View Full Version : Are these Tes B's any good?

Carbon Blue
07-26-2004, 10:14 PM
whats up guys!? my friend is gonna be buying this paint marker soon, but the thing is ive never heard a single thing about these guns and its company. Do they perform well? etc.? thanks!


07-26-2004, 10:16 PM
Judging from the original TES. No.

07-26-2004, 10:41 PM
it looks just like a normal tes with some sticky grip copys......dont waste your $$$ on any gun made by dragun/oddesy

07-26-2004, 10:55 PM
The new grip frame and new electronics actually eliminated most if not all of the problems from the infamous original TES.

Trust me I work on the guns OGI produces for a living.

07-26-2004, 11:16 PM
The TES B is a TES with new grips, firing modes, but no eye. Meh, I think you're better off getting a regular e-spyder.

And my TES is suprisingly.. good. Obviously not high tourney quality, but it holds its own.

07-27-2004, 06:43 PM
I have never owned one , but I will say this. Two guys at the field got one of them at the same time. One worked flawlessly out of the box. The other had a few problems out of the box with the electronics. It has been less than 3 months and neither guy still has it.

07-27-2004, 07:11 PM
WE'll I got a friend thats totally into these guns. He uses two spyders modded with the "one kit". Plus he added a 50 gram chip, omg its serrious. He was fireing so many bps threw that thing, it was crazy!

I brought one along time ago... Just need that 50 gram chip installed. Alot of the stock parts are crap, you'll have to upgrade the feedneck first, then installed a 50 gram chip, then the a new bolt, and grips if possible.

I say get TES, then find a proshop that will install a 50 gram chip(very simple part costs 5 bucks at radioshack). If you get a TES get a clamp feedneck with it, the stock feedneck is worthless, nothing fits in there! After that you'll have a 150$ marker with 50$ of upgrades shooting like a Timmy storm. No body expects it and gets lit up usually haha.

07-27-2004, 07:16 PM
Just a little correction, you keep calling it a chip, which is wrong.
If you walk into radio shack looking for a 50 gram chip you arent going to find anything..
What you're talking about is a 50 gram switch. I think they are also found in the dealers fourm.

07-27-2004, 08:38 PM
from my experience i'd say stay away from the TES. a teammate of mine has one and has had nothing but problems with it. just think, a gun for that cheap with eyes and a 20 bps cap has to have some faults- and its the quality. its down pretty much everytime he tries to use it.