View Full Version : ban on paintball

07-22-2004, 05:24 PM

sucks for the people that play paintball there...

07-22-2004, 05:26 PM
wow that sucks :(

07-22-2004, 06:08 PM
I agree that they should not be discharged within city limits. Park Ridge is adjacent to Chicago and places it might be considered safe to shoot a marker are few and far between. I don't think it's proper for them to restrict the sale of markers, nor restrict the possession of them by minors, though (unless "in possession" does not mean the same thing as "owning").

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
07-22-2004, 10:02 PM
....hmm well i guess everyone is going to skokie to buy their paintball gear than

07-22-2004, 10:56 PM
I believe Skokie already has a ban in place. :nono:

07-22-2004, 11:22 PM
BBT used to have a store at Village Crossing. They had to close it and that's when they opened the Vernon Hills location. Happened years ago.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
07-23-2004, 12:20 AM
I believe Skokie already has a ban in place. :nono:

well than why is pbgear being sold at shredshop?

07-23-2004, 01:47 AM
for some reason I find that unlawfull

if that ever happens around here... the only way to enforce it would be to kill me...

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
07-23-2004, 01:59 AM
paintball is banned here. but it's kinda pointless since no one in my area is even into paintballing

07-23-2004, 02:28 AM
doesn't seem so bad, cause they are just banned within the city... chances are the fields arnt officially within the city .... and it says a minor being in pocession of a gun, so just have your parents take u and say its theirs officially.

07-23-2004, 06:37 AM
I dont agree witht he possesion of marker to minors though. All a kid really needs to do is disassemble the gun and put it in a bag, preferably nonsee-through. :rolleyes:
He would have to be doing something stupid or out of the ordinary to get stopped by a cop. And then he would have a good reason to open up a kids bag.

My advice to this run Forest run. :D

07-23-2004, 08:47 AM
It appears that this is nothing more than a ban on the sale of PB Markers in the city proper. I think that you'll find that many places have an existing ban on the "discharge of air rifles, bb guns and PB marker in PUBLIC places". Public is the key to that sentence. This does not forbid a private citizen from discharging on their private property or in the case of PB at a designated field. While this is true some places do not allow the discharge of any of the aforementioned items within the city limits but again I believe that in the case of PB it will generally be accepted that within the confines of designated areas it is generally permited. Atleaset that is my take on this article

07-23-2004, 08:51 AM
what the article actually says is that you cannot fire the gun in public. is there a difference between that and saying in a public place?

it can be construed that if firing in a PB field, that is technically in "public"

Just curious, I'm not to good with these law things... :dance:

07-23-2004, 10:28 AM
it can be construed that if firing in a PB field, that is technically in "public"
It's a moot point, really. There are no fields in Park Ridge and it's safe to assume there probably never will be. It's a heavily populated suburb of Chicago and it literally borders Chi-town.

I live in Chicago and I will NOT fire my marker outdoors. I fire inside all the time, though. I've got a little homemade set up where I can shoot paint into an insulated box to chrono and test, and I dry fire ALL the time. I've never had a complaint from my neighbors and most of them express a lot of curiosity when they come over and see my gear. Do it smart, do it safe, and you won't have any problems from the police.

07-23-2004, 11:19 AM
It's all because of the idiots that go around doing "drive bys" I see paintball splats all the time on buildings and at bus stops, stop signs...I have a feeling that there will be a lot more of these types of restrictions in the chitown area.

07-23-2004, 01:59 PM
well than why is pbgear being sold at shredshop?

That's news to me, I've never been in there before because I figured I didn't have a reason because I don't skate. But like deathstalker said, the BBT at Village Crossing (which is in Skokie) had to close; and, the Galyan's there doesn't sell paintball stuff. When I asked about it, the people who work at Galyan's said it wasn't allowed in Skokie.

07-23-2004, 03:23 PM
explain the logic to me, i seem to be missing it.

they want to restrict the sale of paintball guns to minors, but at age 16 you are allowed to drive and own a car. now if you accidently hit some one, or kill, there is a chance that you go to court and get charged with assault with a deadly weapon. now i'm pretty sure a ton of steel will do a lot more damage to a person, and property than a paintball gun with WASHABLE paint. how can you claim the paint does damage? it washes away in the rain! so where is the logic of giving a teen a car but not a paintball gun?

the larch
07-23-2004, 06:15 PM
Well, first, it is not a moot point. Restricting the sale of paintball guns is a BIG DEAL. Why not just restrict the sale of all firearms in the U.S. This would not violate your right to bear arms, you just wouldn't be able to buy one. Why not restrict the sale of ammunition? You can still have it, just not buy it.
Eventually, if you destroy the supply of something, you destroy your ability to own it. Think about it.
Illinois is a stupid state. They have horrible conceal carry laws, you can't even store your ammo in the same box as your gun when you transport it in your vehicle, or they can confiscate it. Morons.
I stick to Kentucky. I can carry a loaded hand gun in my glove compartment as long as I am not a felon, and the gun was purchased legally. Much more polite state.
Never understood why people think that making more laws will make criminals commit less crime.

07-23-2004, 09:40 PM
Well, first, it is not a moot point. Restricting the sale of paintball guns is a BIG DEAL.
If you're referring to my post, which you must be as I'm the only one who used the phrase "moot point", please go back and read what I posted, INCLUDING what I quoted. THAT was a moot point, not the restriction of sales. Then go back and read my first post in the thread... wait, I'll make it easy for you:

...I don't think it's proper for them to restrict the sale of markers, nor restrict the possession of them by minors, though (unless "in possession" does not mean the same thing as "owning").
You're quick to bring up gun laws, but you seem to forget that many paintballers try NOT to be associated with firearms. Have you forgotten that the sport/game of paintball receives no support from the NRA? If you choose to judge a state simply on their C&C laws, you're nothing but a closed-minded ignoramus who does nothing except reinforce stereotypes people have of those who come from Kentucky. I couldn't be happier if you choose not to visit.

Never understood why people think that making more laws will make criminals commit less crime.
I agree. There are NUMEROUS historical instances that demonstrate more laws/bans/prohibitions are not a good thing (Al Capone, for a very local example). Creating more laws does nothing except create more criminals.

07-24-2004, 12:12 PM
Never understood why people think that making more laws will make criminals commit less crime.

to quote george carlin,
"people keep giving away their freedoms for the illusion of safety. yes, the ILLUSION of safety."

it's some thing like that. as soon as i find it i'll post the actual quote.