View Full Version : Nice to have the mag back together

07-25-2004, 09:27 PM
I just got the mag back together in its "stock" form after having been apart for the past three months. It was really nice to be back on the field with it.I have been using my mech freeflow cocker for the past few months. Its sweet , but nothing as fast as the RT. I was just mowing on the trigger in the few games I played. Just taking advantage of the speed it offers.

My lvl 10 worked its magic too. The game had turned into a 2 on me. I was in a pretty good pinch. I was in the middle of the field with an experianced player in the snake to my right and a decent novice player just left and in front of me. While I was trying to keep the guy in the middle from breaking into the snake left, my hoppers batteries died. The lvl 10 saved me from a string of broken balls before I realized what was happening and started shaking the gun. It turned out all right though , I went on to win the game after an insane bunker move. Insane cause I NEVER try them anymore(got in trouble under a no bunkering rule)...lol , no one was expecting it out of me.