View Full Version : Avalnche rules still!

07-20-2004, 10:31 PM
Maybe not first, but they've finished in top 10 in all NPPL events so far!

07-20-2004, 10:38 PM
i remember back in 2k1 when avalanche had poorman, lasoya, cagnoni, weasel, so many awesome players, they were so amazing

07-20-2004, 11:25 PM
yeah, but the greatest thing about denver, dynasty didnt win, hell they didnt even take second, that was sooooo great, those guys seriously made me mad because they were such d**** to us refs

07-20-2004, 11:58 PM
Really? What were they like, elPimpo?

I've heard they're kinda weird, and that they're pretty cliquey.

07-21-2004, 12:27 AM
i remember back in 2k1 when avalanche had poorman, lasoya, cagnoni, weasel, so many awesome players, they were so amazing

LOL Weasel sucked on Av. Im sorry, he brought them down

07-21-2004, 01:21 AM
well one of their back up guys comes in and he has his gun, and i thought he was playing, so i asked him to chronograph it, and he was like no dude, i dont need to do that, and i was like why not, and he told me he was a back up, but then i asked him why he needed to have his gun and stuff in there and he got all pissy with me and he was a jerk, then every time i saw him for the rest of the day he gave me dirty looks. then dynasty always shoots refs they dont like on purpose. they just didnt impress me, not to mention they cuss like truckers.

07-21-2004, 01:29 AM
well one of their back up guys comes in and he has his gun, and i thought he was playing, so i asked him to chronograph it, and he was like no dude, i dont need to do that, and i was like why not, and he told me he was a back up, but then i asked him why he needed to have his gun and stuff in there and he got all pissy with me and he was a jerk, then every time i saw him for the rest of the day he gave me dirty looks. then dynasty always shoots refs they dont like on purpose. they just didnt impress me, not to mention they cuss like truckers.

I remember seeing avalanche get into a fight with someone at NPPL Philly 2 summers ago.

07-21-2004, 01:38 AM
As a ref, you have the final say. If a player mouths off to you, just tell them to shut up and go about doing what you need to do. Seriously, you have the power - don't let a player intimidate you. If I'm reffing and I know a player got hit and they try to tell me otherwise, they get a nice "I don't care, get off of the field."

well one of their back up guys comes in and he has his gun, and i thought he was playing, so i asked him to chronograph it, and he was like no dude, i dont need to do that, and i was like why not, and he told me he was a back up, but then i asked him why he needed to have his gun and stuff in there and he got all pissy with me and he was a jerk, then every time i saw him for the rest of the day he gave me dirty looks. then dynasty always shoots refs they dont like on purpose. they just didnt impress me, not to mention they cuss like truckers.

07-21-2004, 01:59 AM
*POOF* dude, we were throwing out suspentions for crap like that, but he didnt cuss at me or anything so i wasnt to worried aboiut it, its just that he thought he was all big and bad cause he was on dynasty. oh well,

And you have a problem with 'lanche cussing?

07-21-2004, 02:45 AM
The only things i dont like about the tourney scene are the attitudes of some of the players and the rampant cheating. Not respecting refs is WAY out of line.

back on topic, i remember when avalanche rocked the tourney scene. I still think they are a pretty good team, even though most if not all the players are different since 01.

07-21-2004, 10:57 AM
guys, in tampa, there was very little respect for refs.

cheating by "pro" teams was common, we were told to be on our best game for pro teams. every time a "pro" team entered the field, the tower ref gave what i call the "kiss the pro's butts speech" over the radio. did he do that for the no names? nope.

respect for refs from higher level players was lacking. the best team there was the guys that were dead last. they were very nice to me and played hard. no cheating, no questionable actions. nothing. thats why you'll never hear of them. they did win their last game which made me very happy.

on my buddy's field, dynasty was told several times "no metal cleats" yet they kept doing it.

on my field the ton tons cheated like wild west card sharks and when we penalized them, they went through our ref hutch and kicked over the tables and chairs. twice, two different games. when they won, they were the nicest guys. and they do speak english, i firmly believe that. how many times can you travel to the states and not pick up at least the words you need to know, unless you're a total fools, which they are not.

players would pass the outside boundary and walk right up to the net. some of dynastys posse did this to me and looked at me like i was a lump of crap when i told them to get back past the tape and that rules are for everyone.

i got little to no support from the cali refs on my field that were the most "experienced". i'm assuming this was because i was the rookie at that level of reffing. with the exception of one field ref, he was seriously cool and a nice guy.

phil did what he could, but one fella can only do so much. the players have said that reffing for the tampa event sucked, but i put the blame squarely on the players shoulders. THEY make or break an event. refs do have a great amount of input, but it only goes so far.

the feeling i got from the cali refs in charge on my field was that they just didn't want to be there and were doing weverything they could to get the games over with as fast as possible.

now, for finals, it was different. i was reassigned to another field and was very very happy with the head ref. he flat said he was tired, pissed at the players and disgusted, but he still gave 100% for the games and expected us to as well. i wish i could have been on that field from the start. i would have had to work alot harder than i did, but thats what i wanted. thats what i thought pro reffing and players at that level did. nope.

sorry for the thread hijack and rant, i apologize. the comments about the pro's cheating got me started and the ventage just flowed from my little finger tips.

this has been brewing in me since tampa. i took that event personally and was seriously disillusioned. i had worked hard and did everything i could to get on the reffing staff for that event. 16 years of playing and reffing were going to culminate in my being a "pro" ref. or so i thought. sometimes, you CAN'T make a difference.

we now return you to our regularly scheduled topic of discussion......

07-21-2004, 11:42 AM
................. most if not all the players are different since 01.
I think Ed is the only original player left........................

07-25-2004, 11:15 PM
NOR CAL REPRESENTIN BABY :dance: ...YeYeah! WHAT?! OK! (im super ghetto fabulous) :clap:

-also I ref all the time and man i respect you, like wow, doin that kind of reffin would be really difficult...

07-26-2004, 12:23 AM
it was a lot of fun reffing denver but it sucked cause you know people were wiping like mad but its so impossible to catch half the time. like there was a guy who wiped a hit on the refs hat, yeah, that takes skillz