View Full Version : I finally got some pictures of my mag...

10-19-2001, 10:21 AM
I finally got some pictures of my mag... Sooooo... Here it is. What you think?

68 Automag (Level 7) w/Powerfeed
14" DYE Aluminum
Centerflag Hyperframe
AGD Warpfeed
12V Revolution (pre-Brass Eagle)
68ci Crossfire Tank
Kapp Foregrip extender
ACI 4-Stag Expansion Chamber (from my CO2 days)
Y2Kradle (drop forward)
Raised site rail (I don't know what brand)

Since I got my Hyperframe setup correctly, this thing shoots great. I'd have to say it can keep up with any other marker out there.

10-19-2001, 10:30 AM
I like it! I would have gone with a Smoke Warp Feed though.. but that is me.

Very nice Marker and setup.

10-19-2001, 11:01 AM
Looks great. DO you have any problem with that much Warp hose?

10-19-2001, 11:10 AM
I'd toss the expansion chamber (since you've got nitro), get a regular foregrip, and run the air line toward the back.
But if that works for you, it does look nice.

10-19-2001, 11:22 AM
I haven't had any problem with the Warpfeed. I am on the lookout for a hopper right powerfeed body though, that way I could set it up like it should be.

As far as the expansion chamber goes, I've kept it for the basic reason that I could run CO2 if I needed to. It works as a comfortable foregrip as well.

10-19-2001, 02:02 PM
Very cool looking!


10-19-2001, 06:55 PM
Not bad, I think I would have boughten a ReTro before a Hyperframe. But why would you get rid of the expansion chamber when you could just route the hose directly from the ASA to the valve, bypassing the x-chamber? Nitro isn't affected by an expansion chamber anyways.

10-20-2001, 07:53 PM
get any shootdown with the hyper?? and i think that site rail is a dye winged site rail...

10-21-2001, 07:41 AM
have you had any problems with the hyper frame?

10-21-2001, 08:38 AM
how did u get ur pf body to angle like that?

10-21-2001, 12:53 PM
Actually, my Hyperframe worked great for a while. Then I had a problem when my sear got worn. I changed the sear for a new one and had all kinds of problems. The bolt started getting chewed up bad. I ended up callin Centerflag and they replaced the bolt and sent me a much longer on/off pin. This seems to have corrected the problem.

As far as the question about my powerfeed, I'm not sure what you're asking. My powerfeed is a standard hopper left body, nothing special.

10-21-2001, 06:38 PM
my bad i just have neva seen a warp setup like that u but the feed plug where the elbow usually goes