View Full Version : damn i chop bad

07-20-2004, 08:45 PM
yeh i have emag with 1.37 software with a egg on it sone to be warp feed and i notice if i point my gun down like three balls will come out wen i fire going out onto the field and i notice that i dont have ball detents so thats a problem can anyone explain that ? and also idk if i shoot to fast for my egg r wat but i chop horiblaly and im waiting to get lvxbut am i short stroking it r wat since im lost and i only had my mag for like 2 month can anyone give me the run down on my emag

signed back man for team xtc out of lafayette,la

fat kids all the way

07-20-2004, 09:06 PM
Im guessing you dont have a ULE body since you dont have any detents. If you just got the emag, on the barrel is there a plastic or metal nubbin and 2 o-rings?

07-20-2004, 09:24 PM
yeh but wat bout my chops *POOF goes the racial slur, watch it*

07-20-2004, 11:06 PM
Kind of hard to read your post, but It sounds to me like you are double feeding.
so..that will cause breaks all the time no matter how good your level 10 is tuned because one or two balls are fed into the barrel (but not fired) and then the ball that is fired is shot into the ball that has been fed into the barrel and then blammo a barrel break happens!
If you dont have a ULE body then change your nubbin, and slow down your hopper.

best bet is to get a ULE body, it has more effective ball detents that prevent double feeding.

07-21-2004, 09:54 AM
Good barrel nubbins should help prevent the double feeding. Check the size of the barrel id vs the size of the balls you are using. If the barrel is way too big for the ball, then the barrel nubbin(s) may not work well anyway.

The egg is essentially a gravity feed hopper, especially on the second shot before the egg motor starts. If you are fast on the trigger, you can easily chop the second shot.

You are in bad need of a level 10 bolt.

07-22-2004, 07:50 PM
thanx ppl i figured it out a barrel i had didnt have the little retarted nubin

but now i have another probilem does anybody kno were i can get a nubin

07-22-2004, 09:06 PM
your local pb shop, or the AGD website store, or maybe ask in the classifides here is someone has some to sell.