View Full Version : mag support in canada?

07-20-2004, 03:51 AM
Hi, I live in B.C canada. I was wondering where else I can buy mag parts besides ebay? and used items on forums. I was hoping some place local, but all dealers in my area don't sell mag parts. help? or good prices online for new parts would be nice too. thanks.

07-20-2004, 08:24 AM
Hi, I live in B.C canada. I was wondering where else I can buy mag parts besides ebay? and used items on forums. I was hoping some place local, but all dealers in my area don't sell mag parts. help? or good prices online for new parts would be nice too. thanks.


07-20-2004, 09:37 AM
AGD deals directly with these guys from Manitoba.


Right now he has 3 mags in stock 1 classic and I think 2 RTs

you can also contact him thru email if you wanna know more details, the owner of the shop plays for his own team and knows quite a bit about mags. He's also the guy who hooked me up for my custom done warp.

Jeff's E-Mail: [email protected]

Hope this helps you out,

Duke Henry
07-20-2004, 09:40 AM
Hi, I live in B.C canada. I was wondering where else I can buy mag parts besides ebay? and used items on forums. I was hoping some place local, but all dealers in my area don't sell mag parts. help? or good prices online for new parts would be nice too. thanks.

What are you looking for? It might help...

Oh yeah, and Alter Ego Sports rocks. Best AGD dealer in Canada.

07-20-2004, 11:30 AM
Im not sure if www.premiumpaintball.com is a dealer, but they have x-mags in stock!!! My friend bought one.

Eric Cartman
07-20-2004, 01:03 PM
Im not sure if www.premiumpaintball.com is a dealer, but they have x-mags in stock!!! My friend bought one.

I know the guys at Premium pretty well. I bought my first mag from the owner before he even had the store. They do carry some mag parts, but not a lot. As stated, they have a few X mags sitting around as well.
It really depends on what you're looking for.

I'd never heard of Alter Ego, but I'll be checking them out if I need anything that Premium doesn't have in stock.

07-20-2004, 01:07 PM
I get most of my mag parts from General's Quarters is Saskatchewan. Phone (306) 749-3200 evenings.

07-20-2004, 01:12 PM
you can get parts at www.paintballgear.ca (http://www.paintballgear.ca) theyve got some stuff and if he doesnt have what you want, just give him a shout and he'll order it in for ya. oh and i noticed that youre from surrey so out of all the so far suggested places i believe this is the closest one to you (its in vernon btw)

07-21-2004, 11:21 AM
whoa, thanks guys, lots of help in just under one night! I'll check it out, I'm mainly just looking for places around my area with good experience with agd products and good prices that don't include crazy shipping and currency exchanges. Thanks! But, I'll check out all the places you guys listed. Thanks again,


- Joe