View Full Version : Automag Owners Unite

07-20-2004, 02:08 AM
RT mag owners and classic mag owners must unite. are guns aare worth a lot more then they can be re sold for. why is it that cocker owners can but theor guns for 400 and then sell them for 350, but mag owners buy and upgrade their guns for 500 and have to sell them for 270 when are guns are much better then theirs and they have less problem, they are just all around better, i say everyone who is trying to sell a mag should ask for more so that people trying to find one ahve to buy them for our price. one reason why mags are put down is because they used to chop a lot but with the invention of the level 10 that is not a problem any more and these other players dont seem to know it.

07-20-2004, 02:51 AM
uh? i can pretty much make 200% profit on my rtp if i wanted to sell it... (yes i bought it dirt cheap but it needed some work to get into operate at a competitive level)

07-20-2004, 02:55 AM
Hes still right tho man, i bought my classic for 123.00 and put all the stuff in my sig on it everything is totally new, used twice, and i bet you i could only get 500 for it all with my halo...if im lucky! Mags depreciate so quick its not even funny. I wish somethin could be done tho. OH WELL.

07-20-2004, 02:59 AM
You might want to thank Tom for that since he has streamlined his product line down to 2 markers...

Those two markers are at drop dead prices already too. A full option ule rt custom will only be 500 dollars. That means a used/older model marker should be selling for less unless it's an emag/xmag.

07-20-2004, 04:10 AM
stop selling your mags to cocker owners!!!! duh

07-20-2004, 07:48 AM
Hes still right tho man, i bought my classic for 123.00 and put all the stuff in my sig on it everything is totally new, used twice, and i bet you i could only get 500 for it all with my halo...if im lucky! Mags depreciate so quick its not even funny. I wish somethin could be done tho. OH WELL.

thats right you bought your mag for $123...now if you want the resale to go up i guess you really should have paid more then $200 for it. kind of a catch 22. you want high resale when your selling but low resale when you bought... :tard:

07-20-2004, 08:33 AM
You kidding?

The cocker market is flooded, there are reguarlly 2k+ cockers for 200 and under... I suppose some of the newer aftermarket cockers might hold value for awhile, but stock cocker resale blows...

A smart mag owner can make money by selling his gun. Just look at the Tac One... new they sell for $450... AGD sells the tac one body alone for $200, and how many of those do you see floating around the used forums? If you were to part out the Tac one, just look at the average used price... Body: Probably around $150, Rail: New for 60, used for probably 40, Xvalve, you could get around 230-250 for it, Intelliframe: About 90... add those up: $570...

07-20-2004, 11:53 AM
if you want to get the most $ back on your mag, part it out. Everyone who posts their guns and say "no parting!" will get probably 100 bucks less, than if they parted everything out.

07-20-2004, 01:36 PM
thats right you bought your mag for $123...now if you want the resale to go up i guess you really should have paid more then $200 for it. kind of a catch 22. you want high resale when your selling but low resale when you bought... :tard:

lol true but in my case the powertube was broken :eek: and so before it could be used it was guartenteed that id have to put some money into it. Plus it was my friend who sold it to me so ofcourse im gonna get a deal.

07-20-2004, 06:03 PM
theflameing koosh yeah but it is very easy to add upgrades to it, and a lot of begginer paintballers like cockers because of how the back block moves, they go owww and awww and buy it

07-20-2004, 06:42 PM
not to try to know AGD at all (and i do own a mag) but it seems like WGP addvertises alot more then AGD does...this is part why there markers are alot more then most mags...and a big reason why newer paintballers like to pick a cocker over a mag(not even knowing what there going to have to go threw if there gun breaks or isn't timed right or somthing little like that)

also it seems to me that the better part of the feilds i go to when i see people rent a "high end" marker it is 7 out of 10 times a cocker...this letting the newer players think that they are better then other markers...

07-20-2004, 09:36 PM
belive me i had a friend who bought a cocker as his first gun and he said he bought it cuz he though the back block moving was cool

07-20-2004, 09:37 PM