View Full Version : Emag Extreme = When will it come out?

10-17-2001, 09:08 PM
When will it come out? I have not seen any distributors like NPS tell me that they have them yet, nor have I seen any retail store sell them yet...But I've seen a few pics leading me to believe somewhere someone bought one.

So , when will they be out for retail stores like the one I run (reffering to : when will the big wholesalers like I&I and NPS get them?)

I am really digging the looks on them and really really need a gun to backup my cocker (but if the modular shoots even better than the Emag I tried at Zap..it might be my primary)..

Also, one final question : Manike showed something like a SFL milling for the Extreme, will they be stock, or will they have more meat to them similar to what I've seen on AGD Europes site?


John Sosta, AGD Europe
10-18-2001, 02:26 PM
They will probably be out over in the U.S. around Xmas.
The stock Xtreme has the extra meat like you see on our website, which will be the main Xtreme, but SFL will do a lightened version, and we will be offering Cut & Carved in the next few weeks. Manike is working with us to get some ideas for Cut & Carve. We can cut off every bit of excess, to lighten it, but cosmetics are a little different, we need ideas !