View Full Version : AGD and PTP secretly in publishing?

10-18-2001, 11:37 AM
I just noticed this a few days ago, next time you are in a grocery store look at those little books that are in the checkout line.
I am talking about the ones that are about baby names, cat names, losing weight, or whatever.
In my store the rack that those are displayed in is labeled "Micro-Mags"

Would AGD care to go on the record concerning this?

Anyway, look for them next time you are at the store. :)

10-18-2001, 02:29 PM
LOL! I NOTICED THAT TOO! Not only are there MicroMags, but there is also MINIMAGS!!! Zowee! If that dosnt poop your shoes off with dangerous results, WHAT WILL!?


10-18-2001, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
Zowee! If that dosnt poop your shoes off with dangerous results, WHAT WILL!?

HAHA major, where do you come up with these quotes!! hahaha they get me laughin every time. I look at your posts sometimes just to see what funny things you say. :D :p