View Full Version : $50,000 obo

07-19-2004, 12:16 PM
I'm getting ready to release pictures of this gun I've nearly finished, and if there's one question that always stumps me, it's,"how much does it cost?" The last of these guns I made has been rumored to have been sold for anywhere between 8,000 and 50,000 dollars, and I still get asked about it after three years.
FYI: I still own the gun.

When the pictures are released, certain judgements get made based on the looks without considering the whole scenario involved. All the comments and insults are fun to field, but the price thing sometimes induces fits of cyber rage. I've often considered taking the Doc Nickel approach which is simply fantastic..."if you have to ask, you can't afford it."

But I thought it would be more fun before anyone even sees it, to ask what kind of price tag you thought would be reasonable for a piece of work with the following considerations:

1. The cost of the gun itself including all the components is roughly 1000$
2. The cost of the tools needed for this project approaches 500$
3. And last, over the past one and three quarters of a year I have easily investested 1200 hours of actual hands on labor, not including the other 300 or so hours spent designing, assembling, disassembling, fitting, thinking, and debating what to do.

I'll assume that most of you wouldn't embark on a project like this to begin with, so let's not get into a debate about how stupid I have to be to do all of this for the fun of it. You're bored enough to be reading this thread so say maybe you'll take the time to answer a few simple questions.

1.How much would you ask for something like this if you made it?
2.How much would you pay for something like this if you were able to afford it at any price?
3.Would you sell it for the asking price or give in to a much lower offer?
4.Can you put a price tag on something without looking at it?
5.How horrible would you feel if some one stole this one of a kind work from you?
Steve Davidsons one of a kind Triggernomics Micro E-mag HAS been stolen, and I feel awful. Please let me know if you have any info about this gun.

Thanks for your response in advance, there will be lot more to talk about soon enough,

07-19-2004, 12:19 PM
if this is similar to any of the other triggernomics guns then it should be worth a few thousand easy. whether it is worth 20k...i dunno i would really have to see it..but then people (especially me) will tell you that beauty is really in the eyes of the beholder!

dan if you are in ME, see if you can swing down to Derry NH and come to our field at paintball rocks


I would love to see this gun in person and would personally guarantee its safety.

07-19-2004, 12:27 PM
Well lets see if we put this into my estimating for my remodeling business we would come to a grand total of $54,570. That is estimated at $35 per hour X 1500 hours. And 38% markup for materials. (i added the tools onto the materials). Would love to see pics of a $60,000 pb marker. :shooting:

07-19-2004, 12:28 PM
Wait... I think I missed something. What's all this now? (Oh BTW I would def say that spending a ton of time and money on something cause it's fun is great. Come on, we play paintball don't we ;) )

07-19-2004, 12:33 PM
this is about a new triggernomics marker...if it comes out like the previous ones did...then it will easily be worth 20k in my opinion..and no i don't have the money

07-19-2004, 12:37 PM
Dan is an artist, a masterat shaping metal. Take your karta body, you know how it flows? Well dan does this all by hand,and then some. Triggernomic markers, are the epitome of design. They are amazing. All done by hand,and the metal looks like it is litterally melting. Dan, im glad to see you back, and i cannot wait to see the new project. You have my attention!

07-19-2004, 12:58 PM
I wouldnt pay more than 1400. I dont really care if my marker is unique though. I wouldnt spend more than that because I can get a fly, dm4 or a x mag for the same price. I think in the right market you could get a lot more $$$$ For it though. :headbang:

07-19-2004, 01:46 PM
uhhhh, im bored w/this post after reading all 4....ummm pics? thats right, NOW.

*edit* i was mistaken. a whopping 7 posts bored me.

07-19-2004, 02:02 PM
yes i want to see pics...very interested

Creative Mayhem
07-19-2004, 02:19 PM
Considering the work that MAghog has done in the past, and the time, effort and money that goes into such things, I would prolly pay close to $5000(provided I have an exorbant amount of money lying around :rolleyes: ) but depending on what it is, and how much I WANT it, I would prolly go higher, cause I'm a tard(again, if there was crazy money lying around)


07-19-2004, 02:35 PM
I thikn I speak for everyone when I say:


but still, I agree with the others, I'd pay no more then $1200 or so for a marker, no matter how unique it is. After that I would think it goes beyond being a "marker" and becomes a piece of art. who wants to play with a 20k piece of art? I personally would be worried of it getting ruined :)

07-19-2004, 02:58 PM
Well I would pay double or tripple for a rare gun that had one of a kind value. I would suppose this is like art, some people will spend 100k on a painting others think is stupid. In considering a price to pay I personally really don't consider the time spent its the other things like rarity and appeal that count more.

