View Full Version : Yet even more fun with e-bay! Post your silly links here.

07-21-2004, 06:11 AM
WTF? (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=58116&item=3689627595&rd=1)

Hmmmm... No bids yet? And it's only starting at $400? I can't imagine why? ;) :rofl:

07-21-2004, 06:16 AM
man y did u tell every body, that was my best ebay find ever. now i'm gonna have to out bit all the stupid people! lol

07-21-2004, 08:24 PM
Sorry dude, didn't want to let the cat out of the bag, but this one was just too good to be true! As a bonus, it's listed with no pictures and the guy has no feedback to boot! A day later and still no bids? Come on! What's wrong with you guys?!? I'm doing you all a FAVOR here!! ;) ;)

Sorry... Is the sarcasm a little over the top?

P.S. If this auction belongs to someone here, I apologize... but you really should know better!

07-21-2004, 09:49 PM
Stop making fun of my gun it has lots of upgrades.

07-23-2004, 09:51 PM
845, i know ur kidding, but you have ebay feedback and the ebay seller doesnt...

who the hell is actually gonna buy that gun....

07-23-2004, 11:57 PM
a very foolish person or none at all

07-24-2004, 03:47 AM
well, the best ebay auction i have ever seen was a bible that was on sale that had this signed on it: "To Nick, Keep on truckin'. Love Jesus" the description was great, because it was "a really old bible, but the lock on the cover had been broken. also, the buyer wasn't there when it was signed by "jesus" so he can't vouch for it being real, but the guy he got it from said it was. perhaps the funniest thing i've ever seen. sorry, i know, not pb related.

Duke Henry
07-24-2004, 10:00 AM
I have three all time favs:

3. The one that has a guy who was selling an "XBOX" box (carboard box that said XBOX on it) which may or may not have actually had a supernintendo in it. It was designed to convince your kids that they really had an XBOX for a fraction of the price. Add to this description pictures of this guy and his kids (perhaps fake, but it didn't matter) playing and having a great time - priceless.

2. A Delorean car that had been painstakingly converted into a time machine like that in Back to the Future movies. It was amazing how much detail was put into the car. I still have pictures somewhere on my computer of it.

1. An auction for a guy who would come to your house and beat you up for $50. Of course, you had to pay to get him to your house (he won't let you come to his). Add to this the fact that he reserved the right to beat up any family members in the house for the same $50. So, if you didn't want your wife or kids getting beat, you should send them away first. I think he would let you fly him in and he would give you your beating at the airport if you wanted, which really makes this THE BEST EBAY AUCTION OF ALL TIME!

07-24-2004, 10:25 AM
^^^^^^^ THAT WAS MY COUSIN !!!!!!!!!!! he sold an asskicking on ebay and someone bought it