View Full Version : Some questions about modern paintball "lingo"

07-24-2004, 10:53 PM
Ok, I play paintball. I love paintball... But I must be slightly out of the proverbial loop on things these days.... I was looking around on a forum of lesser intelligence coughpbncough.... and I kept running across things like Sick AGG Gat.. Ok. lets see: sick as in cool and Gat as in gun right? As in bust a cap from my gat… But AGG?? what the hell is agg? aggressive? is that what it means? And if so, what the hell does that have to do with a marker?? Would not the PERSON be AGG, and not the marker? Or is the marker so Grand, so splendid a marker to actually make the person become more aggressive and more able to annihilate the other team??

Ups. yes. ups. not UPS as in "United Parcel Service," but UPS, as in: sick agg gat with ups. Ok Have we become such speed freaks, shooting 40+CPS that we cannot type out "upgrades?" Five more letters?? At first I thought it might be in reference to the daily UP or the nightly UP, as in, move my post to the top so people can see it, but the "Sick AGG Gat Timmy with UPS" had only one post, and it was not an "up". whats up with that?

Now I am all for lingo and all, but this is strange to me. My idea of lingo is "Take out the shoebox behind the dorito at the fifty, while I post on this poser behind the beer can." That is lingo.

Anyway. Sorry for the rant, just some things that I wonder about sometimes.....

(I have way too much free time apparently.)

07-24-2004, 10:56 PM
AGG is basically a new word for cool.

07-24-2004, 11:00 PM
AGG=gay way to say cool



07-25-2004, 12:35 AM
AGG=gay way to say cool

Now is AGG Pronounced - "Ahg"
"A-G-G" :dance:

07-25-2004, 12:41 AM
and cover the lense on the tv screen
ya know, so me and my gang we can't be seen
and smile cuz ya know Im in controll of this @#%$
and no sucka @$$ !&%%@z gonna stop the hit
nobody move nobody gets hurt :shooting:
nobody move nobody gets hurt :shooting:
nobody move nobody gets hurt :shooting:
nobody move nobody gets hurt :shooting:
stackin' up the miney and there's more to collect
cuz i don't give a &$%# I take travelers checks......

...couldn't resist, old school EaZy-E rules
:dance: :dance: :dance:
:cheers: :cheers:

07-25-2004, 12:42 AM
Now is AGG Pronounced - "Ahg"
"A-G-G" :dance:

It's pronounced "Ahg".

07-25-2004, 01:35 AM
i thought ahg was something you say when you dont want to hear anymore of something, like if your grossed out.

"i had to go take a dump"
"yea i layed out like a foot and a half of turd"


atleast this forum hasnt really been infected by PBN 10 year olds and their "AGG gats"

07-25-2004, 01:43 AM
it's pronounced "a" as in apple and "g" as in gold. Just take the first sound of each word and put it together.

07-25-2004, 02:43 AM
"Gat is not new. Its at least 14 years old."

according to the History Channel Gat was a term used for the Thompson Submachine Gun back in the years before WWII.

07-25-2004, 02:58 AM
"$$$DOPE GUCCI AGG DM4 f/s/t with UPs$$$"

hey. at least it brings on the customers. :)

07-25-2004, 03:40 AM
Gat is not new. Its at least 14 years old.
Try 90 years or more. Prohibition gangsters and motorized bandits used it.

07-25-2004, 06:57 AM
Try 90 years or more. Prohibition gangsters and motorized bandits used it.

So Tom and Shatner are gonna break out their gats Perdition style then? In the dark rain with the hitnan muzzle flash.

07-25-2004, 08:12 AM
it all confuses me, too :( :tard:

07-25-2004, 10:07 AM
I don't think most of this is paintball talk, more like 10 year olf paintball talk.

Personally, I don't know why ANYONE bothers with PBN anymore. The 10 year olds have ruined it....permanently.

AGG....WTF Where would someone come up with that. Obviously only a 10 year old could conjure that one up....

