View Full Version : how to change input pressure

10-18-2001, 06:11 PM
i have a 88" 4500 pure energy tank and want to know how to change the input pressure, i seem to be breaking a lot of balls, this may be problem

10-18-2001, 06:41 PM
well if it is screwin "preset" tank you cant the only thing you can do is adjust your veloicty.....

other factors for breakin balls:
shortstrokin the trigger
nubbin(s) not adjusted correctly
large bore paintball in a smallbore barrel
powerfeed plug not aligned right
cheap and/or misformed paint (either that or it is really thin shelled paint)

welp thats all i can think of right now i'm sure the others will bump my $.02 worth up a few more pennys if i forgot anything

10-18-2001, 06:50 PM
Input pressure on a Mag has nothing to do with paint breakage. Look at the things virus listed.

10-18-2001, 08:21 PM
but........ if you have the velocity too hight it does deform balls with the pressure it puts on the ball...... and if you wanna adjust input....... just get a adjustable tank or a regulator

10-18-2001, 09:11 PM
Input pressure is considered the pressure coming from the tank. Whether the input pressure is 500psi or 1000psi, it will be regulated down to 375psi in the Mag valve.

So, the only thing pressure related that could be breaking paint is the velocity of the gun is set too high. Make sure it's shooting around 280fps and it shouldn't be breaking paint provided it's not bad quality.