View Full Version : Well this kind of sucks.

07-24-2004, 06:50 PM
Ok there right now i have Black 98c with R/T and halo b Z-software and rip drive. I was going to upgrade that but then i thought i could sell it to my dad(he plays everynow and then) Well WRONG!! So im like i could try e-bay but id only be getting about 100 out of the 98c with R/T

Keeping Halo B for mag

So here i am stuck in a fritz. Either i upgrade my 98c and put in about 500 or i get something else(mag but i need hpa or a diff gun that runs on co2)

Im currently running 98c rt Halo B with 9oz,16oz,20oz,24oz Co2.

And well then i need a gun that well run Co2 casue i cant affored Hap tank along with new gun and then being stuck wiht my 98c and not being able to sell it for more then 150 :cry:

So if anyone would help me on what i should do.(and i want to get into more speedball then woodsball) So if you can help me eithe ri stick with 98c and upgrade or i get new gun You guys name it and some upgrades but would have to run of co2.

Thanks for any help.

07-24-2004, 06:57 PM
save up and buy a good nitrogen tank (don't cheap out on the steel ones), you can use this nitrogen tank with you Tippmann until you have the funds for a new gun. Problem solved.

07-24-2004, 06:58 PM
Depends mostly all on what you want to do. You plan on playing mostly all woodsball and scenarios/big games? If so then sure keep your Tippmann. Nothing is better for that area because you can alter it to fit any way you can imagine for the surroundings.

However if playing 'strictly' speedball games you can definatly look around, because for most people Tippmann isn't their first choice for hunkering behind that bunker.

So first figure out what area of play you are going to be in the most, and then go from there.

07-24-2004, 06:59 PM
i wouldnt upgrade your tippmann, i mean the only other real upgrades are the ebolt and lp kit but those are failry expensive. anyways i would just leave your stuff as is and save for a new gun and have your tippmann as a back up... or try to sell your tippmann on the tippmann forums to a young kid that wants one. you may be able to gt 160-170 for your gun and a tank and a cheap 200 round hopper. and then you could try to sell your co2 tanks to friends for cheap and maybe make $200 towards a new gun www.tippmann.com

07-24-2004, 07:02 PM
Depends mostly all on what you want to do. You plan on playing mostly all woodsball and scenarios/big games? If so then sure keep your Tippmann. Nothing is better for that area because you can alter it to fit any way you can imagine for the surroundings.

However if playing 'strictly' speedball games you can definatly look around, because for most people Tippmann isn't their first choice for hunkering behind that bunker.

So first figure out what area of play you are going to be in the most, and then go from there.

Im going to be Speedball hyper ball then sometimes liek seicnero and woodsball when i have nothing better to do. But i well mostly be Speedball and fileds like that.

07-24-2004, 07:04 PM
if thats the case i would just keep the tippmann as a back up. and just save up for a nice tank then a gun cuase you can always use the HPA tank on your tippmann as Aceman has said... and where do you play? if you want i can hook you up with a few different types of guns to try and use.

you could also try the Pirahna Evo with the Eyes it will cost you like $250-$300 but you can still use Co2 on it and its quick and fast and it has eyes so very little chops

07-24-2004, 07:11 PM
Well i dont go to fileds much been saveing for new gun ectt.. But places i would go Paintball sams,Apoc,Paintball Daves,Siege,BFG.

But iv been looking at ebay for automags and i found one that a guy has alot of stuff.


or even maybe this


So tell me your thoughts mayeb i can get my dad to let me buy that one where it comes wiht 2 automags.

pos back on your thoughts plzz

07-24-2004, 07:19 PM
the first one is alright and will lead you to lots of upgrades for the perfect ule mech mag... the second one i may out bid you on ;)

07-24-2004, 07:23 PM
lol its whoever gets to that buyit now botton for 350 lol no. But the frist one would be good got alot of barrels and 2 hpa tanks. And a scuba tnak to fill them so i could get that.

If not that then ill just save up for an hpa tank.

(gose talk to dad) lol

07-24-2004, 07:24 PM
but do note the 800$ reserve on the first auction you posted

07-24-2004, 07:30 PM
yeah i know i saw that and now my dad is being a pain in the butt. So time to look for seomthign else casue i totled him aobut the reserve and othe rone he is like no. So time to look some more.

Anyother thoughts or suggestions.

07-24-2004, 08:23 PM
i was in the same situation

i bought a very crappy steal tank though, dont do that, and i used it on my tippmann for awhile, till i sold the tippmann to a friend (riipped him off pretty bad) and saved acouple dollars and got a minimag. now i have an rt pro, though

if i could go back in time, id save up longer and be more patient, and buy a fiber tank, and then an rtpro, instead of rushing int it with the cheaper solutions