View Full Version : I think i am going over board

07-19-2004, 11:01 AM
well i am going to be upgrading my new bushy, and it doesnt have pds (i am going to do other things)

well i truly hate chopping, chopping ruins everything, and everytime i bring a squeegie i chop

so here are the precautions i am taking on my bushy for chopping

morlock board with the yes it comes with installed
sp mod
and blind bolt

my freinds are saying m wasting my money, but this is going to work..heres my theory behind it

one fails (say the eyes) the other two (mod and blind bolt) will be able to back it up

also my freinds are saying the upgrades in the mail right now are unneeded

but i am going for perfection

so ami going overboard, i mean, its my money, but i am being told i am going overboard

07-19-2004, 11:38 AM
Sounds fine. I would go with the Halo/SP Mod/Eyes combo if it were my primary. But my Bushy is my just back, so I've been satisfied with just the Halo and eyes.

07-19-2004, 11:41 AM
also my freinds are saying the upgrades in the mail right now are unneeded

If you are chopping now, how could mods that stop chopping be unneeded? I think you are doing the right thing.

07-19-2004, 11:59 AM
well i dont have too bad chopping but i do get it sometimes

maybe i will get doc nickel to do some work on it too

i can wait its back up

as for unneeded, its cause i have so many precautions now..

so far my bushy is prety stock its got a new try (i built one :headbang: )

this is going to be my most custom creation EVER

07-19-2004, 12:08 PM
Blind bolt and SP mod are very good combo. I am working doing that right now.

If you haven't done the Macroline detent mod do it. Take some macroline cut a piece 1 mm thick about then stick it in the O-ring detent. Reduced double feeds and chops.

07-19-2004, 12:12 PM
The last I looked into the SP mod, it was only available for the bko, bot the b2k.
So when you have everything it will have a Morlock with eyes, an unchoppable bolt. But I think they're may be a problem with the Sp+ blind bolt. The SP mod was designed so when the bolt hits the ball it will bounce back. But since the blind bolt is soft and flexible, the SP mod wouldnt do much. Am I correct? Other than that it seems perfect.

Sp mod+ eyes+ bilnd bolt and then get a halo/egg/Q etc. to feed it= No more chops

07-19-2004, 12:18 PM
Ehh the cheapest way to get rid of chops would probably be getting a halo.

07-19-2004, 12:20 PM
The SP mod is available for B2ks. Also, the blind bolt and SP mod should compliment each other. Even though the blind bolt will compress on a ball, the combination of the two should work together. The Sp mod doesn't eliminate all chops from what I hear, It may still chop a few so the blind bolt should stop that from happening.

07-19-2004, 12:25 PM
i have done the oring mod..

but it is going to have a custom body soon w/ angel detents

i am going to drop 2000 + on this sucker

lets just say, even the slower ppl will be shooting fast

*is practically making a new marker off of a bushy*

07-19-2004, 12:54 PM
Its definitly worth it. Theres nothing worse than chopping when your in a bind on the field. It just ruins your game. I would put a halo on that thing too.

07-19-2004, 01:08 PM
it will have an apache (gets a dsiscount!)

a halo on testing, but an apache on game play

07-19-2004, 02:29 PM
you wanna use the full potential of the bushy, halo/egg/qloader are the only ones that will let you

07-19-2004, 02:32 PM
well i will use a halo for the testing but for team play an apache will work

No sKiLLz
07-19-2004, 02:45 PM
i have done the oring mod..

but it is going to have a custom body soon w/ angel detents

i am going to drop 2000 + on this sucker

lets just say, even the slower ppl will be shooting fast

*is practically making a new marker off of a bushy*
OMG 2K? When you put it that way, I would say no. Just get a different gun.

07-19-2004, 04:09 PM
OMG 2K? When you put it that way, I would say no. Just get a different gun.

but what you dont realise, is i dont want to buy another gun...i want to build off of this one, until its perfect for me...

plus it was what i was saving up for :D

so far here are the stats of my bushy with what just came in today

ok i got my new ram w/ sp mod, i have yet to install it
i got my micro rock assy
my sidewinder
a no name cheapy lo rise
a cheapy, but well done gauge (for low pressure)
uni-mount black w/ chrome cage
zeni 45 frame
new screws
regualr stickies
custom high flow, low impact bolt (until my blind comes)
ive also got a chaos board in there
and a custom microswitch beyond you imagination
custom tray (built by me)
special battery holder in the frame (made me me)

this is now truely ripping

i shot about half a case off of it already

soon tio come

blind bolt
new board
poison arrow barrel
custom body (i have to get some tools out)
custom ano (well it will be the first i see of it)
tornado valve
custom wiring harness

and some other tricks are going to be thrown in there

i can wait to get this on video you will stand in amazement :eek:

its pretty sweet now

07-19-2004, 07:46 PM
ok well right now, im i cand pinch paint like its no ones buissness (thinks of the lvl ten with this)

well im going to try to get some pics after i get it annoed, cause right now its part black part chrome, and strange color, which im not sure about...its kinda pewter, kinda eugghh

its either built off of some extra pieces from a bko or it is just ordered

now also im getting an acid trigger, almost blade but not really later ill try to get a pic

and i have nothing left to shoot, since i tore down my shed, and i broke the hyperball tube setup w. net in my basement

im truly afraid of the micro switch on this sucker...if i concrentrate a good blow on the trigger, it will fire, so i many make the travel a bit longer

anyway, i lost all bounce with my new microswitch, which i never actually used, but hey

right now, this is backup but it will more than likely become my new main marker (since i just got the idea to sell my timmy, well two of em, i still have my classic)

but anywho, if this doesnt become my primary, the kid livin with us will get it..

this is going to be ohhhhhh so sweet

07-19-2004, 07:54 PM
Pictures are a plus here.

07-19-2004, 09:10 PM
wait till its done..it will be AWESOME

its just way too ugly right now