View Full Version : How much should I make him pay

07-22-2004, 08:12 PM
Well some kid lost my marker, and now he is going to pay me for what it is worth. so here are the specs...

Gen-e-lcd Matrix
trininty lpr
cp reg
image bolt kit
ccm clamping feed neck ( I think fatjon correct me if I am wrong)
match stick barrel kit

he also lost my stock bolt, stock reg, and o-ring kit.

So what should I make him pay?

07-22-2004, 08:24 PM
Exactly what you had before.

07-22-2004, 08:28 PM
make him pay what you payed for it. Like if you bought it new, make him buy it new, if you bought it used, make him pay what you bought if for used.

07-22-2004, 08:29 PM
Yeah New Or Used Use That Price...dont Short The Guy By Charging New If It Was Used.

07-22-2004, 08:33 PM
how did he lose all of that

07-22-2004, 08:34 PM
how did he lose all of that

I can see losing a mag but a dam matrix? that is like misplacing an arm.

The Action Figure
07-22-2004, 08:35 PM
I believe pete let this guy borrow it for a tourney or a practice and the kid was to scared to let pete know so the owner had to call him

07-22-2004, 08:43 PM
make him pay what you payed. if you make him pay more then that wouldnt be very nice but i say get your money back though

07-22-2004, 08:43 PM
Gideon, i'm sorry, but you really need to work on your grammar. If I didn't already know the story I would have no idea what you just said :p

Pete let a kid borrow his Matrix for a tourney. The kid lost Pete's trix, and was afraid to tell him. So a store owner had to tell Pete because the kid is a wuss.

Pete, you should make him pay for it new, just make him build the exact same trix for you no matter HOW much it costs.

07-22-2004, 08:49 PM
yeah i agree with lpb, make him pay what each part (including the gun) is worth new

07-22-2004, 08:49 PM
well this marker wasnt lost i think its safe to assume it was stolen and or pawned of by this kid or possibly by one of his friends..and btw dont let people borrow your guns if u dont trust them

07-22-2004, 08:57 PM
That sucks, make him pay what you paid for it originally since that was your original investment in it.
This is exactly why I don't let people borrow my markers. They can call me selfish all they want, but no matter how long i've known them or trust them something can always go wrong that ends up being something I have to go out of my way to fix/replace, and getting them to pay for the damage is a whole other story.

07-22-2004, 08:58 PM
I can see letting someone borrow a spyder or something or let them use your gun if your there when they're playing but just giving them your trix to go play a tourny with, damn. No offence, but I think that's pretty stupid man.

Instead of him giving you cash, just make him buy you a new 'trix with all that stuff.

The Action Figure
07-22-2004, 09:12 PM
Gideon, i'm sorry, but you really need to work on your grammar. If I didn't already know the story I would have no idea what you just said :p

Pete let a kid borrow his Matrix for a tourney. The kid lost Pete's trix, and was afraid to tell him. So a store owner had to tell Pete because the kid is a wuss.

Pete, you should make him pay for it new, just make him build the exact same trix for you no matter HOW much it costs.

yeah well I was gonna give to your new marker fund, but not anymore :mad: :p j/k expect paypal in the next few days

07-22-2004, 09:21 PM
I dont know what feedneck it was it was just a clamping feed. I paid 450 for just the trix when it was just an led, then i put lcd board in it then add the cost of the matchstix reg, and all of that good stuff.

Man i still cant believe it got lost. I miss that gun lol

07-22-2004, 09:23 PM
Hey there,

Make him purchase a new marker for you. Get the exact set up that you had. The reason that you should do this is to ensure that you get a top-performing marker back. If he just gives you the money that it cost you used, there's' no guarantee that the same deal will come around.

In the end either you should get the money for a new rig or the rig itself. Don't settle for less.

Hey Gideon - glad you like your sig!

07-22-2004, 09:27 PM
my solution would be simple. replace it with the same exact thing in the same or better shape. as long as it fits your quality criteria it doesnt matter what he pays. be it more or less than it cost you.

