View Full Version : To Cheat or Not to Cheat?

07-23-2004, 01:55 PM
There's a thread on Pbnation that has players insisting that cheating is normal and the correct thing to do (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=572910&perpage=21&pagenumber=1/)

Just wanted to hear your opinions on cheating. Is it acceptable and agreeable? Would you cheer on a "good whipe"?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
07-23-2004, 01:58 PM
cheating has sadly become a normal part of paintball in most areas now. The refs don't enforce the rules, they just want to get the day over with and get paid and players find more unique ways of cheating.

07-23-2004, 02:31 PM
sad but true!

solution bounces ball the refs! :headbang:

07-23-2004, 02:33 PM
If paint breaks on me I leave the field. It's as simple as that.

07-23-2004, 02:38 PM
Cheating ruins the game. Anyone I see cheating will be called on it and reported to the refs. If I ever ref, anyone I see cheating will be pulled from the game and DQ'd.

I keep the pure attitute that we play pball to have fun, not to win. Anybody that feels they need to cheat to win shouldn't be playing the game.

07-23-2004, 02:43 PM
Very disturbing. It's always that 10% that want to ruin it for the rest of us. Cheaters have no skill, and no honor.

07-23-2004, 02:44 PM
It's crazy how bad it has gotten. When my friends and I used to play in High School we would even count the bounces.

07-23-2004, 02:51 PM
i have never once cheated in a game of paintball, im glad i can say that, i believe that most pro teams cheat, so other pro teams have to cheat to beat them. I believe that as bad as that is, its now a part of the game, but i think under NO circumstances should cheating become part of rec ball, thats why i like it, if people start to always cheat, then i think i will be done with pball

07-23-2004, 02:52 PM
There's a thread on Pbnation that has players insisting that cheating is normal and the correct thing to do (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=572910&perpage=21&pagenumber=1/)

Just wanted to hear your opinions on cheating. Is it acceptable and agreeable? Would you cheer on a "good whipe"?

Why is there even a thread for it. There should only be one answer, NO CHEATING! :shooting:

paint magnet
07-23-2004, 03:00 PM
Why does anyone even bother with PBNation anymore? (or to begin with, for that matter)

Anyway, as it has been said, cheating is, unfortunately, present, in tournaments. That's no different than what you will find in other professional sport. And, just as with any other sport, cheating ruins it for the honest players. To cheat or not to cheat? I think it's sad that we've come to a point where anyone would need to ask a question like that.

trains are bad
07-23-2004, 03:03 PM
In my ethics I draw a strict distinction between tourney ball and recball. When I play recball, woodsball, or scenario games, I call myself out-sometimes it turns out they bounced. This is the honor system. Any person who cannot hold themselves to the honor system has no moral character.

In tourney ball, I don't cheat...no, not me. That is, I never get caught. I play tourney ball to win. In any sport, (whether it be racing, golf, bass fishing, basketball...) it is the player's job to get away with as much as he can. It is the mark of the thourough player to run the letter of the rules. That said, I never wipe or play on...no, not me :ninja:

It distresses me that there are not MUCH harsher penalties for cheating, considering how game-changing it can be. Paintball's organizing bodies are a joke.

07-23-2004, 03:16 PM
Flame baiting. Don't feed the trolls.

07-23-2004, 03:22 PM
I was thinkin' about joining a pb team a friend was starting up. I decided to play on pratice day w/ his team to see what it's like. Everyone was getting ready for IAO, so I figured it would be a good way to see how tourney ball is. So I'm covering the tape, and I see this guy run up, and thusly I shoot the crap outta him. I have no idea why, he sees me covering tape, and he's literally running up 40 feet from his previous bunker wide in the open. I figure he's out, so I start trying to shoot at other targets... And then I get clocked in the head by the same guy I shot out! As I pull in my bunker to check for a hit a ref comes over and says, "That guy you shot out, that other ref wiped his hits, so I'm wiping your hit". And all the while I'm aruging w/ the ref, they run right up to me and bunker the hell outta me, including people I KNOW our team has already shot out!

I walk off the field pissed as all hell, and I complain to the ref's... and this is what they told me, "This is how paintball is, deal. You can't play competitive ball if you don't cheat." I figure it's one thing for players to cheat... but ref's assisting players in wiping?! How the heck do they get better if that's the case? Or do they pay off the ref's during tourney time too? That's ridiculous. If that's how tourney ball is... screw that, I'm just going to play bandit ball from now on.

trains are bad
07-23-2004, 03:58 PM
The problem isn't paintball. But yeah I feel your pain. It's a joke.

07-23-2004, 04:17 PM
Cheating in paintball is something you just got to turn your shoulder to when you see it I guess. It is here to stay, and there is really nothing you can do about it.

07-23-2004, 04:20 PM

07-23-2004, 04:30 PM
Ban Him :shooting:

07-23-2004, 05:08 PM

WTF are you advertising a pyramid scam in this forum? o well, I say bye bye before I lose my chance. Bye bye you'll be banned

07-23-2004, 05:12 PM
Never seen so many letters and words together in a post... :wow:

07-23-2004, 05:43 PM
You can't ban him! He's Jesus!

Cheating AND spamming = a big "negatory" in my book.

07-23-2004, 05:53 PM
Never seen so many letters and words together in a post... :wow:
or a paragraph!

the larch
07-23-2004, 05:59 PM
I see cheaters, I embarass the hell out of em. Simple as that. If I ran into the situation that stix ran into, I would make such a big scene that the police would be called and I would be banned from the field, which of course would be fine because I was never coming back anyways. I would have shirts made for my team that said the field was for cheaters. I would post it on local forums. There'd be bumper stickers.
If you want to stop the cheating, have the cajones to stand up in a loud and embarrassing way when you see it. Don't let the field operators get away with allowing it. You pay GOOD money to play at their fields.
Wipers, tech cheaters and ref dodgers lack the confidence to rely on their skills. This is probably due to some sexual inadequacy.

07-23-2004, 06:38 PM
I see cheaters, I embarass the hell out of em. Simple as that. If I ran into the situation that stix ran into, I would make such a big scene that the police would be called and I would be banned from the field, which of course would be fine because I was never coming back anyways. I would have shirts made for my team that said the field was for cheaters. I would post it on local forums. There'd be bumper stickers.
If you want to stop the cheating, have the cajones to stand up in a loud and embarrassing way when you see it. Don't let the field operators get away with allowing it. You pay GOOD money to play at their fields.
Wipers, tech cheaters and ref dodgers lack the confidence to rely on their skills. This is probably due to some sexual inadequacy.

Hrmm, good point. I never thought of it that way. Honestly I was so in shock at what happened and what they said to me I really wasn't really thinking strait. I did end up talking to their management after a couple days (when the steam went down) and they said they'd look into it. I think I'd be happy if they just canned the guy working there and used him as an object lesson that such crap isn't tolerated; but obviously it is, hahaha. But anyway, i see your point, definately will take it into consideration.

07-23-2004, 07:13 PM
Cheating in Recball = No No

But when it comes to tourney ball it is a different situation.

Tech cheats to me BS, and dangerous.

But when it comes to all sports you play as hard as you can to win.

Say in the soccer if the ball crossed the line, and thus is a goal, you would still try to pull it back . Even though the other team obviously scored a goal.

The only way to curb cheating like wiping and playing on. Is to get better trained refs.

07-23-2004, 07:36 PM
Cheating is lame... Under no circumstance will I ever wipe a hit off during a game or play on after I know I'm out. It takes the fun out of the game and proves you have no integrity. And I don't believe all the "other people do it" BS because frankly I know I'm better than that.

07-23-2004, 07:46 PM
I think the only games I cheat at are comp games that I decided suck so I turn on GOD mode :P

07-23-2004, 09:21 PM
what did jesus say? (and im not talking about thoult shall not sin :) )

07-23-2004, 09:25 PM
what did jesus say? (and im not talking about thoult shall not sin :) )
Basically, one of those "work-at-home, get-rich-quick" emails, in post form.

07-23-2004, 09:33 PM
dont ya love it when people like him (he has 1 post) only sign up so they can advertise other forums or something gay like that

07-23-2004, 09:47 PM
This is disgusting :mad: If someone cheated agaist my team right infront on my face I'ed walk right up to them and knock there goggle visor inside there mask then throw them aside the field. Cheating it for pathetic desprate losers that lost there sense civilization. Some people get carried away with cheating and just go to far. :D :cool:

Wc Keep
07-23-2004, 11:20 PM
Cheating in Recball = No No

But when it comes to tourney ball it is a different situation.

Tech cheats to me BS, and dangerous.

But when it comes to all sports you play as hard as you can to win.

Say in the soccer if the ball crossed the line, and thus is a goal, you would still try to pull it back . Even though the other team obviously scored a goal.

The only way to curb cheating like wiping and playing on. Is to get better trained refs.

that is the worst comparison ever. in soccer the ball has to cross over the line completely so you pull it out to try and stop it on the line. its not cheating.

i never cheat. ive had many clear oppurtunities to cheat and always pass them up. i call paint checks on myself. i consider myself a tourney player from a different generation. i grew up playing real sports before i came to paintball and brought the same mentality from those sports over. i play hard and i win cause of it. not cause i cheated.

i feel no need what so ever to cheat. if i am getting spanked up and down the field at a tourney, im not going to resort to cheating to help win some games, im going to keep playing my hardest and practice even harder than i was.

07-23-2004, 11:26 PM
when i first started playing, i wanted to stay in the game as long as possible, so i cheated once, and got lit up after i wiped... so i learned noit to wipe or cheat, and it just isnt fun anymore... i once caught a guy wiping on my team, and next game we switched teams, and off the break i ran and bunkered, him, i also goit hit 5 times, but it was way worth it.

DaNiMaL :ninja:

07-23-2004, 11:49 PM
i have seen alot of players whipping lately and its seems to be the newer ones. it made be mad at first be then i figured it out i can shot the same fool 3 or 4 times(single hits) in one game he may not call it but i know he feels its and that works for me.

07-24-2004, 12:20 AM
You're playing paintball... if you get marked by a paintball, you're out

If you don't get out when you're marked, what the hell are you playing? It's not paintball...

In the pros, yes, I would cheat. Rookie/novice/whatever else, no.

07-24-2004, 11:01 AM
I am now sorry to say that I'm a member of PBNation.
Cheaters should die

07-24-2004, 12:20 PM
I cheat in tourneys. It is apart of the game if you can't handle it stop playing.

I don't cheat in rec... Enless I realy wanna play.

paint magnet
07-24-2004, 12:34 PM
What do you accomplish if you win, but cheated? That you were better at hiding a hit than the other guy? That you snuck one past the ref? Wow, that takes skill :rolleyes:

07-24-2004, 12:36 PM
What' your integrity worth? a game of paintball? I would hope not. I don't cheat. why do you need to?

07-24-2004, 12:42 PM
I cheat in tourneys. It is apart of the game if you can't handle it stop playing.

I don't cheat in rec... Enless I realy wanna play.

People that say cheating is part of the game are just making excuses to cheat. It's not part of the game! It just so happens that so many ppl do it and get away with it that everyone wants to do it. I think we just need honest and better refs. I don't see why they make reffing seem soooo bad, some people are so lazy and whinny. They are gettting paid money to lay on the ground or stand on the sideline and take out anyone who is shot out! All they have to do is put in the tiniest effort to search the guy thouroghly and pull him out if he's out. Now they do get yelled at and shot at alot but they're pussies if they think thats too much. I just wish they had some good refs at every tournament.


07-29-2004, 04:49 PM
I see cheaters, I embarass the hell out of em. Simple as that. If I ran into the situation that stix ran into, I would make such a big scene that the police would be called and I would be banned from the field, which of course would be fine because I was never coming back anyways. I would have shirts made for my team that said the field was for cheaters. I would post it on local forums. There'd be bumper stickers.
If you want to stop the cheating, have the cajones to stand up in a loud and embarrassing way when you see it. Don't let the field operators get away with allowing it. You pay GOOD money to play at their fields.
Wipers, tech cheaters and ref dodgers lack the confidence to rely on their skills. This is probably due to some sexual inadequacy.

That reminds me of a time I went out to a field around my house. It was a fairly large game something like 20 people. There were some expreienced guys and a lot of 'em were just there to have fun. Well these two guys got into a gun-fight. One was clearly hit on the hopper. When he got back up and returned fire, the guy that hit him basically stood up, and stopped the game until the one who was hit left the field. He just made such a disturbance that we all kind of stopped to watch. It was pretty entertaining to say the least.

07-29-2004, 05:02 PM
Here's what I love:

Take time off from work, drive 4+ hours to tourny, spend a lot of money. Play well. Lose to cheating bastiches where a guy that was gogged runs down the tape and shoots out your team w/o penalty. Go home a loser.

I've come to the conclusion that paintball is a defective game. I can either not play, or spend a lot of time and money to lose to cheaters. Why bother. They are literally stealing my time and money by doing what they do. I'm more interested in friendly games, and I think I'll get into scenario ball.

My other option is, cheat too. This puts you on a more equal playing field. But I'm not going to do this.

07-29-2004, 07:17 PM
I get sick of cheating too. It's frustrating shooting a guy and he doesn't leave the field. I try to play in groups as much as I can at fields. Everyone gets to know each other if they dont allready and people tend to cheat less if they know you are going to be seeing them after the game and having lunch and shootin the breeze between games.

paint magnet
07-29-2004, 11:36 PM
Here's what I love:

Take time off from work, drive 4+ hours to tourny, spend a lot of money. Play well. Lose to cheating bastiches where a guy that was gogged runs down the tape and shoots out your team w/o penalty. Go home a loser.

I've come to the conclusion that paintball is a defective game. I can either not play, or spend a lot of time and money to lose to cheaters. Why bother. They are literally stealing my time and money by doing what they do. I'm more interested in friendly games, and I think I'll get into scenario ball.

My other option is, cheat too. This puts you on a more equal playing field. But I'm not going to do this.

Well said, I'm considering doing the same myself. The only thing I worry about is that with scenarios becoming more 'mainstream', the cheaters will come with it.

07-29-2004, 11:46 PM
rec ball- i usally play with a group of friends, adn we bring a few first timers almost everytime we go, adn play with alot of noobs sometimes too, with that in mind, i have never played on...on purpose, and have called myself out for shots that were bounces, but they could ahve lit me up and had 1 break (ex-they run by, bunker me, keep running, the shot bounced, i COULD light them up in the back, or be greatful taht tehy didnt shoot me more and jsut walk off, which i do) i also ALWAYS one ball when i bunker people in rec ball, hs it gotten me shot in the back, yes, but, its also kept alot of new players coming back who may not have if they had been lit up

tournies- have never wiped, have played on assuming i was hit, but never KNOWING i was hit (ex- get bunkered, turn and shoot back hoping the shots bounced) i try to put 3 shots on ppl, more if ii know they wipe or dont like em ;) usally wait for ref rather than reach and check myself.