View Full Version : how many people play with thier RT's/automags in tourneys?

07-19-2004, 10:03 PM
well, im gettin a mag soon, and i will be able to upgrade it to an rt valve and ULT...im just wondering how many people play with thier mags in tourneys. im gonna be goin up against trixes, impys, angels....stuff like that. i dont think i will be able to stand much of a chance against them...

07-19-2004, 10:08 PM
I have played in two novice tournys. One time using my RTP an the other using a mech Cocker.
I am 33 years old , 6'3" , a touch overweight,definately out of shape, and am slow.
My 3 man team placed first both times.

It isn't the marker in your hands , its the player and team behind it. Communication and strategy are the keys.

07-19-2004, 10:10 PM
I use my classic all the time tournys and rec play. i never feel out gunned or anything cause its teh person for the most part. i've gotten people out with all the high end gear with one shot cause they were not paying atention and were not a very good player. just belive in your self and every thing will work out.

07-19-2004, 10:14 PM
IMO, it depends on the competition.

If it's a weak field and your a decent player,you may do fine. If it's a strong field, you may be in a bit of trouble. ;)

It isn't the marker in your hands , its the player and team behind it.

'Cept if they're as good as you AND have superior firepower you better have plenty of clean rags handy. :D

07-19-2004, 10:15 PM
alright, thanks guys! thats all i needed to hear.

07-19-2004, 11:16 PM
I've played in a bunch of rookie tournaments and did better than fine. But now I have an sfl e-mag

07-19-2004, 11:25 PM
I've only used AGD markers in what tournies I've played in. Kicked arse.

07-20-2004, 12:25 AM
ive played all my tourneys with my classic
weve placed 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and one tourney we didnt place, but beat the teams that got 2nd and 3rd.
our 3 man team has 2 classics and one dark angel. dark angel man plays back

at first when i started i felt like i wouldnt be able to contend, but its really not a problem, i love my mag and i dont want to get something else.

07-20-2004, 12:27 AM
I've been playing with my RTP ever since I got into tourneys, and I won't use anything else.

07-20-2004, 12:48 AM
my team is all mag.. we've got 2 classic mags, 1 hypermag, 1 RT, 2 emags. it really doesnt matter what youre shooting, its the person behind it, that was proved at the last tourny i was at (last weekend). it was a 3 man, there were teams shooting everything from 03 shockers and cyborgs to tippys (one guy on one team had a tippman) actually pretty much everything was high end. anyways, there was a very experienced team that shot only pumps, and they one every game they played. including the championship :). point is it really doesnt matter what you shoot, its whats behind the marker that matters.

07-20-2004, 01:26 AM
I just got back from playin at a field near Detroit. All the people there had trixs, timmies, etc. I used my RT and had a field day :headbang: . Like they said before, it really matters who is behind the marker.


07-20-2004, 06:40 AM
I play in a novice team, and my ULT'd RTP keeps up just fine with the angels, imps, tyimmys etc. Only time I wish I had a couple of extra bps is sweetspotting of the break, but its not too bad...but the hAir-trigger is mine as soon as its released =). Gonna kick some electro arse with it then :cheers:

07-20-2004, 07:43 PM
hey Im shooting a Angel Force 4 which will hit 27BPS but Im usually around 22BPS and I have to say that Im a Novice player at 34 yrs old with a lot more to learn and I have been bunkered and gogged by guys shooting mechanical cockers sometimes only firing one shot! sometimes I can't believe they even hit me at all cause of the accuracy issues with paint these days.

its defenitely not the gun "UNLESS" you have my Job which is Pour it on and don't stop shooting until the game is won and talk talk talk. I once watched a guy with a Phantom Pump gun playing airball at a big game where there was alot of rec-ballers just gog the crap outta people with one ball snap shots, this guy had the skillz. this guy didn't plauy anymore cause of kids but he was oldschool hardcore with that pump gun that day!

50 cal
07-20-2004, 08:42 PM
I use my E Mag as my tourney gun, with my classic RT as back up. Some of the ridiculous rates of fire with guns that have a debounce setting are just for people with no game. Oh yeah, the Nomex suit is on and ready with that one!

Both of my guns have been with me for a long time and have never failed to do the job asked of them.