07-22-2004, 10:31 PM
Just make him buy another trix or another gun of equivilant or higher value of your choosing.

07-22-2004, 10:42 PM

did he lose a tank too?

or have him buy you a new dye lcd trix

07-22-2004, 10:42 PM
like others have said i would make him pay current replacement value for the same marker

07-22-2004, 10:47 PM
his first born child

07-22-2004, 11:27 PM
700 is about right

07-23-2004, 12:11 AM
Make him payback whatever you put into it. Think of it like car insurance companies do. You can't get the new price for something that you bought used, but he does have every obligation to put you back exactly where you started from.

So you bought the marker for $400........ $400.
You bought a brand new board for $100.... you get the $100 back.
Heck I'd even round up for the hassle.

07-23-2004, 02:00 AM
dont make him pay for it...

make him replace it... everything... if he can find a deal for the same stuff for $200 let it be... or even if he has to drop $1000 because they become extremely rare all of a sudden... let him do it.

to pay for a used item is very hard to do... yet to replace it makes more sense.

07-23-2004, 07:25 AM
well this marker wasnt lost i think its safe to assume it was stolen and or pawned of by this kid or possibly by one of his friends..and btw dont let people borrow your guns if u dont trust them
no this kid has no friends and they all know me. I know that he does not have it becasue he is selling his golf clubs and matrix so I can have mine back.

07-23-2004, 07:29 AM
ok well his parents are going to be paying and he has to pay them back. They offered my a dye matrix or the equivelent in $$$$.

OH yeah he had a matrix he would not want mine.

07-23-2004, 09:05 AM
I'm still interested in how he lost it. Did it get stolen while he was borrowing it?

Slimm Jimm
07-23-2004, 01:26 PM
probably not my business, but why did he borrow your matrix when he already has one.

It's good that he's paying his parents back for them paying you. Means he's being held accountable for losing it.

07-23-2004, 01:42 PM
maybe he lost it in a game of poker!

07-23-2004, 03:40 PM
If he pays you in cash then you can get a different marker if you want.

07-23-2004, 09:03 PM
zack is the stupidest kid i know . . . . .and actually i am not a store owner i just work there. zack called up one day and was like . . .casey do you have petes matrix? i was like why would i have petes matrix? . . . he was like DAMN do you know where it is?
i then just go pissed of because pete has been markerless for about a year now so i feel really bad(emag stolen, cocker at anno, matrix LOST!!!!) it is just bull crap. so after i was done yellin at him i asked if he had told pete yet. he said no. then i just got more pissed off because he called EVERYBODY except the person who owns the gun and tells them what happened. so i hung up and called pete and pete was well hard to explain surprised pissed and ready to kill somebody all at the same time and i think i woke him up from sleeping (pete correct me if i am wrong) so it just wasnt a good day.

but pete i cant pin this all on zack it wasnt the smartest decision of yours to lend your gun to ZACK!!! a kid who brings his paintball stuff to a tourney with a change in clothes in a trash bag!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nono: so even if you did get it back i betch yah it would be pretty beat up and scratched because it was kept in a trash bag.

whatever i am not going to get anymore invlolved in the situation because then my head will start to hurt.


07-23-2004, 09:04 PM
oh hey i didnt even see my sig change thanx pete !!! i like it alot more than the old one . . . . .

07-23-2004, 10:10 PM
probably not my business, but why did he borrow your matrix when he already has one.

It's good that he's paying his parents back for them paying you. Means he's being held accountable for losing it.
his was down due to a leak, and I had mine running very fast and so that it would only pinch paint not chop it.

I let him borrow it becasue I am a good guy and if a friend needs some help I will lend him a hand so...

I am not sure how it was lost or where, it could be stolen, could be anything all I know is that it is not in my hands.