07-25-2004, 12:44 PM
Ok... New mission.

Why dont we create a word.... Sort of like AGG, and start using it on PBN.... maybe say something like..."Yeah Dynasty said the new shockers were skazzle." or what ever....

I would like to see if it catches on. We could totaly just create a new word, a "made up AGG" and spread it on PBN... the Dynasty part comes in to reasure the kids there, that it is cool to say a stupid new word...

Im half convinced that if Dynasty all started shooting pink automags in tutus,..... there would be a huge demand for Tom to fill.... sad, but almost true eh?

well whats the word you AGG AOers?


07-25-2004, 01:00 PM
Also, AGG is like a style of playing too. You can tell the way someone that is "agg" by what they wear mostly. Multiple headbands, bandanas around the neck tails, etc. And also a way for saying cool.

07-25-2004, 01:17 PM
so ag has nothing to do with how you play, because i could strap headbands and bandanas to myself all day, i dont think it would change my playing very much. a style of playing paintball usually has to do with playing paintball, not what you wear

07-25-2004, 01:23 PM
really stupid word. does anyone know who started using it? It's just as stupid as "pwned".

07-25-2004, 01:45 PM
really stupid word. does anyone know who started using it? It's just as stupid as "pwned".

except pwned is almost a full word, and is obvious where it came from. Agg doesn't make any sense at all, its not even a good sound when you say it :p

Head knight of Ni
07-25-2004, 02:42 PM
Agg is a basterdization of Aggro. :ninja:

07-25-2004, 03:07 PM
So Tom and Shatner are gonna break out their gats Perdition style then? In the dark rain with the hitnan muzzle flash.
Star Trek episode 49 style: A Piece of the Action.


trains are bad
07-25-2004, 03:23 PM
according to the History Channel Gat was a term used for the Thompson Submachine Gun back in the years before WWII.

Gat comes from gatling gun, obviously. So late civil war or so.

07-25-2004, 03:31 PM
Star Trek episode 49 style: A Piece of the Action.


Hhehe, awesome. Now if he just had the stubble thin moustache and a mag with a Q-loader off the side at 90* it would be perfect.

07-25-2004, 03:56 PM
Agg was first used in paintball by HK(Hostile Kids) out of southern California.

07-25-2004, 06:07 PM
man agg is so last month. :p its all about BHH!!! one step above :p

07-25-2004, 07:04 PM
Agg is a basterdization of Aggro. :ninja:

aggro-crag? 1995-6ish nickelodeon GLOBAL GUTS style? hehehe at 17 that show still rocks my socks off.

really stupid word. does anyone know who started using it? It's just as stupid as "pwned"

not obvious...what does that ish mean. it might have something to do w/owned...did a member of dynasty just move the pinky up instead of their ring finger to press "O" but got "P" instead...someone laughed at them and then ppl forgot to read the beginning of the post when ppl made fun of them and then those kids started saying pwned...

stupid lingo upsets me. when the effish are you going to say AGG in convorsation...nope it only works when typing. LAME.

Head knight of Ni
07-25-2004, 07:09 PM
video games. And people with too much time. There's a penny arcade comic that shows a video game geek wearing a shirt with aggro on it.

07-25-2004, 10:21 PM


Take it for what it's worth.

07-25-2004, 10:31 PM
I still think we should make up our own word and try to get PBN to think its "AGG"... as they say.

07-26-2004, 12:06 AM
I would totally agree with the PBN idea. Only one thing, there is no way in hell you are getting me to come within 100.001 IP addresses of that place ever again. :cuss:

07-26-2004, 12:42 AM
haha.... I dont know why I go there... I really have no idea.

07-26-2004, 05:54 PM
I still think we should make up our own word and try to get PBN to think its "AGG"... as they say.
That would be awesome. It would show just how stupid a lot of the people on PBN are. There are some good forums on there though, specifically the ICD and AKA forums are the ones I know of that are still good.

07-26-2004, 11:18 PM
How about the AGD forum? Or has that been run over by Smart Farts likers and ten year olds too?

07-27-2004, 12:04 AM
I found this.........

definition of Agg (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=agg&r=f)

Still is a retarded word. I've never heard it being used on paintball fields here, eventhough it supposidly orginated in So-Cal.

07-27-2004, 08:14 PM
Watch the movie Malibu's Most Wanted and you we see where these kids are getting this slang from.Its all copied from street slang."Everybody wana be a Black man but dont nobody wana be a Black man"Paul Moony (Ask a Black Man from the Dave Chappel show)

07-27-2004, 10:48 PM
Everytime somone says "gat" and baby cries :cry:

p u r e e v i l
07-28-2004, 01:46 AM
I know I'm probably bringing back a old topic. But AGG is just...AGG, to most, it has its own meaning. As for the look. It seems like it's all about the look these days. If you haven't noticed, people who are new to fields usually look for the pimped up Ballas. Woot.

I suck at paintball, so I have to look good doing it.

07-31-2004, 07:44 AM
ha i got one up on you peeps!!
found THE way to be AGG

linky here


Alright, here's the thread where I show all you kidders how to be AGG. Its not about winning or losing, its about looking good. Here is where Gordon and myself will teach YOU how to be AGG.

Du-Rags - No. They were cool in the 90s, but not no more.

Heandbands - Good touch. Works well if put on over a camo sandana, or if its a LV or Gucci. Pink is also well.

Beanies - Can be AGG is worn correctly. Must have a sandana under and a heandband/bandana over.

Sandana - VERY AGG. Must be camo, needs to have a good heandband or bandana over it.


Upper Torso (what to wear on your chest):
If you want your torso to be AGG, the best way to do so is to get an HK jersey. If you dont know what HK is, then let's just say we'll tie you to a pole and beat you. If you dont have HK, then any short sleeve shirt can work. BUT, there must be a long-sleeve under it. Black is nice.

MUST be paintball pants. JT and Empire are the most AGG. If you want the most points, get them a size to big and sag with them. To be ultra AGG, then put on some tailfeathers. They should match or be pink/camo, nothing else.

The most AGG mask on the market stock would be the JT Proflex. To spice it upo would be smoke or mirror lense, and 2 goggle straps (cheetah and cash money print goes well together). If you dont like the proflex then the ONLY other AGG mask is the profiler. To make the Profiler the best mask ever, rig some Proflex soft-ear pieces to it.

Must be fast, must be illegal, must have a 16in and no drop. No exceptions.

Whiule running hand must be infront of lense to insure no gogs.

Now that I've given you a crash course on AGG you are ready to hit the fields in style! If you wanna know if youre AGG then post up and Gordon and myself (and others approved by us) can critique you.

07-31-2004, 03:37 PM
So, Sandanas and duck bills (Unimount) are cool again? I didn't care for either when they were cool the first time.

07-31-2004, 03:53 PM
So, Sandanas and duck bills (Unimount) are cool again? I didn't care for either when they were cool the first time.
I prefer a rail and asa to a drop, but not because of the trendy crap, for me it balances my set up better. I say run whatever helps you feel most comfortable, screw agg. Who cares if you look "cool" if you are on your way to the dead box. Sandanas are nice, I have one, but I also like durags which i guess aren't cool anymore. All these "agg" paintballers remind me of the prissy preps when I was in high school. What's in will be out in another 6 months. For instance pink guns are moving out and rasta annoe'd guns are coming in with white guns on the rise. I mean have you seen some of the players that are followers of this crap? They'll have a sandana with a headband and a hat on forward with a bandana around there neck! That's friggin absurd, it doesn't look cool, in fact it looks stupid. The only people it looks cool to are other followers of the agg "movement", I think just about everyone else thinks they like idiots.

07-31-2004, 03:53 PM
ha i got one up on you peeps!!
found THE way to be AGG

linky here


Alright, here's the thread where I show all you kidders how to be AGG. Its not about winning or losing, its about looking good. Here is where Gordon and myself will teach YOU how to be AGG.

