View Full Version : More Xmag Electro Problems

07-19-2004, 08:55 PM
Here is my story. The last time I played was four days ago and my Xmag was working flawlessly, lvl 10 and everything. Didnt have any gun hits whatsoever so I decided not to clean my gun because there was nothing to clean. I am refing at our field on Sunday and someone wants to see my gun, so I air it up and turn everything on. Now all of the sudden my gun does not work in Emode. Every time the gun shoots in Emode the board turns off and turns back on. The same thing happens in hybrid but Manual works fine. If the eyes are on... then the board will not reset until an object is placed so that the gun will fire. I check all of the wires and they all seem fine, its not due to vibration from the gun shooting because it does the same with no air. I am planning on taking it to AGD tomorrow but if someone can save me a trip that would be great. If you have any questions just ask.

07-19-2004, 10:07 PM
Full battery?

07-20-2004, 08:10 AM
Sounds like a low battery problem. Check your battery level/voltage. Check your battery contacts for dirt (both on the battery and on the gun). Check the screw that holds the board in the grip frame. If it becomes loose, it can cause problems like this. Also check the same screw for excess annodizing or corrosion ( a little moisture can cause corrosion). You may have to clean it using a thread cleaner (tap) in order that it makes a good electrical contact.

07-20-2004, 11:26 AM
The battery is full and I cleaned all of the contacts and tightened all of the screws and the same problem still exists. Thanks for the help and any other options are welcomed.

07-20-2004, 04:59 PM
Try re-adjusting the trigger magnet. Check to see that there is some trigger travel 'before' it actually fires and some trigger travel 'after' it fires.

07-20-2004, 06:24 PM
OK. There is plenty of room for the trigger to move because it is easier for me to walk it. Went all the way to AGD today and found out that the service was closed for a week due to IAO. Thanks for all of the replies and keep them coming.

07-21-2004, 10:03 AM
It really does sound like a battery connection problem. Check all the wires between the battery and the board. Check the battery wires inside the housing. There could be a pinched wire somewhere.

07-22-2004, 09:50 AM
Checked every wire and nothing is pinched and there is no bare wire showing anywhere. I also checked all of the contacts again, the HES magnet, and made sure that the boards were still tightly srewed in. The only thing that I can think of is that it is something in one of the boards, but I will try anything so keep the good advice coming.

07-22-2004, 10:06 AM
Just curious but have you checked the battery with a voiltage meter? Both on and off the gun? Have you checked the voltage while attempting to firing the marker? Also, if any of that shows an issue, checking the voltage with the soleniod disconnected.

07-22-2004, 10:28 AM
I have not checked the battery with a voltage meter but I have two separate batteries that I have been using and I get the same results from both. Is the voltage still supposed to be 18 volts? Also, I know where to test off the battery, but where do I check off the gun?

07-22-2004, 05:02 PM
On the gun you can check the voltage by grounding the meter to any bare metal on the frame and then probe the solder point on the board where soleniod wire is connected.It's the leg of the 'niod that goes straight to the board not the leg that goes to the transister. (little black box w/ 3 legs and the 'niod wire connected to the middle leg)


Check the resistance to ground between the frame and the ground lug up by the battery mount inside the frame.There should basically be little to no resistance at all,meaning that the frame and therefore the board which grounds to the frame through the lower board mount screw(check that too BTW)do have a good connection to the ground terminal of the battery.

07-22-2004, 08:22 PM
OK... Will do... The ground lug does not move whatsoever no matter how much preassure I put on it. I looked all around today and I dont know where my voltage meter went so I will have to go buy one tomorrow, so I guess this is on hold till then. I will let you know all of the voltages tomorrow. Thanks.