilled around the edge of the valve, you should already have one hole there for airflow, its supposedly to increase airflow, but doest really, mainly because the hole in the reg, and the hole in the power tube section line up, even with air flowing through 8 holes, it still only has one hole to travel through into the air chamber to fire the ball. Hope this makes a littel bit of sence.... :D

10-18-2001, 01:12 PM
I know this has been beaten to death but....

I purchased my mag in 1993 and still play with it to this day. But it DID have pretty bad shootdown (on CO2, back then you had no choice ;) that both my roommate/teammate and I noticed (we each had a mag). After talking to Tex Christopher, he told us about these 'ProMag' mods that Dirk of the ironmen was doing. Said it eliminated all shootdown in the mag on CO2.

We sent them off and had them modified. They came back 2 weeks later with the following changes:

1) The 8 hole mod you guys are describing
2) A cut-down on/off top (a deep X groove in it)
3) an enlarged air chamber BEHIND the 8 hole mod -
the chamber exposed by opening up the valve to see your 1, or 8, holes

These are all pretty common aftermarket pieces now, but this was 1996 and it was very new to us then.

Since that time, we have NEVER shot down our mags. My roommate is one of the fastest shots you have ever seen (he could shoot over 7 bps with his Lapco Grey Spirit PUMP! no ****) and could freeze a mag valve in 20 shots. Once we got these mods, you could shoot a 20oz tank empty so fast it would turn white with frost and the shot-to-shot consistancy is astounding! Even now, chrono refs are amazed at my consistency (rarely more than ~2-3fps variation, regardless of # of shots)

Now I'm not advocating going out and getting cheap aftermarket parts. Everything in my mag is still genuine AGD and, obviously, the quality of work was outstanding (nearly SIX years since those mods and not a single gun problem an o-ring couldn't fix), but I find it very difficult to believe that people think there's no value to some of these mods. Even AGD itself has made changes to the on/off area that closely resemble these early mods I had.

And after the unbelievable improvement it made to my gun, you couldn't convince me that it doesn't work. Maybe it was all the changes working in concert, but I guarantee you couldn't shoot down my mag...until the air ran out ;)


10-18-2001, 02:18 PM
I beleive they helped on level 6 mags, but they just mess things up on a level 7. Stick with the stock reg back.


10-19-2001, 08:12 AM
Mine mag is a level 7. Did they even sell level 6?


10-19-2001, 08:26 AM
Yup the first mags sold to the general public were level 6. There were also level 5's floating around in 1990. I beleive Swarm used level 5 mags to win the masters in 1990.

10-19-2001, 08:53 AM
Another question: Is it right, that all MiniMags are Level7 ?
Also my Valve has 8 holes and is original AGD without any modifications. The Mag with the 8-hole-Valve is sold in Germany as a "MiniProMag".

10-19-2001, 12:05 PM
As far as I know the Mini<b>Pro</b>Mag is modified by the guy who imports them to Germany.

10-20-2001, 11:03 AM
Put Simply:

10-20-2001, 12:44 PM
waste of money !

10-21-2001, 09:44 PM
i had the sme thing done to my mag back in the mid 90's, (my first one) and i agree with Viral. It was done by Smart Parts, only the on/off valve was known as a hurricane valve, it used to eat up the on/off o-rings but i fixed it by installing the original on/off valve top. Back then nobody used H.P.A. and the retro valve wasnt even around, but it solved my shootdown probs (except in the winter when it was hard to raise tank temps) combined with a smart remote it was the bomb! now i have a minimag r/t with a hpa system and no worries. I wouldnt recommend the conversion today because i feel the r/t is much better and it wont affect the warranty on your mag.