View Full Version : Mags In Tourneys

07-18-2004, 11:20 PM
OKay here it is i love mags and i here so much great news bout them ad i here how a properly upped RT can shoot wit da best speedball guns, my teamate the other day asked why r mags so good or there claimed to be so good but rarely r they seen in tourneys or used by proteams basically i said hmmmm why r cockers used rarely in scenarios so he and me was backed into cornors im the magger and hes the cocker fan can someone please EXPLAIN!!!??????? thanks :shooting:

07-18-2004, 11:26 PM
well.the reason there not used on the pro level is that Tom Kaye is not willing to just hand out 1300$ markers to a bunch of kids who dont know a thing about them and say"have at it",hes more scenario now anyways..personally,i think that when the hAir is out,mags will rule again..and as far as mags being used in tourneys,there excellent markers..you just have to figure out a proper tank PSI so you dont get too much bouce.

07-18-2004, 11:28 PM
Simple...it's just not the "IN" thing anymore.

Jaremy Rykker
07-18-2004, 11:30 PM
OKay here it is i love mags and i here so much great news bout them ad i here how a properly upped RT can shoot wit da best speedball guns, my teamate the other day asked why r mags so good or there claimed to be so good but rarely r they seen in tourneys or used by proteams basically i said hmmmm why r cockers used rarely in scenarios so he and me was backed into cornors im the magger and hes the cocker fan can someone please EXPLAIN!!!??????? thanks :shooting:

The reason Electronic Mags are rarely used for tournament play is because the only two that can perform with an E-Bladed Cocker are the E-Mag and the X-Mag. While innovative and original designs, both the E-Mag and X-Mag have proven to be somewhat heavy and bulky, which has hampered their use in tournament play. Therefore, although some tournament players will use an E-Mag or X-Mag for their reliability in tournament play, they are not necessarily the most common of guns, both because they are no longer produced, and there were lighter alternatives such as Cockers.

Next, the other tournament grade Mag is the RT-ULE which is a newer innovation. It, unlike the E-Mag, is light as hell, and completely mechanical. The X-Valve which it comes with is much more competent than any regulator or valve for a Cocker, and will outperform a Cocker. Unfortunately, there are several reasons why the RT-ULE has not been picked up by many tournament teams. An RT is a mechanical gun, and even with the ULE Trigger Pull Kit, remains having a trigger pull of 1.5 pounds. Compared to the ounces found in electronic triggers, this is simply unacceptable as it limits your rate of fire from nearly twenty BPS to a more leisurely fourteen-fifteen BPS with a well-trained shooter. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but the Pros seem to have a thing for fast shooting guns. It has also been found impossible to use ramping, bouncing, turbo, or any other form of cheating on a mechanical gun because it doesn't work, and the trigger response is easily disabled.

Shortly, an upgrade should come out that should change this, with the exception of the notorious anti-mag hype. The new hair trigger promises the rate of fire that the high-end electro-pneumatics the pros use are capable of, while at the same time retaining the reliability of a mechanical and simple design. The Hair Trigger is capable of changing the tournament world, and bringing true mechanical semi-automatics back into common play, but it will need to overcome a stifling amount of hype.

07-18-2004, 11:34 PM
me and some of my friends r gonna be a 3man mag team

2 peice j&j ss
114 4500psi
evo 2

wapr feed
freak kit
crossfire stuppy 70 4500

ule body
ule rail
freak kit
crossfire stuppy 70 4500

we will be doin some touneys

07-18-2004, 11:39 PM
I have played on over a dozen tourneys with my warp fed emag. I love it and it has never let me down. :shooting:

07-18-2004, 11:41 PM
I will be using my mag in the MSTS event 3 next weekend cause it works! every other gun at the field generaly goes down at least once a day. its a classic and i'm only playing 3man novice with my 2 team mate using uped 2k3 2k4 cockers but still mech. with the warp it is almost too tight for me even tho i play front/mid most of the time.

07-18-2004, 11:58 PM
i played in a tourney today on a team with 2 mech mags, 1 mech cocker, a 2k1 lcd, and a 2k2 timmy. all the other teams were shooting shockers/timmy/trix's and we only lost 1 game. people are just more confident if they can unload a hopper in 10 seconds for some reason, but it's not that much of an advantage in reality.

07-19-2004, 03:03 AM
its cuz the dye crowd follows hype and mags arent hyped at all...also an xmag is very light i mean it is shockingly light and if i can get the harness to use that big old batt pack to run the reloader then it promises to be just as light if not lighter than anyother electro using a halo!!!

07-19-2004, 10:47 AM
Because 'Mags aren't efficient enough, so you need to carry a bigger tank, and 'Mags aren't fast enough.

Sums it up real nice.

07-19-2004, 10:58 AM
Because 'Mags aren't efficient enough, so you need to carry a bigger tank, and 'Mags aren't fast enough.

Sums it up real nice.

I'll agree that it isn't the most efficent but it's definatly more efficent then a 03 shocker on the same size tank. For example I've talked to a couple players on a store's team that use 03 shockers with the evolve bolt (think that's what it's called) and they said they get maybe 700 on a 45/45. While on my ULE Emag (pic in sig) w/ nothing special done to it gets pretty close to 900 before it slows down and is out at 930ish. It might be the adjustable tank, but when I owned a 48/3k on my Retro Micromag it got 600ish before it stopped.

Creative Mayhem
07-19-2004, 11:00 AM
An RT is a mechanical gun, and even with the ULE Trigger Pull Kit, remains having a trigger pull of 1.5 pounds.

Actually your numbers are incorrect. The ULT take the stock 6lb trigger pul ans reduces it to a mere 13oz trigger pull. With the upcoming advent of the hAir trigger that will be reduced even more to a staggaring 2oz for a mech trigger. So, as for why mags arent still in tournies? Theres no real explanation other than what Gibby has said.. its just not the "in" thing. That will most definately change when the hAir comes out.

07-19-2004, 12:04 PM
Stock pull is 3lbs, not 6.

Evolve with a 45.45 will get wayyyy more than 700. It'll do that without the Evolve, as my teammate has an 03 with a 45.45 and shoots 3 pods and a hopper per fill. As for 600 on a 48/3k, at what velocity? That's above average efficiency for any gun, let alone a 'Mag..

07-19-2004, 12:34 PM
I'm gonna start doing some major turnys and right now my mag is getting sent out to get tuned to its finest. But since i will hopefully will be doing Chi open i will be running an e-mag(joez e-mag he's letting me barrow for chi open in august. but after the hAIR trigger comes out mags will be at the top again. and there will be no limit on the damage we will put on mag haters everywhere

07-19-2004, 05:15 PM
Stock pull is 3lbs, not 6.

Evolve with a 45.45 will get wayyyy more than 700. It'll do that without the Evolve, as my teammate has an 03 with a 45.45 and shoots 3 pods and a hopper per fill. As for 600 on a 48/3k, at what velocity? That's above average efficiency for any gun, let alone a 'Mag..

It was an indoor field and the velocity was 250. This was pre LX days. Well the 03 you metioned shoots 620 shots. I get that on a bad day with my Emag (lots of dry fires). If the 03 shocker is a "tourny gun" with that kind of efficency then mags shouldn't have a problem. If the evolve gets more shots out of the tank then that's great. I have no idea how much it improves but according to the guy it wasn't much. Real #'s would be great though as I've actually tossed around the idea for one of these as I'd like to experience something else.

07-19-2004, 05:30 PM
I'll tell you why. Mags aren't the fad anymore. Excample: DM4 = fad. Timmy = fad. Its like clothes, mags just aren't in style anymore and we were the smart ones who stayed behind.

07-19-2004, 05:39 PM
So a DM4 isn't really faster or more efficient than a 'Mag? And it doesn't have breakbeam eyes? Same with the Timmy, right?

They may be a fad, but people own them for a reason..

07-19-2004, 06:33 PM
I loved my Mag, but I'm Loving my new trix even more, just need to get a freeflow bolt kit and maybe a c4 mod to get that efficency way up there.

The Action Figure
07-19-2004, 06:40 PM
dm4s will be replaced just as mags did, mags were the shiz back in the day and in my opinion still are. the hype revolution has begun but the few who stagger behind will be accounted for one day

07-19-2004, 07:25 PM
I'll tell you why. Mags aren't the fad anymore. Excample: DM4 = fad. Timmy = fad. Its like clothes, mags just aren't in style anymore and we were the smart ones who stayed behind.

ehem?a fad? I would like you to insert your foot into your mouth now. The timmy and the dm4 are 2 of the best performing markers out there. The dm4 has what any one wants. Evolve will make it even more efficient!

It has an awesome breakbeam eye installed, that works flawlessly. The other fact,is that it has a great low pressure bolt,that is "LX soft"

not to mention the fact that it has a super fast processor(tadao chips are even faster) and it works everytime i pull it out. I dont really see how its a fad. Especially when i went from a SFL e-mag to a dm4... So insert foot into mouth now.

07-19-2004, 08:28 PM
Are 3-man came in 3rd yesturday at a local tourney. We had an A4, RTpro, my Eclipes RT classic. We did well I thought for are first time agaist some stiff compatition.

07-20-2004, 02:24 AM
jtm560 - u guys got to get the 4.0 for those mags

Jaremy Rykker- yo man once they come out with the deadly wind that **** will be mad fast, by the way, does anyone know what the price is going to be on the deadly wind, cuz them i may just hold on to my rt mag and pic up a e mag later.

my friend has a e mag that shoots 21-22 bps, and another friend had a e blade cocker that shoots 15-18 bps, i sugest that you just go to the gym and lift some weights, cuz i mean turney games only last about 5 min and that is if u are in it for the long haul, and me being a suicide front man that aint a problem.

P.S.man i want to get back into some airball

P.P.S. dont use metal spikes to hold down your airball bunkers use a weight taped to the loops on the bottom, because one time when i was playin at fireball in NJ i tore open my knee on one of those spikes and i was fukin piss, they where just luck i didnt sue, cuz i know some crazy lawyers, but i didnt cuz i didnt want to put a PB field that has good prices out of bussiness.

Jaremy Rykker
07-20-2004, 03:07 AM
So a DM4 isn't really faster or more efficient than a 'Mag? And it doesn't have breakbeam eyes? Same with the Timmy, right?

They may be a fad, but people own them for a reason..

Oh... the DM4 gets breakbeam eyes... :wow: :wow: Love it when you get dirt on those... have to clean it, because if it gets dirty, God, it just goes to hell.

What's that I hear? 'Mag has Level 10? :wow: :wow: :wow:

The 'Mag is actually capable of a much higher rate of fire, although the trigger on the DM4 couldn't reach that rate of fire. The 'Mag is faster, but you could never reach that speed, even with a hair or electronic trigger.

And efficient... good god. I am short 75 shots on my 45/45... what am I gonna do? Oh, that's right... I could get a 68/45 or such a thing.

The 'Mag is just as capable as a DM4 or a Timmy. Choices are based on advertising and fads, not real applications.

07-20-2004, 06:50 AM
The 'Mag is only as fast illegally. Go ahead and whine about cheater boards, whatever you'd like, but the fact is a trigger switch means that you're going to go twice as fast as a mech..

How do you get dirt on breakbeam eyes? wtf..

Level 10 doesn't chop, but it does lower efficiency even further and slows down your ROF because the marker still cycles, unlike with eyes.

I was able to drop a tank size going from an average efficiency marker to my supremely efficient cocker..

07-20-2004, 02:28 PM
Don't forget that your choice of barrel greatly effects the overall efficiency of your marker. Barrel length, porting, and bore size make a big difference in air efficiency. Mmmm, this could be the reason many people are having disagreements about the efficiency of their markers. :shooting:

07-20-2004, 03:08 PM
Your choice of barrel doesn't greatly affect anything but accuracy. It's not like getting an unported barrel with sick tight match will double your shot count... 10-20 shots maybe, but you're gonna be breaking in the barrel with that anyway.

The Action Figure
07-20-2004, 03:10 PM
you couldnt be more wrong paint to barrel match can greatly effect efficiency

07-20-2004, 04:52 PM
You use a Mag, and call it personal preference, but when someone shoots a DM4, it's because of hype?
The reason that there aren't many Mags at the Pro level is because AGD doesn't sponsor the top Pro teams.
Three tournament players at my field use warped Emags and love them - I don't think that they'd shoot anything else.
And your barrel choice affects efficiency a decent amount.