07-23-2004, 10:25 PM
zack is the stupidest kid i know . . . . .

so i hung up and called pete and pete was well hard to explain surprised pissed and ready to kill somebody all at the same time and i think i woke him up from sleeping (pete correct me if i am wrong) so it just wasnt a good day.

but pete i cant pin this all on zack it wasnt the smartest decision of yours to lend your gun to ZACK!!! a kid who brings his paintball stuff to a tourney with a change in clothes in a trash bag!!!!!!!!!!!!! :nono: so even if you did get it back i betch yah it would be pretty beat up and scratched because it was kept in a trash bag.

Zack is the super dumb.

Yes I was taking a nap becasue I just got back from crew, the gym, a bike ride, and a run so I was pooped.

I was just trying to help zack out becasue he was in need of a matrix and I had one, and he was pretty good with my matrix before.

The first two days of the tourny I always made sure someone was watching over our stuff. I was not there on the third day and I dont know if they did as I made them soo... I was just under the imression that my gun was always going to be watched

oh hey i didnt even see my sig change thanx pete !!! i like it alot more than the old one
I know

07-23-2004, 10:40 PM
Sorry to hear about it. I'll keep my eyes peeled for it here in Jersey if it was stolen.

07-23-2004, 11:57 PM
hey sorry to hear the bad news... make him buy you a new gun, or used, as long as you get it all, and the parts that you had put into it and all the extra stuff. i would say around 800-900. anywhere in there would be good. let us kjnow wut happens and good luck pete.

DaNiMaL :ninja:

07-24-2004, 09:44 PM
Now for the true story...Pete and I and our team were at NYCup...and i was playing on Sunday and pete had no need to, so he stayed home...on saturday he asked me if i could hold on to his trix and fix it (I am usually very good with trixes and they're problems. That night at the hotel...i figured that sinse he had no use for any of the pieces of his gun...i could swap them with my stock (crappier) pieces so i have a tricked trix for 3 man. I know this sounds sketchy and all b/c it was misplaced/stolen the next day but think what you wish...i have witnesses. Yes, it is true that i cant afford a gear bag so for now i make due with a trash bag (double layered, of course ;) ) The next day we get all done and went home...that night i noticed his trix was gone so i immediatly called the person i thought might have it (also the person in charge of the trip)...i know i was foolish in nmot calling pete but i will admit i was a bit afraid of his reaction....anyway the onll thing really missing is the body, bolt, and board...the board is the same as mine but has ABS (which is free)...i have all his upgrades because i swapped them out so i have his LPR, Inline, Pieces, Extra trigger, o rings, back plate, stock bolt, breach, and stock reg. That is basically it and i will compensate fully for thease losses...

pete call me sunday

07-24-2004, 09:50 PM
no this kid has no friends and they all know me.

STFU thats BS

Anyway i know the Serial #

Its 01464 and its a black gloss matrix witht he two bottom holes drilled (by hand, not stock) for the lcd buttons

07-24-2004, 09:58 PM
Or you could buy him my DM4 for 1150 and take the free bag of silica beads that comes with it .

andrew 2589
07-24-2004, 10:00 PM
you could just a find a marker of equal or lesser value and make him buy it for you

07-25-2004, 04:31 AM
*in my best Dr. Evil impersonation*


Sorry... it's late...
That's my excuse for everything!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

07-25-2004, 01:22 PM
Yes the frame was drilled by me. For the board. I did a crappy job because i was about to order a vert frame anyways. The inside of the frame was also hacked up by a dremel so the board would fit. Didnt hurt the performance just the looks. So it is basicly a one of a kind frame.

07-25-2004, 04:05 PM
i'd say replacement cost. thats the fairest way to do it as long as you get back what you lost and maybe a little extra for the hassel and for your original generosity in letting the kid use it.

07-25-2004, 06:48 PM
Well some kid lost my marker, and now he is going to pay me for what it is worth. so here are the specs...

