View Full Version : I need pics of anodized Valves.

Empyreal Rogue
07-20-2004, 09:25 PM
As the title says I need pictures of anyone that has an anodized valve.

I want to get a full Black Dust Ano on my marker and when I spoke with WW he said the ano would cover the X-Valve laser engraving. I know Tunaman can put the laser engraving back on. Which brings up another question, does he put the new engraving on (The large "X") or the old style (X-ValvE)?

07-20-2004, 09:28 PM
Do your self a favor and dont re-anno the valve. It will lead to problems and void your warranty. You will also lose the serial # so the valve will have zero resale and look like a hot (stolen) marker. Sell your valve and lets do a new one from scratch. That is the CORRECT way to do it. I can put whatever laser engraving you like on there as long as it is AGD approved..Email me . ;)

07-20-2004, 09:48 PM
Since he's planning on doing a dust finish, that brings up the question: Can you do dust finished X-Valves?

07-20-2004, 09:52 PM
Yes I can. There are a few Tunamax's in dust coming back from anno real soon. Dust comes out the best. Due to the different alloys used, the dust finishes come out much more uniform.

Empyreal Rogue
07-20-2004, 09:55 PM
I sent you an email, Tuna.