View Full Version : Any America's Army players?

07-25-2004, 02:45 AM
Just wondering. If any of you haven't tried it out you should, its great and FREE! And if you have tried it out in the past and haven't played recently give it another try, they added a bunch more stuff with the 2.1 patch like RAGDOLL PHYSICS!


If your interested in an AA clan we're sorta recruiting, so if your decent head on over to www.clanversus.com , hit our forums, and make a post in the America's Army section.

07-25-2004, 07:30 AM
I tried it, and it was ok. I did really like the modern weapons, versus the older stuff from Battlefield:1942. However, after I downloaded the Desert Combat mod for BF1942, I lost interest in America's Army (easier too, as you don't have to worry about basic training or an honor score).

07-25-2004, 03:55 PM
training is to weed out the lame "counterstrike is the best game ever" people :)

07-25-2004, 05:44 PM
I couldnt ever download it. I wish i was able to play.

07-25-2004, 07:16 PM
some guy came to my school for career day and was asking quesitons and stuff and if you got em all right you could get this game and i got it but i never did install it in fact i do not know where it went ....ohwell i play cs :shooting: look at my dualies and my 1337 cr3w dress up

andrew 2589
07-25-2004, 09:07 PM
my bro got it for free when he enlisted and he gave it to me

i played it for a little while then it started having problems with my comp

07-25-2004, 10:00 PM
my crappy ibm couldnt handle it... but from what ive seen it looks very good

07-26-2004, 11:05 PM
I played it a little. Went completely through the training. After that, i just couldnt get into it. Didnt understand the whole "Honor" thing, and i just didnt care for the game that much.

07-27-2004, 02:47 AM
I love that game, and if I still had a good internet connection I would still play it. I like it because it takes skill, and training really does help weed out the lamers (esp the more advanced training), and it has got to be one of the most realistic shooting games out there. Plus, it's FREE!
I'm a kinda sad case though, been playing since beta and still don't have enough honor to play SF lol, oh well. Honor basically is like gaining levels in an RPG, everything you do in the game (killing a teamate, killing enemy, your team completing an objective while you were alive, your team completing an objective while you were dead, YOU completing an objective, kills with different weapons) is worth a different amount of points, and each honor level requires you to have a certain amount of these points. There's a website you can go to and check your current points and how many you need until your next honor level. Obviously things like failing a mission, dying, and killing teammates subtracts from these points, and it really does take a lot of points to advance (You also get more points for being squad leader, but lose more points in these positions as well). Once you have a lot of honor it's easier to get more simply because you have a better chance at getting to use better weapons, which give more points.
So, get my point??? :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

EDIT: At least, this was how it worked several months ago when I stopped playing. If they've changed it then I wasted a lot of space for nothing. :(

07-27-2004, 04:14 AM
Why don't we get an AGD clan going for Americas Army?

07-27-2004, 04:27 AM
Actually honor points have no effect on what weapons you get to use. The players with the highest score from the previous 7 rounds get to pick their weapons first, regardless of their honor points.

Also the "better weapons" don't give any more points than a normal m4 user. The positions that give more points are the Staff Sargeant, Squad Leaders, and VIP positions because they give leadership points at the end of each round (amount depending on if you win and how many teamates are left alive).

Honor points basically have no real meaning besides it shows how long you've played and it will allow you to access the restricted servers such as the Elite servers in which you need over so many honor points to get into.

07-27-2004, 07:20 AM
accually you need 20 honor points to get the special forces weapons, atleast i did lol. ive had this game since the day after it came out (noone could get it the day it came out anway lol) and my 21 honor or whatever it is doesnt really reflect on that

07-27-2004, 07:32 AM
I was an AAO fanatics when the game first came out. In 1.7 my honor peaked at 53. Since then they reset the honors and my honor is now at 28 (left after 1.7 and came back in 2.1). I didn't know that about the best scores getting to choose their weapons first? I always get the weapon that I select. Not to toot my own horn, but I do usually have a decent score, but by no means always the highest. If I want the m82, I get it, if I want the m249, I get it. :shrug: Its about being ready after that 7th round ends to select your weapon before others do.