View Full Version : E-Mag turning into a blender at 11 bps.

07-23-2004, 10:43 AM
I have a emag with Retro Valve no LX, and Karta Body (was a mag-emag conversion a few years back). Lately I have been having some major problems with it becoming a blender at higher rates of fire. I took it to D-Day and the guys down there looked at it and couldn't tell me what was going on without me knowing at what bps it was starting to chop. I didnt' get a chance to test it until I got home. I know know that it starts chopping every ball at 11 bps. Below that it shoots fine but once I reach that mark it starts to shread the paint.

I have had a couple of suggestions to put a LX in to allow the bolt to re-set, however I'm not sure that will do much. It may stop the chopping but I am used to rocking with this marker at at least the max of 16 bps for tourney and suppression games. Will it allow me to get my shots back up to speed?

I have gotten fairly frustrated with the thing and have even thought about selling it, but I really don't want to. Just don't have the money to put into buying a new valve or such at the moment.

Also, I havn't done alot of research into the newer E-Mag bords, will the upgraded software let me shoot faster than the 16 bps cap that is set on the board I have now?

07-23-2004, 10:52 AM
You might want to start by buying a level 10. This would eliminate the chops and like you said, reset the bolt so you can feep firing.

What kind of loader are you using? You might just be outshooting it if it is a slow feeding hopper.

If you want to shoot faster, dont buy a whole new board, just get it flashed by AGD. It's like $20 or something. I dont think this will help the chopping problem. My main guess would be your loader, but I dont know what kind you are using.

07-23-2004, 11:05 AM
I should have added that to the first post. I use either a Halo TSA Backman or a Evolution Reloader. Both have kept up with me in the past and will keep up with me for the most part when I shoot my cockers at around 14 bps. The TSA will skip a bit because it is a litter slower, but I will take the skips when I can turn the thing almost on it's side and it still feeds. The Reloader hardly skips a beat. I am looking into a Halo B but don't have the 100+ to fork out on one at the moment.

07-23-2004, 12:46 PM
Get a faster loader and Level 10... Get at least an eggy, get a z board if you need it and if you can get really fast ROF think about a Halo or Qloader if it floats your boat

07-23-2004, 01:09 PM
send the gun in to BlackVCG or Tunaman and have them work it over. They can update the software, (giving you a higher rate of fire), install and tune a level 10, (preventing you from chopping), and tune up your marker.

You'll get it back and you wont believe how much its changed.

more info:


07-23-2004, 02:26 PM
Cryer: Thanks for the suggestion. I will call AGD and talk to them about how much it would cost to send the marker in so they can work on it and test it until it is working right again. They tryed at D-Day but with the ammount of people wanting service, and not being able to take it out and shoot paint through it, they couldn't figure out what the problem was.

Pointm@n: Like I said in my second post, I don't have the cash to fork out for a faster loader right now. The thing is the TSA and the Reloader will feed faster than 11 bps anyway.

07-23-2004, 03:16 PM
Have you changed the mainspring lately?

07-23-2004, 06:02 PM
Also check your Ball Detent!!!

07-23-2004, 07:08 PM
get some new softwear, check and or replace springs, detents, and o-rings that look like they have some wear

07-24-2004, 10:27 PM
I have tried several different main springs all with the same result. I have also tried three different bodies. The Karta, An IT body and the standard E-Mag body. It does it with each.

I can't remember who worked on it at D-Day but he changed the board and solonoid out for a new one, checked the o-rings and stuff so that shouldn't be it.