View Full Version : hey guys

10-18-2001, 09:25 PM
i am new to the boards so hello all and i have a few questions if you guys don't mind answering.

1. I was thinking about buying a warpfeed Emag and i was looking around paintballgear.com and they have a bunch of models there. I am a right handed shooter so would that mean i would have to get a warpfeed left body?

2. Is a crossfire 68cu steel stubby HPA good enough to use for do i have to use an AGD flatline?

3. If i was to use a HALO to feed the warp do i have to dent the HALO to fit the gun or does the 90* mounting bracket mod prevent you from needing to dent it?

4. How good is the stock barrel and what size bore of paint does it use?

Thnx for your time in answering these questions guys

10-18-2001, 09:39 PM
The Warp will mount to either side of nearly any gun.

The 68 stubby will work fine, but it would be better to get an adjustable tank.

There is no need to alter any hopper. They can be mounted to your preference.

Stock barrels are fine, they are medium bore.

Welcome to Automags Online! You will not have any questions that someone here can't answer, heck, even Tom Kaye (who just happens to own AGD and this site) comes here a lot to find out what 'Mag owners want and need. When you get your gun, break out the camera and share it with us!! :cool:

10-18-2001, 09:41 PM
Last I checked, Paintballgear.net was giving away a free flatline when you bought an Emag.

Free Flatline? Let me hop on that bandwagon!!

Oh wait, Im poor.

But CESF_Specter isn't! He should hop on that bandwagon!!


Uhm... yeah. Free Flatline, that was my point. :)

10-18-2001, 09:47 PM
yeah thats only if you buy a colored Emag, but i dont want a colored mag! flat black is my color!:D

and if i got a powerfeed left i would still be able to run the warp and if for some reason i wanted to take off the warp and just use a HALO i could but if i got the warpfeed left body would i still be able to do that?

10-19-2001, 08:51 AM
Welcome to the board CESF_Specter! This is a great bunch of guys who can answer just about any question you have about all things AGD.

You want a flat black Emag, eh? You must have seen that new vertical feed eMag that recently came in to MR in flat black. Looks very nice, but too bad it's VF.

10-19-2001, 11:05 AM
i havnt been to MR in such a long time! but im going there tomorow to check the new place out and hopefully play some airball. im gonna go see if mike will let me shoot the emag tomorow...

10-19-2001, 11:14 AM
Yeah their new indoor field is nice, but a bit cramped. It's about 1/2 the size of their old field.... But still nice. Also, they are having a 4 man tournament on Nov. 18th, if you're interested...

Have fun testing out the Emag, you'll be hooked after the first few shots. Now, don't be surprised if Mikey tries to talk you into an Intimatator instead.;)

BTW, where do you usually play?

10-19-2001, 02:08 PM
lol i know mikes gonna do that so ill be prepared! but i prolly wont be buying the emag until the middle or winter cause im only half way there for saving up. but ive been thinking and i might get the pmi pro E first then sell it and move up to the emag later on next year. that way i can get rid of my old ray2 and go for a better gun then go for an even better gun.

i play mostly at MR because its close but i got into a fight with a newbie there and mike suspended me for a month but i decided to take the whole summer off so i havn't gotten to play much.

10-20-2001, 11:28 AM
So, you're a bit of a scrapper, eh?:D

A word of advice, though: Tipically used Piranhas can be hard to sell around here, and they don't hold thier resale value very well either. For the same money as a Pro-E you could get a used tricked-out cocker or mag or even a brand new basic cocker or mag. Just a thought....

Anyway, it was nice to meet you. We'll have to try to meet up at MR sometime this winter and play.

10-20-2001, 01:34 PM
i think the field is sweet but too small.

my ray2 also broke down on me so i got really pissed and well did what most ray owners do (throw against the wall). The dumb thing is it started to work after that and nothing broke lol. I think i might just buy one of the used mags MR has on the wall or sumthing then get the Emag but im not sure yet...

10-20-2001, 08:07 PM
First thing, welcome to the boards. I hope you come to enjoy it as much as we do.

As to the warp-HALO-90 degree mod, it depends. I personally do not know the actual dimensions on a HALO but I would hope that it would work. I have a Turbo Rev revolution hopper (regular revolution with Turbo Rev board) installed on my newly converted E-mag. I have had two configurations, one with the hopper tight against the tank, towards the back of the grip frame, and the standard set-up with it forward of the grip frame. In both cases, I did not have to modify the revolution body. I have yet to try Evil Bob's mod, which is the warp parallel to the grip frame (90 degree mod).

As for tanks, presets are fine, though I would highly recommend an adjustable, if you like adjusting the reactivity of the valve.

The stock barrel is great, at least in my opinion. I have shot 32 degrees team colors and competition, marbellizer, JT, Proball, and Brand X (yes, there is an actual brand x paintball brand) without any problems. I have had only one nubbin break and chopped only once, prior to my warp feed, that is.

Here is a pic of my flat black warp feed left E-mag, I am right handed.

10-20-2001, 10:28 PM
Wouldn't the reactivity of the trigger not matter when the EMag is in Electric mode? I guess If you don't use the mechanical mode that much, the stubby will do fine.

I own a 47 cui Aluminum tank, and I found that it was too heavy for my likings. I picked up a 68 Cui Bulldog for $110 on PBC forums, and I think that It was worth every penny more than a Steel tank would have been.