Gen-e-lcd Matrix
trininty lpr
cp reg
image bolt kit
ccm clamping feed neck ( I think fatjon correct me if I am wrong)
match stick barrel kit

he also lost my stock bolt, stock reg, and o-ring kit.

So what should I make him pay?

Who the hell lost your marker pete?

I've got a nice crowbar if'n you need my services...

Edit: Neverming. Compulsively posting before reading the thread is a bad thing... :nono:

paint magnet
07-25-2004, 07:27 PM
Now for the true story...Pete and I and our team were at NYCup...and i was playing on Sunday and pete had no need to, so he stayed home...on saturday he asked me if i could hold on to his trix and fix it (I am usually very good with trixes and they're problems. That night at the hotel...i figured that sinse he had no use for any of the pieces of his gun...i could swap them with my stock (crappier) pieces so i have a tricked trix for 3 man. I know this sounds sketchy and all b/c it was misplaced/stolen the next day but think what you wish...i have witnesses. Yes, it is true that i cant afford a gear bag so for now i make due with a trash bag (double layered, of course ;) ) The next day we get all done and went home...that night i noticed his trix was gone so i immediatly called the person i thought might have it (also the person in charge of the trip)...i know i was foolish in nmot calling pete but i will admit i was a bit afraid of his reaction....anyway the onll thing really missing is the body, bolt, and board...the board is the same as mine but has ABS (which is free)...i have all his upgrades because i swapped them out so i have his LPR, Inline, Pieces, Extra trigger, o rings, back plate, stock bolt, breach, and stock reg. That is basically it and i will compensate fully for thease losses...

pete call me sunday

Just goes to show you that you can never trust people with bad grammar. Look at the bright side though, if he ends up buying you a new gun then you are better off than you were before (minus, of course, the lost time you could have been playing with it).

07-25-2004, 08:29 PM
Who the hell lost your marker pete?

I've got a nice crowbar if'n you need my services...


07-27-2004, 12:02 PM

07-27-2004, 12:24 PM
I bought jameses matrix

07-27-2004, 06:09 PM
ok everyone and zack, how does this sound I give him all the parts he recovered seeing as he has a matrix and I dont want one becasue I had this bad luck, and then he pays me $750-$800 and that includes pain and suffering.

he has no friends

STFU thats BS
Zack dont lie I know all three of your friends and they are dumb so they dont count. :mad: :mad: :mad:

07-27-2004, 06:53 PM
Sounds to me like he lost HIS trix and instead is saying he lost yours..

07-28-2004, 12:55 PM
uhh...what? i still have my trix

07-28-2004, 12:56 PM
Zack dont lie I know all three of your friends and they are dumb so they dont count. :mad: :mad: :mad:
i edont think you know any of my friends from my school except for carpy and hes a dumbass

07-28-2004, 01:06 PM
i borrowed a friends trix just for a day of recball, and it was broken when i got there, i mean, i gas it up and i leaks like a siv, i didnt even break it but i was ready to buy an oring kit for it, if youur friend is anything like me he should buy you a new trix

07-28-2004, 03:43 PM
lsten, take the dye trix. it is worth the 800 you want to make him pay, and it already comes with all the upgrades you will gank back from his gun. you can sell em, and make a little more dough. Do the dye trix, you wont regret it

paint magnet
07-28-2004, 04:11 PM
uhh...what? i still have my trix

I believe he meant you should give him your gun, since you lost his. After all, you had already stolen all the internals out of it and put them in yours, right?

i edont think you know any of my friends from my school except for carpy and hes a dumbass

Wow. Just wow. :tard:

Do the dye trix, you wont regret it

While I'm not a big fan of Matrices, if I had to pick one it would be between the Dye, Aardvark, and Freeflow. And since I doubt he's going to buy you an Aardvark or Freeflow Matrix, I'd go with the Dye. Like he said, it has everything upgraded right out of the box.

07-28-2004, 10:43 PM
I bought jameses matrix

Point being? I've got designs for flying my speed, eblading my cocker and getting ahold of a GZ timmy.