View Full Version : Manny (ricerocket) i need some help

10-19-2001, 08:06 PM
ok sunday is my first tourny and i have a few questions,

1. what r some good front player stratagies

2. what is the best move off of the break

3. how do u get your team pumped up before a game

this is 3 man tourny, any other help would be greatly appriciated

10-19-2001, 08:42 PM
i'm not manny, but well just play your game, the best move off the break is getting to your bunk and not gettin kracked, from there live and shoot people out.

stay tight, don't wander off, have our back guy watch ya and you and your other player watch your zones & just play hard.

well we listen to like music from like push and when were on the feild we get in a circle w/ hands in and yell and stuff....

10-19-2001, 08:47 PM
this is a tourny where u have to find paint, u dont start w/ any :)

10-19-2001, 08:48 PM
what ya mean ya have to pick paint up off the ground?
thats crzy?

10-19-2001, 08:50 PM
its in pods in bunkers, but not all pods have paint

10-20-2001, 01:17 AM
Then I can tell you with some authority that the best opening move is:




10-20-2001, 06:04 AM
Hey... can you use Sniffing Dogs? Then you can simply let the Dog lead you to the paint! ;)

10-20-2001, 06:56 AM
we were thinkin since we have a guy who runs track send him up the middle for the flag, then straight to their flag station

10-20-2001, 07:53 AM
the first pull and final hang are very critical point wise. I say run the 50 for the flag, then take a few guys out then hang it. Make sure you don't loose any guys, that's very important.

10-20-2001, 01:58 PM
if its like that then i would say have your fastest guy run to get the flag and hang it right away or better yet, all of you just run out and shoot without paint that will keep their heads down for a few seconds untill they realize whats going on and get the flag and hang it in one move but this will only work a few games because the other teams will catch on to it and say yes we gotta stop em before they get the flag. then you will have to come up with another plan like ok now one guy just goes to get the flag then he runs off to find paint and another guy will rush in to fake getting the flag while the thrid looks for paint and covers both of them

10-20-2001, 02:21 PM
it's not a real good idea to make the flag hang too soon... you'll have to run past all 3 of them and they have a pritty good chance of hitting you. and if you do get out, there's a good chance that they will win because every guy is extremely important in a 3 man compitition.

10-20-2001, 04:48 PM
im saying do everything right off the break

10-20-2001, 07:51 PM

10-20-2001, 09:20 PM
I say if the field is small enough try running a guy up uthe middle, grab the flag(first pull points) and try to hang it before they can find paint and load. thats just my idea though...probably not a smart thing to do :)

10-22-2001, 10:15 AM
Sorry, but I was away from any computers to check AO this weekend. Requisite wedding and class reunion stuff with wife...sleepers. Anyway, I hope you guys did well. The format of the games seemed challenging. After reading some of the posts, it would have been a good idea to use some of the aforementioned strategies until you found one that was a game winner. Let us all know how you did, good or bad, and how you guys came up with your strategies. Let me know if you enter a tourney again, and I'll try to give you my insight.

10-22-2001, 11:01 AM
zvanut - how did the tourney end up?? i liked the run for it off the break strategy. ive never heard of a tourney where you find paint. please update us how the tourney worked!!!

10-22-2001, 02:55 PM
well..... we took 5&6th out of nine. between both teams it wasnt bad. 1 max and 1 near max (95) brought our places up. My team got hit w/ 39 hot gun points on the first game (damn rental tippmanns) but it was fun. we got

2500 rounds of bigball
1 site
gogle covers
2 squeegees
and some awesome stories

10-22-2001, 03:31 PM
just yesterday i played in a 3 man tourny. I had to play gunless in one game. If your gun ever breaks right before the toruny, play anways so your team dosn't forfit. if you ever play gunless, take off your pack. Just make a very fast sprint to the 50 for the flag. I'm a pritty big guy and run pritty slow but with out a gun and pack, i was pritty fast. I almost made a hang but i stalled. I was leaning out of a bunker to see if this guy was there but leaned abit too far and got hit.

10-23-2001, 06:25 PM