Du-Rags - No. They were cool in the 90s, but not no more.

Heandbands - Good touch. Works well if put on over a camo sandana, or if its a LV or Gucci. Pink is also well.

Beanies - Can be AGG is worn correctly. Must have a sandana under and a heandband/bandana over.

Sandana - VERY AGG. Must be camo, needs to have a good heandband or bandana over it.


Upper Torso (what to wear on your chest):
If you want your torso to be AGG, the best way to do so is to get an HK jersey. If you dont know what HK is, then let's just say we'll tie you to a pole and beat you. If you dont have HK, then any short sleeve shirt can work. BUT, there must be a long-sleeve under it. Black is nice.

MUST be paintball pants. JT and Empire are the most AGG. If you want the most points, get them a size to big and sag with them. To be ultra AGG, then put on some tailfeathers. They should match or be pink/camo, nothing else.

The most AGG mask on the market stock would be the JT Proflex. To spice it upo would be smoke or mirror lense, and 2 goggle straps (cheetah and cash money print goes well together). If you dont like the proflex then the ONLY other AGG mask is the profiler. To make the Profiler the best mask ever, rig some Proflex soft-ear pieces to it.

Must be fast, must be illegal, must have a 16in and no drop. No exceptions.

Whiule running hand must be infront of lense to insure no gogs.

Now that I've given you a crash course on AGG you are ready to hit the fields in style! If you wanna know if youre AGG then post up and Gordon and myself (and others approved by us) can critique you.

08-01-2004, 12:09 AM
yeah, what the hell is with the hand in front of the goggles while running for????

Is that supposed to make balls magicaly fly away from your face... dont know about you guys, but the back of my hand is just as hard as the goggle lense....

I keep seeing that in paintball mags, and on the LA 04 dvd I just got... Its a little strange, guys running for two seconds with the hands in front of their faces... its like... "ah.. I cant see where im going, and whats on the other side of the feild, but apparently I look AGG... because i have a pink marker with an unnessiarily long barrel, and excessive headwear...."

what ever happened to just playing paintball... I remember when it was still cool to wear camo on the speedball feilds....

strange times...

08-01-2004, 12:15 AM
... "ah.. I cant see where im going, and whats on the other side of the feild, but apparently I look AGG... because i have a pink marker with an unnessiarily long barrel, and excessive headwear...."
HAHAHA, it's so true.

If you wear the right gloves you will get bounces, if it's your bare hand there is no point, but with certain gloves you can get a good amount of bounces.

08-01-2004, 12:18 AM
yeah, what the hell is with the hand in front of the goggles while running for????

I do that off the break sometimes or if I'm running to a really small buncker. It is because thr pale of your hand is softer than your mask, and it is easier to get a bounce. I've been told by players wih 20+ years that it is a good idea.

08-01-2004, 10:28 PM
In responce to fanatics post.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ROTFLMFAO!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I still wear and will always wear camo on the speedball field. I have Proto Switch goggles and I wear a camo hat backwards. My gun is completely black and entirely legal.

All that AGG crap is STUPID. Who gives a crap how you look. People are more impressed by how someone plays vs. how they look. Also, wearing all that crap the AGG way would be HORRIBLY uncomfortable and ugly.

'Nuff said.

08-01-2004, 11:40 PM
The hand in front of the face thing is lame. The benifit is outweighed by a slowed sprint and not using the opportunity to look around or where you're going for that matter.

08-02-2004, 12:32 AM
Now that we are talkin about this lingo crap.

What the hell does SP means?

Because everytime that someone says something they put (SP).

I thought it mean smart parts but it doesnt make sense.

I thought AGG meant "a gay gun".

08-02-2004, 12:39 AM
discombobulated (sp?)


as in, Im not sure if I am spelling this right, so dont get all pissed at me if its wrong...



08-02-2004, 07:11 AM
Haha, Athius is right. AGG should mean gay gun :rofl: