View Full Version : funny marketing plan

10-18-2001, 01:53 PM
I was talking to my friend who was the spokesperson for red bull (an energy drink). He said the reason that the cost of the drink was so high $2 a can from a supermarket is that they want everyone to think it is a premium product and not a scrub product like the other energy drinks which only cost $1 or $1.50.
Sooo...you should charge a crapload for the emags so everyone thinks its the best gun because it costs so much.(he he, I already have one) Then for people on the forum allow them to pay regular price.

10-18-2001, 02:12 PM
WOWEE! I will take a feces drop in a can, and sell it for $467,453,452,435,753.99 and make a fortune!!!


10-18-2001, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
WOWEE! I will take a feces drop in a can, and sell it for $467,453,452,435,753.99 and make a fortune!!!


HAHAH there he goes again!!!! LMAO! :D

10-18-2001, 07:59 PM
saw one of the salesmen yesterday...... i really really really wanted to light him up on the street........

10-18-2001, 10:50 PM
in grade 9 project business class we had to come up with a product to sell. Well me and my friends were really imature at the time so we came up with kid in a can which was supposed to appeal to females (and ill stop here!) and the funny thing is the teacher let us do it lol well thats canada for ya!

10-19-2001, 01:13 AM
Yea, well guess what, that happens all the time. You all know antifreeze for your car right? Well it's all made by the same company. They put different colors in it and sell it at three different price points so everyone is satisfied. The Corvette guys would NEVER put that cheap antifreeze in their babies!!


10-19-2001, 02:38 AM
Heh... That's probably why sooooo many people feel that the WDP Angel is the best 'Gun

10-19-2001, 08:41 AM
Yep, $400 worth of calculator buttons make it better than any other gun ;)

10-19-2001, 08:52 AM
Flip through any pottery barn catalog - or that god awful catalog they have on air planes. You will find crap with exorborant prices that is marketed to the higher class. Some stuff is actually worth it, as a silk comforter is worth much more than one you will find at walmart.

I smoke cigars and it burns my butt how certain companies gouge their consumers. Davidoff and thier entire line of cigars are extremely expensive - even though they are good cigars, you can find ones of equal quality at half the price. Still, you will find a range of cigar brands from the same factory using the same blends and thier price will be much different.

Some times the price is warranted, as they use a special blend of tobacco that is in short supply - or they age it longer. Of course I have tried some of these limited edition and special this and that, and generally I feel I paid for the fancy gold ribbons and packaging.

Scotch is the same way. Are you going to pay more for something in a nice bottle, or a cheap plastic one?

Of course the big thing that effects price is supply and demand, which is why you saw a HUGE jump in cigar prices during the boom 4 years ago.

But having a higher price to signifiy quality or "better" is a common marketing ploy.

Like Tom said, antifreez is anti freeze - but the stuff that is marketed as better quality sells at a higher price.

Its all a matter of perceptions. I have talked to Tom and JJ before about this in relation to AGD and the paintball industry. WDP definately has a "it costs more so it has to be better" marketing ploy. Even though thier guns arent too badly priced, that fact you can pay nearly TWICE as much for a custom angel that really doesnt perform any better than a stock one adds to the mentality of "it costs more so it must be better". Same with say aftermarket parts for a cocker. "This one costs more and is shiny, it must be better". Its not just paintball - I mean, Nike makes decent shoes, but its the snobbery and million dollar athelte deals that keep them at the top.

AGD has always had an attitude of "we make quality, people will see this and buy". Kingman has and attitude of "we make 1/2 way decent crap, but we market it as the best thing since bread and sell a ton of it". Id like to see AGD evetually when things calm down a bit to be able to market their products as "the cool" thing to own. I mean, if some how Tom Cole is convincing people its cool to own an EM-1, then AGD should be able to market the perception that its cool to own a mag - and the nice thing is what when they buy the AGD product they will me more likely to be satisfied because the product is actually quality...

so... anyway - ramble ramble ramble...

its a common scheme - it works ever day and works well. People can sell a thousand of one item and make a buck each for $1000 profit, or just sell one and make a $1000 on that one sale. Its all about finding the niche.