View Full Version : Just got my X-Valve

07-21-2004, 03:22 PM
Just got it today. Put it in everything fits nicely. Is there anything right off the bat i should know? Like maitenece differences between it and the classic valve. Any adjustments i should make with the factory set-up? Also is that the ULT on/off asembly on there? Or is it just the Retro on/off.... :confused:


I have a benchmark frame
ULE body and 3000psi nitro tank if that helps any

07-21-2004, 03:46 PM
most likely the stock on/off unles u ordered a ult just oil it well

07-22-2004, 08:31 AM
just oil it well

Well that sounds easy enough :D

07-22-2004, 11:33 AM
yeah as it works in and u learn it better u can fine tune the lvlX as well but it should come factory tuned

07-22-2004, 03:37 PM
Thank you!

Love the sig by the way. But where is the other half :tard:

07-22-2004, 03:39 PM

it wasnt done when i had the sig made ...il get a new one after its annod...so 3 weeks maybe ;)?

07-22-2004, 03:45 PM
Just get out and shoot the gun and keep feeding it good oil.

After a few cases of paint through it, I would see if you can increase the carrier size by half a size. The factory LX carrier setup is too tight for efficient operation, but they do that so there won't be any leak problems after it breaks in.

Other than that, look at getting an Intelliframe to replace your Benchmark frame. You will notice a drastic improvement in the trigger pull.

07-22-2004, 04:56 PM
ACK the Benchmark is Terrible. Its like pulling a cinder block a mile to get the gun to fire. I guess i should have stated....
I have money slated for a Y-Grip as soon as the black ones are machined. But the intellifeed really wont be neccesary once i get the Q-Loader

But thanks for the tip with the carrier. As soon as I can get my nitro filled its gonna be a show

07-22-2004, 04:58 PM

it wasnt done when i had the sig made ...il get a new one after its annod...so 3 weeks maybe ;)?

:rofl: HA i was talking about the girl, but Nice Mag! I like the drop

07-25-2004, 02:29 PM
YIKES need some answers to this one. I screw in my HPA and the gun fires. No finger on the trigger. I even had the damn thing on safety. It shot once the first time i did it and then shot twice the second time. Luckily I had my barrel sock on. Any ideas?

07-25-2004, 03:36 PM
I think that's a common problem if the valve is not worn in yet...

08-14-2004, 10:58 PM
i have shot a case through my x-valve. Still fires when in srew in the Nitro tank. Should i go up in the carrier size for the level 10?

08-14-2004, 11:28 PM
I'm pretty sure it just needs to wear in a good bit. Mine did that to, but then in gradually started to stop. Also, what seems to help this is to make sure the trigger rod is pushed back into the frame when the gun is de-gassed. At least that seems to help for me.

Chicago Pb 7
08-15-2004, 05:20 PM
Make sure you lube your on/off assembly alot, and keep firing it. It took about 3 fills with my 68/3000 before my x valve was completely broken in.