View Full Version : why was production of the z frame stopped so soon

07-17-2004, 11:14 PM
like why was it stopped. like what was wrong with it. every one that has one says they are awsome so why did agd only make like 400 of em. it makes no sence man.

07-17-2004, 11:21 PM
Everyone hated them and said they were ugly, would never work, and would never be popular.

Everyone = hype kids that follow what's popular in paintball

Do you notice that agd has started major innovations but never get credit?

Force feed = warp
HPA = agd proposed
Egronomic grips = z-grip
electro/manual = e-mag
magnet trigger = e-mag

I'm not 100% sure on all of those but I think i'm right that AGD was the first at those types of things.

07-17-2004, 11:28 PM
But remember Foo!

Mags are Heavy... Chop... and very inaccurate! I mean geeze they're mags man!

07-17-2004, 11:36 PM
But remember Foo!

Mags are Heavy... Chop... and very inaccurate! I mean geeze they're mags man!

Yes , and don't forget that cockers shoot farther.

07-17-2004, 11:40 PM
and don't forget that because a gun has software capped at 26bps, you've ripped it to 26bps a couple times since it skipped a shot!

07-17-2004, 11:42 PM
umm you forgot one thing, mags are ugly and noob guns...
jeeze, you guys don't know anything ;)

07-17-2004, 11:58 PM
If I remember right the exact words were "those grips are GAY!!" Yes we did intro HPA, magnetic triggers and everything else in that list. Paintball is a tough crowd...


07-18-2004, 12:11 AM
Man was that AGD guy Gay!
He acts like he's the owner of Airguns Design or something

;) just kidding Tom, you have many followers that hate hype!

PS. How did the idea of using compressed air come to you anyway? i've always wondered that

07-18-2004, 12:23 AM
If you know anything about how these gasses work using CO2 the way we were was just stupid. To consume gas fast you have to use one that is compressible.


07-18-2004, 12:25 AM
Ah, I forgot Tom is the master at anything (physics, ... all i can think off right now,...)
EDIT: Archeology... paintball? :confused:

but thanks for the reply. I can now die happy, or wait, I need a Red to black fade X-Mag, then I can die happy

07-18-2004, 01:01 PM
I can now die happy, or wait, I need a Red to black fade X-Mag, then I can die happy
wow, same here... want to help us out tom? you dont want us to :shooting: :cry: do you?

07-18-2004, 01:33 PM
Tom: Or we're using liquid Co2 the wrong way....I would have liked to seem more MegaZ style siphon guns.

Scott Hudnall
07-18-2004, 10:12 PM
Didn't AGD invent the "power feed" also????

07-18-2004, 10:19 PM
Believe so, that was designed to allow gas to escape if there was blow-back, so when the balls were fed they wouldn't shoot back up the stack. Or something like that :D

The sad part is, Tom has patented like... 2 of these things out of 100's. Tom is too nice! :(

Back when they had the Tracker-Cam I was on at like 4-am and he was busy working on the computer, he wrote a sticky note that said Hi!!, I was like :D

*pets mag* This has been the best gun I have owned... my favorite part is when I walk over to the chrono, fire 3 shots, then rip 20bps (with bounce ofcourse :D) at the target and walk away, where-as everyone else is busy fildeling with their guns. My only gripe is I can't get the LVL-10 to work efficiently with anything bigger then the smallest spring. And that my stock-RT Rail came scratched from the factory (No biggie, I already grabbed a RogueRail)

Paintball wouldn't be the same without Tom... and his gripes about the imperfect O-rings. :p

07-19-2004, 12:28 AM
"Mags just weigh too much,"
"Man is that mag like 10 pounds,"
"My gun is like so much ligher"

My cocker could beat your gun because it is so reliab...(hose shoots off of the three way) Why didnt you finish that sentence BOY!

oh if you didnt know I am a mag man

07-19-2004, 12:33 AM
Paintball is a tough crowd...

It's ok Tom, AO loves you. Probably a quarter of the members here aren't/weren't mag owners, and they know your achievements :headbang:

07-19-2004, 12:42 AM
Actually, I was browsing the AGD site and was reading through the AGD Virtual Museum (needs some updating though :p ) and was amazed at some of the stuff in there. I've been a big fan of AGD for many years, but had no idea how cutting edge AGD really is.

Jack & Coke
07-19-2004, 01:35 AM
If you know anything about how these gasses work using CO2 the way we were was just stupid. To consume gas fast you have to use one that is compressible.


