View Full Version : Share your story! (IAO and Monster Game)

p u r e e v i l
07-26-2004, 12:07 PM
7-26-04 12:49pm

Fred: "Teh Jizo, you're going to be copilot for this..."

I sat on Funks porch wondering what Fred was talking about, copilot means shot gun passenger, we all know that. Never the less, I was totally volunteered to go get Tato in Toledo, Ohio this morning at 3:00am. And as you can expect, after a long weekend at Michigan Monster Game (obviously the best event that happened this weekend, by far.) I was more then up for it. Then again, it was Teh Tater, so it was all good.

Anyways, Fred and I took out from his house at around 2:00 and met up with a few guys I had never met on the Ohio Turnpike, guys from AO. AOJon and Roman were a pretty cool bunch of guys, I'll give them credit for that. And I guess I'm basically thanking everyone from AO I met this year at these events.

Back to the story...

Fred and I met the guys, had some balls (cause Balls left a pallet of Balls there) and talked until around 4:00am with Jon and Roman, until we realized they should go so that they didn't get caught in the rush hour of Chicago traffic.

Now for the fun stuff!

So, it was about 8:00am in the Morning on Satrday, the opening day of Monster Game. Wyn, Data, Fred and I were chillin in the line to Pre-Register and it was all gravy, for the 2hrs and 30min we spent waiting to register. We chose the red team, and it was all good until we started to play. After lunch, and after meeting Data and being truly introduced to him for the very first time we had a blast. I guess I'll just tell you straight up...

When you're on a golf cart with Wyn on one side of you and Date on the other side of you, tighten the velcro straps on your britches. While we were going back to the field, Date pansed me and I couldn't pull them back up because I couldn't let go of the rails or I'd most likely fall off the cart. Never the less, I rode around with my arse hanging out and stuff...was funny, to Wyn and Date...buttholes.

Also, if you were at the Michigan Monster Game, and on the Red Team...you suck! Dang retreaters...I was on your team...boo! Feel bad! Hurry..go...

Share your story.

Ninjas hate Pirates!!!

07-26-2004, 12:17 PM
was that English :confused:

p u r e e v i l
07-26-2004, 12:48 PM

07-26-2004, 12:57 PM

Red = Dead

We use to play red about 5 years ago when we first started playing at MMG, but got sick of people being so stupid.

07-26-2004, 01:27 PM
MMG story:
Walking up the swamp to West Point, I stop behind a tree and look out, when WHACK. The world goes black for a second and i lose my hearing.
The guy behind me with a hair-trigger shocker just tapped me in the back of the head.

Halfway through a push on one of the objectives on day one, i forgot which, my pack decided to push my pants down. a few guys got to see a mini striptease while i readjusted my pants and belt, and put my pack back on.

The polite elderly gentleman next door to my room with a "Porn King" team jersey.

His buddy wearing yellow "urban" camoflage. I've never been to a yellow city that I can think of, but it apparently worked, because he wasn't covered in slime at the end of the day.

"Hey, wanna play with my gun now?"
"ok, can i play with the tippy?"
"only if i get to use the nasty."
"well, whose using your matrix?"
"Oh, frank took it, he left his excal up here."
"Hey, HEY, drop my cherry coke!"

Being inserted in between two red units who are already shooting at us, with no cover around, then the ref saying "I dunno what to do. Ok, you're all live."

07-26-2004, 02:15 PM

I didn't really have anything like my pants falling off or anything..... but thats pretty funny..

I was also in the inserted right into a sh*tstorm of red on top of the hill near the castle. Is this where you are also talking about?... It was BS, shoulda takin us into the castle where we would had cover.

07-26-2004, 02:35 PM
oh ya, that's the group i'm talking about. I was painted like a circus clown before I even got my barrel bag off. Good times though,

p u r e e v i l
07-26-2004, 07:46 PM
Awesome stories...I forgot one. I was by the castle and there was a dude by himself behind a bunker about thirty yards from the castle. Wyn kept telling me to run up and see if he as ok, or just so he could see me get whooped. Eather way, the yellow people couldn't hit me with their flatlines...and I made it up there to see how he was. The poor kid had almost crapped his pants.

You all know, sagging is safe...and I was sagging when I dove into the bunker and my pants fell under my buttcheeks. Luckly I was wearing shorts under that...whew. Sliding into a bunker and pulling my pants up at the same time...YEA-YA! Fred got lit up, too. He was gonna come join us but didn't make it that far. The snipers were already at full force.

Keep' em coming!

07-27-2004, 09:15 AM

I didn't really have anything like my pants falling off or anything..... but thats pretty funny..

I was also in the inserted right into a sh*tstorm of red on top of the hill near the castle. Is this where you are also talking about?... It was BS, shoulda takin us into the castle where we would had cover.

HSI Refs seem to have a minor habit of doing that sort of thing. The first time I went to Global Conquest (Back in 2002,) I was on the Englisht team, which was getting it butt thoroughly whooped. Russia was attacking us all around the castle... We had almost half our force getting reinserted... and...
Ref: "The castle's too hot"
So instead, they put us 50 yards away.... WITH THE RUSSIANS NOW KNOWING WHERE WE ARE ANYWAY, and following us... Bleh, it wasn't pretty.

Single best moment for me was when we started at Firebase Bravo in the first half of Sunday. Naturally, we're overrun... And some of the guys are like 'fall back to west point, we have it!'

Oops, no, we don't... And by the time we get back to Bravo, It's overrun with Reds... By the time we clear out the forest on the way back, there were only two of us left... We get ambushed... Managed to take them out... So we're like "Okay, that's it... now let's run and pull the flag back."

We proceed to run out from the truck that was sitting there... To see about 8 reds just WAITING for us to step into the open. Oops.

07-27-2004, 11:50 AM
i have played MMG two years in a row, and only last sunday did i get Archie Bunker.

07-30-2004, 02:13 PM

go Yellow :shooting: