View Full Version : Blurring the Line Between Business and Pleasure

10-19-2001, 04:24 PM
When thinking about my new job and how everything fell together, I am reminded of those old Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercials where two people accidentally bump into each other, mixing their chocolate candy bar and jar of peanut butter… serendipitous in the extreme. One question comes to mind though, why would someone carry around an open jar of peanut butter? The answer to that question can wait for Deep Blue. For now I have some exciting personal news to announce – I got a job in the paintball industry!

After five years of stressful tech-writing, sales training and technical support in the cut-throat world of wireless, I decided my years in college had been sufficiently served and the time had come to land a fun job. No more headaches, career burnout or dreams of escaping to a deserted island in the South Pacific with Ginger and friends. Well, okay the island dream can stay but something else had to change.

Browsing through the employment section for leads, the first job listing I found was for a local interent paintball retailer. I had purchased several markers from them over the years and toyed with the idea of working there, but couldn’t justify the perceived paycut even if that meant talking about paintball all day for a living. Job security was another issue. I have seen many mom-n’-pop paintball shops come and go over the years and most were run by enthusiasts rather than businessmen. In other words, I was worried that I couldn’t survive on paintball.

Coaxed by my girlfriend, family and friends, I applied for the sales and tech support position with Paintball-Online. Though I was worried about the pay, I took the job and I’m very glad I did! I have been extremely impressed with the company’s professionalism, and as my dad always told me, do something you love and the money will follow. Somehow, I have managed to merge my need to “pay the bills”with a sport I am passionate about. Let me tell you, that is a great feeling.

Why am I telling this to everyone on AO? Other than being excited about my new job, I now have access to all kinds of goodies, both Automag related and not, and I hope to provide some hands-on product reviews. For example, we just received our Mako Storm Spyder grip frames so I will let you guys know how well that works. You can be sure that when the HALO arrives, I will be thoroughly testing one out on my Warp Feed.

Besides offering insights into upcoming products outside the AGD realm, I feel my new job affords me an interesting perspective on paintball as a whole. Some of the general concepts I held regarding paintball in the past have spun around 180 degress! One of my greatest struggles is educating players about the basic physics of paintball, as well as bringing some front-line respect to the Mag! The majority of players I meet would rather believe the hype about barrels or other gadgets then hear the truth. Crazy.

Anyway, I’m off to do some more on-the-job training… which means reading the AO forums and hanging out in the chatroom :)



10-19-2001, 08:29 PM
hey congrats to ya man!!!

good to hear someone who is happier with their job than me!! (read I hate you :))

hope it rocks for ya :D :D :D

10-19-2001, 08:31 PM
Congrats man,
no better of a person could have got that job

10-19-2001, 08:54 PM
way to go dude! (i hate you too!!) ;)

j/k...i thought i had a pretty cool/happy job, but then, i only help distributing curling irons/blow dryers....distributing paintball products would be MUCH cooler! lemme know if you guys need another computer nerd there!!


10-19-2001, 09:06 PM

This is great. It just so happens I was thinking of applying at PB-Online myself. I have a FT job that pays the bills just fine, but thought a day or two a week would let me do two things I really love. Talk about paintball, and play with cool equipment. You know if they are still looking for part-time help?

10-20-2001, 09:33 AM
Hey Matt, Long time no hear you post Man! Good to see this. Man this is the greatest news I have heard in a while. I am realy realy happy for you and look forward to seeing your post count get back to normal. Good luck.


10-20-2001, 08:17 PM
Congratulation on your new job. It is rare to find people who actually love doing their job. Who says business and pleasure cannot mix? All you have to do is be professional, the rest is easy.

10-20-2001, 08:37 PM
Congrats.. im sure you'll love it

Im checking into finding a job in hte R&D department / CAD/Designing depo. I just do freelance models now for people wanting to take theri gun designs to companies, but need an idea of waht the gun owuld look like in real life.

10-25-2001, 12:38 PM
Thanks for the kinds words everybody, I'm definitely diggin' my job :) Why's that you ask? Well...

I won our September and October sales contest and now hold two round-trip tickets to Hawaii in my hand. Whoo-Hoo! Or should I say aloha? The girlfriend never thought she'd be this excited to hear me talk about paintball :)


I'm surprised you noticed my absence from AO as I was never a proliferate poster. During my job transition and training ramp-up, my post count did drop significantly as did my overall time spent on this site. There were other reasons too like spending too much time in that dang chatroom ;) but mainly due to the new job. Hopefully I'll be able to spend more time here and toss out a new product review once in a while.


Yes, they are looking for additional employees with solid paintball technical knowledge and sales experience - at least 5 years, though it can be less depending on your resume and individual skill level. You should come into the showroom and introduce yourself, I'll be working there this weekend.



10-25-2001, 12:51 PM
congrats, that's great news
now if paintball companies had a strong demand for accountants I'd be all set.

10-25-2001, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
now if paintball companies had a strong demand for accountants I'd be all set.

I'm afraid that the paintball industry's lack of interest in accountants has been a VERY large part of their failure to make a go of it. Somebody has be the one to tell them that numbers written in red ink tend to make the long-term scenarios bleak.

Temo Vryce
10-25-2001, 01:32 PM
Man I am sooo jealous. I would love to work in the paintball field. Even if it was just putting the equipment together. Oh well, Congrats man I'm glad you are injoying it.

Think I can hide in one of your suit cases for the Paradise island trip? :D

10-25-2001, 02:50 PM

So, I'm in Paintball Online, minding my own business, when a friendly guy in an Airgun Designs hat walks in. He makes sure I have been helped, and then went back into the warehouse. Seemed a lot like a Yipe to me. I did not want to sound like a fool ("Hey, I'm Tubby Ninja, are you Yipe?") so I did not introduce myself. But, how many people are wearing an Airgun Designs hat?

Yipe, in case you are wondering, I was the guy in the tie who bought a Black Magic Cocker.

Also, I'd love to work there on weekends. But my strength lies in dealing well with all kinds of customers, and love of the game. I am no great technician. I have a Mag, so I've never had to be!


10-26-2001, 02:08 PM
("Hey, I'm Tubby Ninja, are you Yipe?")

No, really, I dare you to go around saying that! ;) ;) ;)

10-26-2001, 02:31 PM
Hey, My AOL screenname is StupidAce. I remember the first time I had to introduce myself that way!


10-26-2001, 11:19 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking of trying it out at the bar...

Me: "Hey baby, I'm Jim."
Girl: (Blank stare)
Me: "Oh, well you might know me as AO's own Tubby Ninja!"
Girl: "Oh my god! You're Tubby Ninja? I love you!"
Me: "Oh yeah baby, and over at AO we got 26 BPS, if you know what I mean."
Girl: "I have no idea what you mean."
Me: "Oh....uh...me either...bye."


-And we got Superbolts, too!

10-27-2001, 03:19 AM
Hi, Matt. Congrats on the cool job. Maybe you could do me a little favor? I have two orders pending with paintball-online.com from ebay auction wins and can't get status updates on either of them(83042 is the first order #). I have tried to call and email Jeff with no luck. Don't get me wrong, I am not upset, I am just looking for info any way I can find it at this point, I read your post and saw an opportunity. The two orders together total around $600, not exactly pocket change for me. I would really like to be able to leave positive feedback on ebay for you guys, so please you or Jeff get in touch with me soon.

Russ Hassinger

10-27-2001, 12:18 PM

First off, thanks for bidding on one of our ebay auctions! We appreciate your business, and your patience as we figure everything out with the ebay order process. Here is the shipping information regarding order # 83042:

Your order shipped out on 10/24/01 under UPS tracking number
1Z1E9E770300054087. According to UPS, your package is due to arrive on October 30th. For further updates, you can track your order at www.ups.com or call me at Paintball Online.

Just to let you know, I generally lurk and occasionally post on AO for fun and to relax, not to draw in customers to Paintball Online or do business over AGD's site - I don't feel that is an appropriate use for AO. I don't mind answering your post, but please contact me directly at 800-875-4547, ext. 25 with any further inquiries regarding Paintball Online orders. I know the title of this thread is about blurring the line between business and pleasure which makes this post somewhat ironic, but some things are better left off the forums ;) Thanks so much!



10-27-2001, 12:39 PM
Thanks for getting back so quickly! I completely agree about not doing business over the AO site, but I was at a frustration point(and it was 3:00am). It may have been inappropriate and I certainly hope nobody takes offense to it. I have come to rely on AO for information, and a bit of entertainment also, and would be lost without it.

Thanks again, Matt.:cool:

10-27-2001, 03:14 PM
i got one thing to say though....... i was on ebay the other night and when i went to check the closing this day auctions...... they were all paintball online auctions...... everysingle one of them...... and they all had reserve prices......... where did you guys find the time to put up all those auctions and how long did it take?