View Full Version : Do Warps actually work?

trains are bad
07-16-2004, 07:32 PM
Aight. I will never run a hopper. I have a Qloader that I am starting to get annoyed with. I absolutely love the setup, tightest setup ever. Works as advertised, but is finiky and has not been dead bang reliable--and I like dead bang reliability. It has usually been my fault. But still. And the paint capacity and reloading issues!

I only carry 3 pods, that is 400rounds total and with a warp setup it would be 620 rounds.

I'd love to go back to 200(!) rounds and standard pods so I would work better with the team. I would hate the hopper sticking on the side of the marker-no more ambidextrousness. I would not like the warp hanging down either. But I think it would be worth it as long as it works. Pour in (loose!) paint, prime, shoot. I really need some guidence here.

how well do warps shoot tilted? I have totally adopted hopperless shooting style.

07-16-2004, 07:39 PM
Warps shoot great on tilts. As long as you have balls pushing the other balls it'll fire. Warps work great but aren't for everyone. I love mine and will never get rid of it. It's as dependable as you make it. I baby and don't abuse my warp and it's never failed me yet *knocks on wood*. You take care of it and it'll serve you greatly. The off hand shooting is way overblown. I can't shoot left handed anyhow but with the warp I just roll it and I'm able to shoot with my good hand. Takes practice (took me 3 or 4 times playing to get used to it) and dedication. It's not a simple "add on". It takes patience dialing it in and getting it setup correctly. Intellilinking is always a good thought as well. Good info can be found in the Tech area.

trains are bad
07-16-2004, 07:42 PM
yeah I'd definately intellifeed it. I would definately melt it into the marker as much as possible.

But I really didn't need someone to say they were finiky. :cry: :tard:

07-16-2004, 07:59 PM
They aren't really that finiky. Oil it before ya play and keep fresh batteries and it should work. I haven't had anything go wrong on mine for the 2+ years that I've had it.

Creative Mayhem
07-16-2004, 08:04 PM

That pic is me shooting out the left side of the bunker with my gun tilted. It doesn't look like it's tilted all that much, but I have used it upsidedown while shooting under the lower corner of a bunker, and it works flawlessly(provided you tilt it back upright to get more paint in it ;)) I have never had an issue with my warp, always works, decent battery life(big cell mod from Havoc_Online) and can be made to be fairly tight. I have a warp on both my mags and love them to death. They can be heavy and awkwards, but that is a getting used to thing. Personally, I forget the warp/halo, or warp/revvy combo is even there. I LOVE my warp!

Hope this helps.

Head knight of Ni
07-16-2004, 08:05 PM
The left hand is overrated what has it really done for you. With a warp all you have to do tilt your gun to the left. The warp will work reliably if you let it.

07-16-2004, 08:19 PM
The only big problems I've had with warps is the battery issue. You have to actually disconnect the battery or it will discharge (you could go through like one a day or so if you shoot a lot, I would say one in the thing and one extra would do ya). Also, pretty much anyone with a warp will tell ya you will have to solder on new battery leads a few times in the life of the unit. This sounds like a lot to fiddle with, but I own 2 warps and will never go without one. They are awesome. The non-2 handed shooting thing is really no big deal, you can just turn the gun for a burst. How often are you shooting with your off hand anyway? The thing that works for me is (if the bunker is wide enough) is to lay on my back if I'm sitting on my knees, as I usually do, and lean to the right to shoot that way, than just twist my hands a little to make me covered when I shoot out my left side (I'm right handed). With intellifeeding, I don't have to worry about any gaps unless I just plain forget to turn on my hopper. Then I get like 6 shots and... well you get the idea. Even when that happens all you gotta do is hold down the trigger to advance the wheel instead of fiddling with the primer button. Any problems you will hear about are very well covered by the amazing keeps-the-hopper-out-of-the-way thing, as well as non breakage and the ability to shoot while sideways or upside down. I once considered getting rid of my warp, after not playing for a while, but the next time I played I fell in love with it all over again. I would highly reccommend getting a warp.

07-16-2004, 08:19 PM
Warps are very reliable. There are very little problems with them.
Try a warp out and see if you like it! Some people dont.
I love mine! :headbang:
Warps shoot great tilted. I love shooting mine tilted, its just a much better way to play.
The only drawback is that you have to prime your warp after you get done shooting tilted.. not always though, it depends on how far you tilted.

trains are bad
07-16-2004, 08:27 PM
At this point I think Ima get one, and try it. I shoot that thang fast, ya hear-to fast for a plain revvy when I had my minimag body. What mods do I need? I think just bigcell and a revvy on top.

I didn't realize you could prime it by holding down the trigger. Any trouble buying used?

Duck Hunt
07-16-2004, 08:49 PM



I bought mine used and it works perfectly. Theres a little white button on it you can use to prime it no need to pull the trigger. Intellifeeding it sure does help, if you plan on shooting far left then you will want to do this. In my opinion the warp is the greatest thing for me, I will keep mine forever.


07-16-2004, 08:57 PM
Like duck hunt said, you prime it by pressing a little white button on the side of the warp. It's easy to reach for us leftys but you right handed freaks might find it inconvieniant to press.. You dont really have to press the button, you could tap the side of the warp if you wanted..
I dont see any problems with buying used.. I would rather buy new though, they are pretty cheap. Talk to Tunaman about one!

07-16-2004, 10:13 PM
I used to have a warp on an Emag, then an Excal... its awsome. Its a bit heavy, but if you're someone who likes those REEALLY REALLY tight shots its awsome.

Feeds about 6 balls at almost any angle, then you ahve to do a quick tilt to let it drop a few balls back in and feed em to the breach and then you can do the same again.

07-17-2004, 12:07 AM
Feeds about 6 balls at almost any angle, then you ahve to do a quick tilt to let it drop a few balls back in and feed em to the breach and then you can do the same again.
Or you could put a HALO on the warp.................

07-17-2004, 12:26 AM
i think a ahlo warp would be better then an eggy/warp combo. this will eliminate the need to come back up for a halo can load when paralel to the ground.

07-17-2004, 12:41 AM
He sees my point!

07-17-2004, 05:26 AM
At one point it was an Emag w/ Halo, warp, STEEL 68/3000 tank and a boomstick ... talk about heavy! lol.

07-17-2004, 08:51 AM
Or you could put a HALO on the warp.................
Well, even the halo needs to be tilted SOMEWHAT upright. It cant feed for long at a 90* angle because there needs to be balls in the cone.. You could put a q-loader on a warp.. but that would be pointless :p

07-17-2004, 09:05 AM
I had a warp on my Emag, and now on my RTP. I've never had to mess with my battery leads. I reccomend a bigcell mod or tracking down a 10.8v rechargable pack (I made my own).

Note on hopper: If your hopper is full I've found that my Xboard Revvy with an Evil Impeller will feed consistantly with angles up to about 60*

07-17-2004, 09:19 AM
Well.. I think Im in the same boat you are.

I loved the q-loader, the idea, the placement, all of that. I took a pod apart to see how it worked, put it back together... custom mounted it. Pain to load, so I built a custom loader using my ricochet. The 100 shots didn't bother me... I was playing, came up, and the SOB refused to load - so I took the pod off and the next one failed too - was breaking paint going into the breach too (my fault, fed tube direct in rather than with 90 degree bend). The tube came off from time to time, promptly unloading 100 rounds. It would fail to spin and load... then the pod came off and met a bunker - and broke and the spring came out and tangled.. then I sold the rest of the system far far away.

I loved the warp... until I got into a humid day and the paint was excessively big (.695 barrels were failing to shoot it all). Then again I was missing shots I felt I should have had... BTW - the warp is much stronger than the Q-loader shell. So is the Ricochet Apache for the record but thats another story.

In answer to your question, if you are a patient person and can avoid abuse of your equipment than the warp is a great thing. I buy my equipment to play with - it gets no excuses and must work for me... it gets crawled with, pounded on bunkers, nose dived into bunkers... and generally abused. When it fails to work sometimes pounding it on the nearest bunker forces it to submit... all my equipment that I currently use has passed this test... at least for now. And you all wonder why I like AGD stuff?

07-17-2004, 09:29 AM
Well, Lohman, if you ever have giant paint again, there is one thing you can do to help the warp feed it. If you know that the paint is going to be huge all day, then you can make some spacers for the discs. I've never done it before so I'm not exactly sure how to do it, but its a solution. The only drawback is if you change back to small paint without taking out the shims then you will have problems feeding..

Here's a quote from hitech:

Take the warp apart, remove the disk "pack", take it apart and use tape on the hub to space it out some. Or you could make a shim from thin cardboard (like a cereal box).

07-17-2004, 10:35 AM
Well, Lohman, if you ever have giant paint again, there is one thing you can do to help the warp feed it. If you know that the paint is going to be huge all day, then you can make some spacers for the discs. I've never done it before so I'm not exactly sure how to do it, but its a solution. The only drawback is if you change back to small paint without taking out the shims then you will have problems feeding..

Here's a quote from hitech:

Hah, I usually have problems the other way. I tend to run insanely small bore paint and i had to put shims on the other side of the wheel to get it to work.

What you can do is make your shims out of construction paper. This makes them removeable and you could even put them on the outside of the wheels for small paint.

Downside: Taking your warp apart completely before a day of play.

07-17-2004, 11:13 AM
i just got a warp and when i put it on my timmy it didn't feed on every shot. took the little window off and adjusted the sensitivity. no biggie. and then the thing was rocking. normally my egg doesn't feed constantly and my eye delay kicks in and i waste time waiting for a ball to drop in the breech. but this thing was constant in the feeding, plus it was so comfortable for me right outta the box. i loved the fact that i had the gun horizontal snapping at people and i could get a short string of shots out. i love this thing. can't wait to get another one for my spyder.

07-17-2004, 10:50 PM
i'm really wanting warpfeed but i have one question. i have a freestyle and they have very little kick, will the warp be able to pick it up? freestyle kick is comparable to that of a matrix. thanks for the help. oh weight, i guess i have more than one question. how many bps does it load stock? w/ big cell mod? w/ 12v mod? thanks for the help.

07-17-2004, 10:56 PM
I love my warp.

they feed about 16 stock and a tiny bit faster with the big cell (the big cell just gives you double the battery life) and it feeds about 24 with the 12v mod.

07-17-2004, 11:11 PM
hmmmm, 16 isn't quite fast enough, i'd have to do the 12 volt mod. Anyone know if the warp could pick up the vibration from a gun with almost no kick?

07-18-2004, 01:20 AM
hmmmm, 16 isn't quite fast enough, i'd have to do the 12 volt mod. Anyone know if the warp could pick up the vibration from a gun with almost no kick?
The warp has adjustable sensitivity. The level 10 mags have very little kick and it works fine on them. If you have to make the warp too sensitive though, it will spin every time you touch it.. but I dont think the freestyle has THAT little kick. If all else fails you can rig up an intellifeed.

07-18-2004, 01:27 AM
I talked to someone who is just getting into paintball today, and he said something I thought was kinda funny. He never saw a paintball gun before, and when he saw vert feed markers, his first reaction was that the hopper was in a stupid location. He saw my warped EMag, and instantly thought it made more sense.

I've been using a warp for a while, and I don't want to play without it if I don't have to... it works for me.

07-18-2004, 01:29 AM
Warps are very sweet, but if your a sterotype bps person its not for you.
Pros : Always tight, no matter how you play a bunker.
Holds a few more extra rounds

Cons : Heavy weight to the side it hangs on
Has to be self modded to feed 22+, will not out of the box (14 - 16)

If you can get past the weight its great. I used a revy(have to drill a hole in it) you can get a extram rage 9v hopper for only 26 bucks spanking new, all you need in somekind of feed going into the warp, not a expensive hopper.

07-18-2004, 02:02 AM
Well cosidering that I'm a Warpaholic, and a goroo for the tight setup, I'd say try it... find a used one, that way its cheaper... and if you dont like it, you can sell it for what you bough it for (100% resale value)...

not to mention that I'm such a fan to manufacture the metal warp adapters, which also work with the umm.... *cough* Q loader *cough* as you've shown :p :)

PS: you owe me that picture ;) so I've added it to my Dealers thread :)


07-18-2004, 02:05 AM
Warps are very sweet, but if your a sterotype bps person its not for you.
Pros : Always tight, no matter how you play a bunker.
Holds a few more extra rounds

Cons : Heavy weight to the side it hangs on
Has to be self modded to feed 22+, will not out of the box (14 - 16)

If you can get past the weight its great. I used a revy(have to drill a hole in it) you can get a extram rage 9v hopper for only 26 bucks spanking new, all you need in somekind of feed going into the warp, not a expensive hopper.

Bah! My stock warp does 20bps no problem. I run a HALO on it as well.

07-18-2004, 02:59 PM
I really can't argue with that... I was told what I said from another party. Probably thats true because it really does make sense; but, for what 10$ atmost you can get warp it self modded to feed faster.

07-18-2004, 03:45 PM
The problem with warp speed is that it depends on If the person is using it properly. Too many factors are able to slow it down so the warp usually isnt doing what it can. Things like disk lubing, fresh batteries, pinched feed tubing, old drive o'rings, plug alignment, bore spacing, plus a few others.... Most people want to plug and play without paying attention to detail, this is why it's sometimes better to mod the warp so that in any case it will feed fine.

For those who think the warp itself can not be made to outfeed anything else, they have been tested to feed over 75bps.

07-18-2004, 04:15 PM
The warp has adjustable sensitivity. The level 10 mags have very little kick and it works fine on them. If you have to make the warp too sensitive though, it will spin every time you touch it.. but I dont think the freestyle has THAT little kick. If all else fails you can rig up an intellifeed.
I'd say it has about as much kick as a matrix(pretty much none). But if the sensitivity can be adjusted to the point where when you touch it it spins it'll work.

07-18-2004, 04:32 PM
Well, I've never shot a matrix either.. haha.
But yes, you can adjust the sensitivity to the point where its so sensitive that it wont stop spinning. I dont think you'll have a problem..
Like I said if all else fails you can rig up an intellifeed, it isnt that hard.

07-18-2004, 05:03 PM
Well, I've never shot a matrix either.. haha.
But yes, you can adjust the sensitivity to the point where its so sensitive that it wont stop spinning. I dont think you'll have a problem..
Like I said if all else fails you can rig up an intellifeed, it isnt that hard.
Cool, thanks for the help.

trains are bad
07-18-2004, 05:30 PM
PS: you owe me that picture so I've added it to my Dealers thread

cool. The elbows work well, and I'll be using them on my warp. I bought a new one off Tuna. Can't wait till it gets here. I already have my intellifeed setup built.

07-19-2004, 10:02 PM
I bought a warp for 35 dollars on ebay. Honestly its one of the best purchases I have ever made. The wires were messed up but a few miniutes with the trusty soldering iron and it was back to normal. I then went to radio shack and bought a 7812 voltage regulator for 2.00 dollars and some heavy duty 9v conectors for another 2.00
I then set it up with the batteries in series and had then go into the voltage regulator so the board now gets 12v.

I am in love with it so far. Half the time I was shot out used to be on my hopper. Now I can play so tight its amazing. After awhile I thought it was making no difference so I switched back to the hopper on top to see the difference. I started getting shot out much more, I couldnt shoot like I used to. With warp you can get people out by shooting from crazy angles that people wont expect.

Another added benefit. my gun stands up on its own. The nitro tank and warp feed act as a base. Tres awesome.

BTW Im shooting a 2k1 LCD cut and carve with an apocalypse nitro tank warp evo 2 and a boomstick. And you think your guns heavy.

07-21-2004, 03:29 PM
Someone mentioned the fact you had to disconnect the battery after use... There is an On/Off mod you can do to circumvent that.

Love mine. Just have to get around to finnishing that on/off mod. :)

PS - My warp was awesome before, but after I got an intelilink into my Emag, it was PERFECT. :dance:

07-21-2004, 03:51 PM
How would you go about hooking up intellifeed to a Freestyle? Is it the same for all guns? I don't know how the intellifeed thing works. Thanks for the help.

07-22-2004, 09:31 AM
I am looking at geting a warp and a ULE warp feed body. I am right handed and usually aim with my head at the left side of my marker. My thought was to mount it on the right. I however don't see them mounted on the right very often. It seems like everyone has it mounted on the left. Is there a reason why? Is one recomended over the other depending on whether your right or left handed?

07-22-2004, 10:08 AM
I am looking at geting a warp and a ULE warp feed body. I am right handed and usually aim with my head at the left side of my marker. My thought was to mount it on the right. I however don't see them mounted on the right very often. It seems like everyone has it mounted on the left. Is there a reason why? Is one recomended over the other depending on whether your right or left handed?
I have mine mounted on the right. The only reason for that is because I'm left handed. If a righty mounted his warp feed on the right, he wouldnt have room to put his hand on the grip frame... and it would be very uncomfortable.

As you can see, in that picture, there is very little room for a hand to squeeze in there.

07-22-2004, 11:52 AM
Unless you shot only out the left side of the bunker, then mouning a warp on the right if you're right handed would defeat the purpose of the warp. The hopper would stick out even more, not to mention the no room for your hand thing. Don't worry about the aiming thing, unless you like to just smash your face against the side of the gun and fire it next to your ear, you really can aim OK. Just kinda put the gun in front of you and you can see over the top some and along the side. There is a gap next to the gun and the warp.

Target Practice
07-22-2004, 12:15 PM
I've been debating getting one as well. The last time I played, I took three successive shots to the front of my HALO. I just want to play with one before I commit. Hmmm, Sarah left her warped Emag here when she left for IAO...

/me goes to do a little product testing


trains are bad
07-22-2004, 02:57 PM
Personman, that is one sweet looking setup. Did you achieve that with the stock agd mounting bracket?

07-22-2004, 03:50 PM
How would you go about hooking up intellifeed to a Freestyle? Is it the same for all guns? I don't know how the intellifeed thing works. Thanks for the help.
Anyone know?

trains are bad
07-25-2004, 10:02 AM
Right now i have no jumpers. It seems like if I put even one on the warp like instantly shuts off after I shoot, but right now it stays on an undesirably long time after I shoot, but at least the ball stack stays tight. Is there no inbetween?

07-26-2004, 09:42 AM
People who have Revys, does everyone run the hose THROUGH the hopper? Also, if i get a warpfeed, will I most likely need a foregrip extender to be comfortable?

Evil Bob
07-26-2004, 10:10 AM
Drill a hole in the warp mounting plate so that the warp comes off of the grip frame at a 90 degree angle, that will allow your front arm more room and makeit not such an uncomfortable reach, it'll also pull the warp in tighter into the space right in front of your chest between your arms.

-Evil Bob

trains are bad
07-26-2004, 10:10 AM
I'm considering taking mine off entirely because it's so comfortable and efficient to hold onto the warp itself.

trains are bad
07-26-2004, 10:20 AM
Drill a hole in the warp mounting plate so that the warp comes off of the grip frame at a 90 degree angle, that will allow your front arm more room and makeit not such an uncomfortable reach, it'll also pull the warp in tighter into the space right in front of your chest between your arms.

-Evil Bob

Pics? where does the hose run?