View Full Version : automags in General

07-19-2004, 09:18 PM
Im currently shooting a Angel force 4 with tech trigger and crane settings.

Im looking into something new and wondering about automags preferably the RT's, X-mag, E-Mag. stuff that shoots at least 20BPS. I've never even held a automag so Im hoping someone can fill me in on whats good? Im looking for reliability mostly but easy maintenance is good too.

I found this place through a link someone posted on one of our local boards. the link was to a video of a RT with a windhair trigger and I though that was shooting nice for a mech gun and a gun which I might be interested in. anyway thanks for any info, Ted from Ma.

Duck Hunt
07-19-2004, 09:35 PM
Hiya Ted this is Duck Hunt from Canobie. Were you the Ted at team practice last Sunday? I currently shoot a Xvalved RT Pro if you want to check it out let me know the next time you're around Canobie I'll show you all you need to know about Mags! I personally haven't shot any Emags or Xmags, but mine is very easily maintained and I've NEVER had a problem with it. Shoot me an email if you want at [email protected]

Heres a pic incase you noticed it.

The hAir trigger isn't out YET, but will definitly compete with the big boys when it does.


07-19-2004, 09:35 PM
Actually, it's called the "Deadlywind hAir trigger" and to say it shoots nice for a mech gun is probably the understatement of the century! Do a search for it and you will come up with MANY threads on this topic with lots of good info. It's not out yet, so join the club waiting for one! :cheers:

07-19-2004, 10:47 PM
For a mech mag I'd go with the ule RT-pro, they are great guns, high quality, very well made, low maintenence guns. THey are lightweight, durable and reliable. Level 10 bolt won't chop paint, and they shoot quietly and are pretty consistent. Plus if you get an adjustable tank and play around with input pressures you can get the reactive trigger effect and achieve insaine rates of fire.
Great backup gun for that ANgel$, and a great loaner gun due to it's ease of use and durability.

07-19-2004, 11:01 PM
As far as E/X-Mags go, the only extra moving part they have from the RT Pro is the solenoid plunger. They are each capped at 20bps each, which should be plenty. Not really any more maintinance than an RT Pro.

X-Mags are functionally the same as E-mags, the only difference is a super sexy body with the rail built into it and interchangeable breeches and an ACE system (which can be installed onto emags if you wish). That and all of them come stock with an X-Valve (most emags still have the older stainless valves, and the later ones came with X-Vales and some were upgraded to X-Valves).

Emags are the cheaper of the electro mags, some have the old stianless bodies, but a lot are turning up with ULE bodies.

If you decide to get an E/X-Mag, it is up to you if it's worth it or not to spend the extra $400-500 or so to get the X-Mag, if you have the extra cash, by all means go for it :)

07-20-2004, 12:51 AM
i own an rt pro, and swear by it... but if i had the money to go up to an e/x mag, there would be no ?'s asked. if you can, get the xmag, really light, fast, ACE, stock X-Valve, and a nice milled body.


DaNiMaL :ninja:

07-20-2004, 07:53 AM
personally I'd wait till the hAir trigger comes out then you can have the same insane light trigger pull that the angel has all without the need for a battery! Mech mags are reliable but I just never could pull a mechanical trigger very fast. That's why I moved to an Angel. But this mechanical trigger frame will see me returning to a mechanical gun again.

07-20-2004, 07:24 PM
hey everyone thanks for the posts and you guys are right about wait for that new trigger out and then decide.. Duck Hunt I'll be sending you a e-mail man thanks.

duckhunt: my team usually practices at CCP (Terapudic-Novice-NEPL)

Cool fool!
07-21-2004, 08:59 PM
are those new angels actually fast guns. the trigger seems to be a long pull...

07-22-2004, 03:09 AM
are those new angels actually fast guns. the trigger seems to be a long pull...

They are very adjustable, mine doesnt move more than 2mm.