View Full Version : Help!! Max-Flow Question?

07-26-2004, 05:57 PM
Hey All Supper Newbee here again with another question.
Hee Hee
Okes so i got the INLINE MAX-FLOW
I am taking that i need a Macro Line Kit, So I can Switch out the ASA Line that came with my RT PRO. Some one tell me I am Right. And If so What the heck do i need to do to Hook this puppy up and get to shooten My Friends with it They All Have seen the gun and they can not wait to see what it does None of them Have this type they all have Spyders and one of my buds has a 98 custom.
So Any Help With This would be great.
Also do i need to take the tank in to one of the Paint ball shops in my town to have them check to make sure it is torqued right and have them fill it and make sure it is fine.

Ohh one more question while i am asking.
Barrles on the RT PRO I got the Karta Main Body Are the threads for that Angel Threads ?
Or How would i tell and What Would be some Pretty Nice Barrles to get.
I have some extra Funding to Use.
New Toy RT PRO Custom.. Job was done by White Wolf Airsmithing
Wish i had a digital cam to take a pick it looks sweet

Thanks All For All The Help So Far .. I am Sure I will Have A Ton More Questions.

Silador :shooting:

07-26-2004, 06:24 PM
im pretty sure inline Maxflo's come with a macroline fitting on there. My maxflo tank did. In which case, you need a macroline fitting for your ASA (they make straight, 45 degree, and 90 degree, depending on your setup). You need one of the fittings and macroline hose. You can buy hose by the foot from most websites, and most proshops.

As far as the barrels go, I'm pretty sure it's cocker threaded. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. There are lots of nice barrels. Depends on how much you want to spend. Essentially you have one piece, two piece, and barrel kits. You can get like a j&j ceramic for $30, which is a nice one piece. Progressives are nice. Dye Ultralights are very nice 2 piece barrels. I think it goes for around $100 Then you get to the barrel kits, which come with lots of different inserts to match your paint size. Freak kit, Pipe kit, and there are some others. Expect upwards of $150 for these. I hope I at least helped, if I didn't answer any of your questions.

And, most importantly, WELCOME TO AO!!!!!!

07-26-2004, 06:39 PM
It has cocker threads. Your thinking of the feedneck which should be angel threaded.

07-26-2004, 06:55 PM
So you are saying you have an in line Max Flow? And you are putting it on a Mag? Why? You don't need a second reg, in fact, it will most likely hurt performance because it will slow the flow of air. Anyway, I have an Empire 7 piece barrel kit, it's great and I got it used for $120.

EDIT: Sorry if I misread your post, it's a bit hard to follow.