View Full Version : Plz Help soon, X-mag Problem

07-17-2004, 09:49 AM
So heres the deal. I was at practice (it was raining ever-so-slightly, almost a drizzle. I have played in that sort of weather without problems before) and at the begining of a game, my X-mag all the sudden started to have problems. I have never had a problem with it before.... and I'm not sure what is going on now, but I will try and describe the problem and hopefully someone will be able to help (I am going to the IAO on Tuesday, so the sooner the better).

It started off by suddenly missing shots... like it would shoot once, and then not shoot one or two times (the electronics were still clicking, so I didn't think it was the the battery or electronics. The low battery warning was not flashing). The ACE was turned on for two colored paint, but then I turned it off hoping that might have been the problem (no effect).

Now the gun will not fire at all on E-mode. It fires on Manual still....

I am uncertain of what the problem is... maybe the selenoid???

If you guys can help, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

07-17-2004, 11:33 AM

I tested my battery, and the voltage is fine (about 19.6 volts. Its not fully charged right now though)

I tested some things a little more. The selenoid seems to be working. If the battery is in and the safety is off, the selenoid responds when I am pressing on the sear and pulling the trigger.

Could it be a board problem?!?!? If so, will the AGD people be able to fix it at their booth at the IAO. I hope so. Thanks for any help you can offer.

07-17-2004, 11:38 AM
it sounds like something happened to the board or soleniod to cause the soleniod to be "weaker" than it was before. (same symptoms of a weak battery...did you TRY charging it?) Without actually seeing it, I cant diagnose further than that.

PS- did the soleniod come out of adjustment? look at the lock nut on the soleniod's trigger rod, see if anything came loose.

07-17-2004, 11:47 AM
Bring it to the AGD booth first thing at IAO and they'll get you working.

07-17-2004, 12:20 PM
I did charge the battery, and i cant see that anything has moved on the selenoid.
I am already beyond my knowledge and experience of fixing mags, so it looks like I'll just have to trust that I will be able to get AGD to fix it at the IAO. I am pretty sure that we dont play untill friday anyways, so there is time. And if worse comes to worse I can allways use my backup gun ;) (mech mode, the beauty of an X-mag lol, and then some other mech guns after that)

I'm sure it will all work out...

Thanks guys