View Full Version : What gun, What gun...

07-27-2004, 01:04 AM
Alright, this has been bugging the heck outta me for some time. I finally have the means to get a new gun, but I dont know what!!! Heres what Ive been looking at:

B2K4 w/ PDS- Seems like a good gun, but theres something unsettling about them. How come no-one shoots them (sorry if Im wrong, it just seems to me their not very popular). Also, alot of people I know including friends and field owners dont think Bushys are anything great.

Impulse with minor upgrades (blade, stickies, etc.)- I like Imps, there not my favorite but I could play with em. My main gripe with this babay is the size (but I guess if I got this instead of a PDS Bushy, then I could at least afford a low-rise) and the fact that I wouldnt have vision.

Used Angel LCD- Now Im kinda interested in this. They seem like nice guns. I could turn down the ROF to match the speed my hopper feeds (Rico 2K) and they seem like a good size and stuff.

Super Stock Cocker- Now this would kinda be pushin it. Because; 1. Its expenisve 2. It has stock Pnues and Reg, and 3. Im not a big fan of the stock bodys.

All right well, what do you guys think? Any other suggestions? Also, if anyone knows anyone selling LCD angels or anything, send me a PM. Also, Im trying to stay away from mech guns. Alright, well post away, and thanks!

07-27-2004, 01:16 AM
Bushys are pretty damn sweet. They, like mags, just aren't the hip thing, will you let something like that stop you from buying a great gun?

Angel LCDs aren't that great, the trigger sucks. Imps, I hate them, they shoot like crap to me.

Get the bushy! Quality built guns, and very fast!

07-27-2004, 01:17 AM
If I had to get a low-end open bolt gun, I'd go with a bushy.

GL! :D

07-27-2004, 01:25 AM
L...l..l...low...end..., hehe, well, maybe compared to Timmys, but saying low end sounds like your comparing it to a Spyder or somethin (no offense to spyder owners). Yea, I guess Bushy sounds good. But what upgrades would you guys recommend for it. I was just thinkin:

16" CP 2 Piece Barrel
On/Off ASA
and maybe a blind bolt if they get rid of those lag problems with it. Anything else?

07-27-2004, 01:39 AM
why do you want such a massive barrel? i have a 14" barrel, and its abit long for my liking, i ordered the 12 inch front, but pbgear decided i didnt really want a 12 inch front, so they gave me the 14 inch one :p

07-27-2004, 01:41 AM
im really partial to the lcd especially with a warped sports break beam eyes.. my buddy todd has one and i love the thing!!!

07-27-2004, 01:46 AM
why do you want such a massive barrel? i have a 14" barrel, and its abit long for my liking, i ordered the 12 inch front, but pbgear decided i didnt really want a 12 inch front, so they gave me the 14 inch one :p

Duh, 16 Inch = teh AGG :P Im kidding, I dunno, so I can press into airball bunkers easily and stuff. Yea, the LCD's seem nice but to get Break Beam eyes for it I would have to drop a lot more.

07-27-2004, 01:53 AM
I'd get the Angel, but Bushies ae nice too.

07-27-2004, 01:54 AM
but it would be worth it!

07-27-2004, 01:58 AM
i woned a bushy, though i got a lemon..icd has the best customer service, seconed to agd. with sp, they wont give a care. not like icd or agd, they will service you real good :eek: he he he

07-27-2004, 02:02 AM
I'm selling an Adrenaline Impulse with full Freak kit if you want an Impulse. It's dust black.

07-27-2004, 07:35 AM
you don't see many people using bushys because of the same reason you don't see many people use mags....ICD does not sponser anyone...

still a great gun...im looking into one also :dance:

07-27-2004, 01:44 PM
Yea, Im leaining towards the Bushy because of the fact it has vision and is very small. Does anyone know whow much a chaos board for them is?

andrew 2589
07-27-2004, 02:23 PM
I had a up'd imp. It performed ok but i hated how large and blocky it was. Plus the trigger was terrible.

Definetly get a b2k4 w/ pds over the imp. buy a few upgrades for it like a barrel, reg, stickes, etc. Then enjoy your gun

07-27-2004, 02:37 PM
I'd go with the Bushy too, but make sure you get what you want and not what we are telling you to get.


07-27-2004, 06:12 PM
Do you guys think its worth it to get a Bushy without PDS? Because I dont want to spend to much.

07-27-2004, 08:02 PM
why do you want such a massive barrel? i have a 14" barrel, and its abit long for my liking, i ordered the 12 inch front, but pbgear decided i didnt really want a 12 inch front, so they gave me the 14 inch one :p


07-28-2004, 02:41 AM
maybe a used trix? used GZ timmy? used viking? maybe even a shocker? i realize those are gettin up there but theyre close to the price of a super stock. if i were you i'd stay away from the imps, ppl i know who have had imps and have had lots of problems with the eye