Tom I agree 100% with you.

However, Palmerites, lead by their Task Master Glenn Palmer, like to disagree...

For some reason, they believe shooting FAST and CO2 are perfectly fine if you use an anti-syphon and one or two of their stabilizers.

Originally posted by Glenn Palmer regarding the comment:

"...HPA will always be more consistent then CO2..."

That, simply, is not true. CO2 will often show better consistency with bad paint because the higher density of CO2 gas is more forgiving of size and shape variations in the ball...

...When handled properly, CO2 will do a good job for anyone and on just about any gun.

About the only time that using CO2 is generally a limitation, is in sub-freezing temperatures and even that can be overcome with the proper hardware and gun setup...

...My setup is 12 oz anti-siphon, on-gun (bottom line)through 2-stage regulation and I'll at least match consistency readings with any thing. About 400 psi input to the gun...

...CO2 gas is simply a better propellant for a paintball than compressed air is.

The higher density of the gas imparts its energy to the ball more efficiently.

A switch from co2 to compressed air will usually require either higher pressures or a longer valve dwell to make up for the difference.

Pretty much the same in any paintgun...

more discussion here...


07-19-2004, 01:43 AM
I think I trust our Tom more then Glen. Ok, I am not sure, but when I made the switch from Co2 to HPA, It seemed to increase my accuracy, Is it true, or was the wind guiding my balls to there target?

Jack & Coke
07-19-2004, 03:07 AM
there are so many factors that affect the "accuracy" of paintball...

Even if you had ideal control test conditions, isolating what the differences between CO2 and HPA have on the flight of the ball would be very difficult. So many other things could have caused difference or variances in your shot to shot "accuracy".

Kinda like that old saying, "Penny wise, Dollar foolish"... where you focus on one little thing, but miss the bigger picture of what is happening.

07-19-2004, 10:21 AM
heh, um, guys, out of 19 replys to this topic, only 2 were relavent to the first question.... :nono:
um... :dance:

:rofl: :bounce: :dance: :bounce: :rofl:

also, if u have only half a **** brain, you can have a cocker that is reliable.

... why do yall edit cuss words :confused:

07-19-2004, 10:36 AM
why do yall edit cuss words :confused:

The real question is: Why don't you have the vocabulary to get your point across without cussing?

07-19-2004, 11:16 AM
Yes , and don't forget that cockers shoot farther.

No no no, cockers are more accurate.

07-19-2004, 11:16 AM
... why do yall edit cuss words :confused:

We not only filter them but we consider the fact that you triggered the filter a violation and we punish for it. We are a tough place to curse and we like it that way.

Consider your mouth washed with Cyber Soap and formaly informed and now warned.

07-19-2004, 11:22 AM
i love the way they seem to be woth more now then when they were first sold you can see them going for like 100+ now, a new y won't run you too much more.
Oh and CO2 is a great gas ... when used carefully wht an on/off it makes a killer fan.... but i use hpa to get the ballsdown field.

PS: how do you keep a cocker busy for hours....... telll him his timings off

07-19-2004, 11:28 AM
I for one would love to have a zgrip on my setup i only have the Y but it seems like the z grip would have been two far forward to help you any but who knows, to me cockers suck they take way to much mantinace(sp) and they are never reliable at all I would take a mag any day there a lot lighter more accurate with out any batteries like the eblade has on it so muhahahahhaha :wow:

07-19-2004, 09:31 PM
why cuss when there are so many other words to chose from man. it makes no sence dude. i used to cuss all the time but people started to look down on me so i dont any more man.

07-20-2004, 07:00 PM
why cuss when there are so many other words to chose from man. it makes no sence dude. i used to cuss all the time but people started to look down on me so i dont any more man.
sorry, but i just had to point this out... you are talking about how many other great words to chose from, and therefore you should not use expletives, but then you yourself seem to overuse the words "man" and "dude". you aparently use them as filler words to extend the length of your sentence. if you are going to tell others to vary their repertoire of words, then do so yourself.

although i do agree that some people overuse expletives occasionally (myself included) and that an internet forum is not the place for them.

Target Practice
07-20-2004, 08:16 PM
Don't you love how a thread can take on a mind of it's own?


How 'bout them Yankees!?

07-20-2004, 08:35 PM
Don't you love how a thread can take on a mind of it's own?


How 'bout them Yankees!?

they suck and jeter blows! :tard: