View Full Version : Hated to miss this deal.

07-23-2004, 04:29 PM
This (http://www.actvil.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/BrowseCatalog-Start;sid=84241aI28QS4huM3crF4faj_u748VeAPURE=?Cat alogCategoryID=l7asFAY7%2eaQAAAD31tmlA_2r) was one heck of a deal. Much better than a stock cocker and even cheaper. Heck the reg alone is worth 1/3 the price of the marker........... :cry:

07-23-2004, 04:36 PM
and your point is :confused:

07-23-2004, 04:43 PM
and your point is :confused:

My point is that I hated to miss the deal....... :tard:

07-23-2004, 04:44 PM
not really.. ans is trash.

07-23-2004, 05:08 PM
my friend had an ans gx3, and the only thing he did to it was put a dye hinge on it, and it was the only cocker i have ever seen that has never gone out of timing or messed up. he had it for about a year. i received pbgear's email about this maybe 2 weeks ago, and if i didnt already have my freeflow, i wouldve definately picked one up.

07-23-2004, 05:10 PM
lol are you kidding me?
ANS blows all of my body parts at once

07-23-2004, 05:18 PM
personman, that comment just made my day

07-23-2004, 05:41 PM
ANS doesnt make bad products, it;s just that they're over-hyped by ANS and not worth the price. They're lprs are pretty good, rams could be better, 3-ways are ehh. People say their worse than they really are.

07-23-2004, 05:54 PM
Generally horrible.

ANuS is bad.mmmkay.

07-23-2004, 06:22 PM
hmmmm for 3 bills an ANS is better than a stock 04 for 350

07-23-2004, 06:42 PM
I had a nice looking gnx3 with eclipse hinge on it. Then it went out of timing and no techs around here could get it to stay timed. Dont know why but after a hopper or so it wasnt shooting. Everything was locktited and everything. just never worked right.

07-23-2004, 07:41 PM
lol are you kidding me?
ANS blows all of my body parts at once
ok, but i wasnt kidding.

07-24-2004, 12:30 AM
Havok i couldnt of put it any better, jut always pass up that dealand save and buy a nice wgp cocker.

DaNiMaL :ninja:

07-24-2004, 01:51 AM
they are all sold out anyway now <>

07-24-2004, 08:02 AM
I would be willing to bet that 95% of the people who say ANS sux , blows , whatever have never even had their hands on one of their cockers....just buying into hype.

There is NO WAY you can say that wasn't a better deal than a stock cocker. It just doesn't add up. The Gen X reg and Jackhammer 2 MAKE it a better deal all by themselves. Not to mention the quickchange bolt that ROCKS.

I had a nice looking gnx3 with eclipse hinge on it. Then it went out of timing and no techs around here could get it to stay timed. Dont know why but after a hopper or so it wasnt shooting. Everything was locktited and everything. just never worked right.

My thoughts are that the right people just didn't look at it. I have yet to see a cocker just "go out of time" that there was not a cause for. I get basket case (mech) cockers from people all the time that just "won't work" and has never taken me long to figure out and make right.

07-24-2004, 08:39 AM
Probably not. I should of kept it and put an eblade on it. I liked the fade on that baby.

07-24-2004, 09:11 AM
That is a nice fade.


07-24-2004, 02:11 PM
I would be willing to bet that 95% of the people who say ANS sux , blows , whatever have never even had their hands on one of their cockers....just buying into hype.
I'll take that bet then.
I had a '96 cocker that wouldnt work at all, turns out both the ANS Jackhammer II and the ANS Gen-X 2 were messing the gun up. I had to replace them. After replacing them with a Palmer Rock and a stock cocker reg, it worked like a dream.
Also, explain to me how NOT buying into the hype is buying into the hype?

07-24-2004, 02:47 PM
I'll take that bet then.
I had a '96 cocker that wouldnt work at all, turns out both the ANS Jackhammer II and the ANS Gen-X 2 were messing the gun up. I had to replace them. After replacing them with a Palmer Rock and a stock cocker reg, it worked like a dream.
Also, explain to me how NOT buying into the hype is buying into the hype?

Buying into the hype that ANS isn't any good. All over you see people who are downing them based "what they hear".
***ADD ON EDIT*****
I find it funny that you would call ANS hyped. About the only company I have seen with less/about the same hype(advertising) is AGD.
Its also funny that the "popular" perception of both is that they suck...
Lack of hype = suck ?

The Gen X reg is on v.3 now and is awesome . The Jackhammer has long been considered one of the better LPR's I have never seen any of their products (excluding mag parts) have any type of issue that wasn't user caused/related.

I am not saying they are the best thing that ever was. But for the price of most of thheir products it is a great value in equipment. For the GIVEAWAY price they were selling this for it was an unbeatable deal.

07-26-2004, 03:20 AM
yeah im kinda pissed that i missed.