I just spent 1400 on a Desert Duck that I'm sure didn't cost that much to make but it was featured in the 1989 magazine article so was valuable to me.

Then again I have Maghog's Minimag he made and I wouldn't sell it for 20k. Glad to have you back Dan, how was Germany??


The Action Figure
07-19-2004, 03:14 PM
you got a little too much money around to not give me an xmag lets see somt pics of the desert duck

07-19-2004, 03:27 PM
i sencond what warpfeedmod said

07-19-2004, 03:31 PM
I would never spend that much on a marker, but I am insanely interested to see some pics. Sounds awesome man.

07-19-2004, 03:36 PM
Your work is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay which I assume is what your feeling out here. The real question is how many do you want to sell. If you sell thousand dollar guns for five grand you are not going to get many takers even if they look really cool. It is irrelevant how much you spent on tools and how much time you spent making the gun. All that matters is the current state of the gun market. In my opinion you can't go much over two grand if you want to sell more than a couple to the odd collectors out there...

07-19-2004, 03:52 PM
I would never spend that much on a marker, but I am insanely interested to see some pics. Sounds awesome man.

07-19-2004, 03:52 PM
If you're the one that made my local proshop's marker, then without even seeing your next work I'd pay $5000 for it easily (assuming I had that much money available). The masterpiece that Kirt at Rogue Paintball owns is easily the most impressive marker I've ever seen - and one that I wouldn't dare actually play with.
It's not so much a paintball marker as it is a work of art.

I'm getting ready to release pictures of this gun I've nearly finished, and if there's one question that always stumps me, it's,"how much does it cost?" The last of these guns I made has been rumored to have been sold for anywhere between 8,000 and 50,000 dollars, and I still get asked about it after three years.
FYI: I still own the gun.

When the pictures are released, certain judgements get made based on the looks without considering the whole scenario involved. All the comments and insults are fun to field, but the price thing sometimes induces fits of cyber rage. I've often considered taking the Doc Nickel approach which is simply fantastic..."if you have to ask, you can't afford it."

But I thought it would be more fun before anyone even sees it, to ask what kind of price tag you thought would be reasonable for a piece of work with the following considerations:

1. The cost of the gun itself including all the components is roughly 1000$
2. The cost of the tools needed for this project approaches 500$
3. And last, over the past one and three quarters of a year I have easily investested 1200 hours of actual hands on labor, not including the other 300 or so hours spent designing, assembling, disassembling, fitting, thinking, and debating what to do.

I'll assume that most of you wouldn't embark on a project like this to begin with, so let's not get into a debate about how stupid I have to be to do all of this for the fun of it. You're bored enough to be reading this thread so say maybe you'll take the time to answer a few simple questions.

1.How much would you ask for something like this if you made it?
2.How much would you pay for something like this if you were able to afford it at any price?
3.Would you sell it for the asking price or give in to a much lower offer?
4.Can you put a price tag on something without looking at it?
5.How horrible would you feel if some one stole this one of a kind work from you?
Steve Davidsons one of a kind Triggernomics Micro E-mag HAS been stolen, and I feel awful. Please let me know if you have any info about this gun.

Thanks for your response in advance, there will be lot more to talk about soon enough,

07-19-2004, 04:00 PM
or at least photos of the past project guns?

07-19-2004, 04:06 PM
Here is one that I believe Dan did:

07-19-2004, 04:08 PM
Man I gotta change my sig. I'm still in Germany guys, and will be for a while.
If there's anything that's going to drag me back to the states, it'll be paintball.
I really miss playing, but the gun carving keeps me going.

The first three of these guns (Tom's, Steve's Stolen One, and the Micrococker) all work and are able to be played with like normal guns. This one, um, well, er....I kinda went a little too far. All the components are in place and ready to do what they are supposed to, but I don't even know if the air chamber walls are thick enough to hold as much as 20 psi without being compromised. That's not mentioning that the structure of the body itself is barely holding together. If the air chamber did hold, I'd give this gun about 10 cycles tops before aluminum starts snapping and collapsing left and right.

So, did I mention anywhere that I was selling a working gun? To be totally honest, I hate the fact that I can't ever put air on it and try it out, but I really wanted to go all out on this one and when you guys see it, I don't think you're going to care very much about function either.
Don't forget, I never said anybody HAS to buy it, I was just interested in your thoughts.

lord1234, when I do come back stateside sometime next year, there will most likely be an exhibit date for this gun in Maine. Maybe you'll come visit. I can't promise you I'll stop by, but I'll keep you in mind.

vonort, thanks for your formula, very close to my own calculations.

Finally, everybody, I am waiting to post pics worse than you are, but there are still a few loose ends I need to tie up to complete this thing. If all goes as planned, and it should, I will show pictures here on AO (and nowhere else) sometime in September.
I'm really sorry to have bored you, I promise that my next thread will more revealing.

07-19-2004, 04:09 PM
Dans work belongs in a glass case in a art museum, but really should be on the field.
His work is the ultimate in WOW, $1500 stock angel? who cares, Dans work will blow anything out of the water.
Do a search for maghog and look at his work, it might not be for everybody but you have to respect the work.
I would love to turn Dan loose with some Excal, slug and an angel body. mmmmmmmmmm!
And yes I would (if I had the money) pay ALOT for his work.

07-19-2004, 04:53 PM


Jeez, talk about jumping the gun with this thread :(

I think we should turn it into a "post pictures of maghogs work" thread.

Oh... still making triggers? I could be in the market... :tard:

07-19-2004, 07:29 PM
awwww... SEPTEMBER!? that is just evil... evil i say!!! :cuss:

Don't hype us up and then make us wait 2 months!!!! shame on you! lol

Don't worry Dan, you know we love ya! I'm lookin forward to this thing when you post it!

07-19-2004, 09:57 PM
Maghog - put in another vote for a stop in Maine if you come stateside, I'll try to be there.
Your autococker catches my eye every time I'm in the shop, it's this wonderful bright gleaming masterpiece. I can't wait to see what's next :wow:

Doc Nickel
07-20-2004, 01:15 AM
Dan- You might be surprised how much pressure a fairly thin wall can take.

Now, of course, it matters what kind of gun it originally was (if that's the right phrase) since a 'Cocker running 200 psi isn't going to need the same pressures as a 12-gram Phantom or an RT 'Mag.

If I may make a purely selfish suggestion ( :D ) if you had a photo or two- that I would keep in strictest confidence, of course- I'd give my quasi-professional opinion. Depending on what you've done and what you started with, perhaps I can make a couple of suggestions as to what might be done to make it fully, or at least moreso, functional.


07-20-2004, 03:58 AM
Dan- You might be surprised how much pressure a fairly thin wall can take.

Now, of course, it matters what kind of gun it originally was (if that's the right phrase) since a 'Cocker running 200 psi isn't going to need the same pressures as a 12-gram Phantom or an RT 'Mag.

If I may make a purely selfish suggestion ( :D ) if you had a photo or two- that I would keep in strictest confidence, of course- I'd give my quasi-professional opinion. Depending on what you've done and what you started with, perhaps I can make a couple of suggestions as to what might be done to make it fully, or at least moreso, functional.


I would advise that you take him up on that offer, Dan. Even though it really "doesn't matter" if the gun is functional since it's meant to be a display piece / art, it makes it MUCH more appealing even in that regard to know that it could function, even though it shouldn't have to. Imagine a beautifully crafted ceremonial Japanese sword, intricately patterned, beautifully detailed.. generally a masterpiece. Now imagine that the thing couldn't cut through butter. It might not make much difference to some people, but I know it would to me. Even though I could still appreciate the beauty of it as a work of art and craftsmanship, it would feel less like a sword/paintball gun if I knew that it wasn't capable of filling that role.

That said, if it's already beyond the point where it could be made functional (and Doc agrees) then don't sweat it. I'm a big fan of the work that you've done in the past, and I'm sure you'll continue to impress with this next one. Can't wait to see it.


The Frymarker
07-20-2004, 06:56 AM
Well I can't wait to see it :)!!!!

I feel that a one of a kind piece of artwork by anyone, including yourself is priceless, and to put a price on it wouldn't do it justice.

To have a piece of your artwork in my possesion is an honor and I have much pride in. I can't wait to get started on new projects that you have inspired me with your triggers, they will have nice homes :)

I would never sell any triggers that you gave me, maybe I'm being selfish, however they are little treasures for me to hold dear to my heart and I would never let them go. I from experience know that they are made from a true artist in the field and many hours are put into your art. They go beyond mere currency to a plane of their own astonishment.

Let see those pics!!!!

07-20-2004, 08:20 AM
i wait ...........may go mad before then, but I wait.

Can you tell us what type of gun it is? Or did I miss that?

07-20-2004, 10:12 AM
seriously...you post this and then tell us two months till we see pics...you're sure you don't want to reconsider? I'm sure we know some AOers in Germany ready to come over and beat you for it ;)

good work chief...i'll be looking forward to it.