View Full Version : New to the forums... my order and some questions

07-27-2004, 08:08 PM
Hi guys. After much research and back and forth, I've decided to go with a RT pro over a cocker. I owned a stock cocker years ago and although I did enjoy it, I always regretted getting it over a minimag. Here's what the order is shaping up to be so far:

RT ULE body (ice)
black x-valve
level 10 bolt
nickel intelliframe grip
ULT kit
no barrel (will buy retail)
n2 / dropfoward mounted under my stock
Rev (slight chance of q-loader, still not sure)

I still have a bunch of questions though...

1. Can the marker be configured to gas-thru the grip or use a gas-thru reg?

2. Barrel recommendations? I usually shoot marbalizer. Looking to spend around 70-80 here... accuracy most important, noise level 2nd.

3. I'm still tinkering with the idea of getting the warp-left body and using a q-loader, no more hopper shots and I usually play front!! While this idea sounds awesome, I realize the q-loader is still in early stages and the last thing I want to happen is realize it sucks and/or won't work, and be stuck not just with the loader, but with a warp-left body as well. Alternative is of course a vert feed + revvy. Any insight would be appreciated. Warp feed is not an option, I think its just too bulky.

Guess thats all for now, I appreciate any advice for a soon-to-be-proud-mag-owner. :headbang:

07-27-2004, 08:14 PM
1. reg built into valve. Yes on gas-through grip ... should come stock.
2. Stock barrel is cool but I use a dye ultralite
3. dunno, you have to try it and see how u like it.

Oh, welcome.

07-27-2004, 08:17 PM

I believe the RTP Customs now come with vert adapters that accept gas thru so on, so to answer your question yes they can be set up that way. As for the qloader, ive have one on every mag that i have owned and i love it. Id have to say its a preference thing. If you play front its ideal because its fas, small, outta the way. Use a gas thru not an other reg. If the RTP your getting doesnt come with a gas thru setup i have one i can prob sell to you if not just give to you. I am currently in the process of getting a battery housing mod on my mag so i dont need the vert adapter anymore. Barrels, well all the ones ive owned have been great, i highly recomend a stiffi, lucky 15 or an ultralite but there are a lot of other barrels out there that work very well to. I hope this helps. If ya have anymore questions you can pm me or post here again and ill try and help.

07-27-2004, 08:27 PM
Junkie... how do you set up your q-loader? Any idea if its possible to set it up horrizontally, attaching directly to a warp left body? I think this would be ideal as it would eliminate the risks that come with using a hose. Similar to Rather's fake sig ( http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=71408&stc=1 ) ... man that would absolutely rock.

Thx for the welcome

07-27-2004, 08:32 PM
I do think it could be done. Youd prob need some kind of custom mounting bracket though. I used to have mine under my barrel but i run it by my tank on my current mag and i love it. The only time i ever had a "problem" with the hosing is when i forgot to put the oring on the tubing that jold it in place. Needless to say 100 rounds of paint went flying everywhere but it was my fault not the systems.

The Frymarker
07-28-2004, 01:24 PM
Welcome to the forums !!!

07-28-2004, 02:14 PM
Buying a Q-Loader to avoid hopper shots is... a waste of money. Your hopper is either tilted behind the bunker or in front of your face. So it's either a non-issue or you get shot in the face cuz there's no hopper there.

07-28-2004, 02:41 PM
Welcome to the forum

Unless something has changed you cannot buy the RT Pro deal without the barrel...

It is a decent barrel though. J&J made and will shoot Marbs as good as anything else will. I think its about a .690 bore. Most Marbs will fit it fine.

07-28-2004, 03:37 PM
Phil, there is a choice for no barrel when buying the ULE custom. In fact, the barrels are not part of the base cost.

Welcome ot AO my friend!!! check out 3-A's barrels... I love em!


07-28-2004, 04:39 PM
Phil, there is a choice for no barrel when buying the ULE custom. In fact, the barrels are not part of the base cost.

Seems they have changed it. Good! It was not that way early on. It was part of the base. Something I did not agree with. In fact there was some discussion here about that and we were told no. But it seems it has changed. I was told when I suggested it be optional that it would not be possible. And was not deletable even. But yet now it seems its been done. When did that happen?

Seems it was possible! :rolleyes: Funny I stuck with a barrel or two now... :cry:

07-28-2004, 04:44 PM
1. Can the marker be configured to gas-thru the grip or use a gas-thru reg?

2. Barrel recommendations? I usually shoot marbalizer. Looking to spend around 70-80 here... accuracy most important, noise level 2nd.

3. I'm still tinkering with the idea of getting the warp-left body and using a q-loader, no more hopper shots and I usually play front!! While this idea sounds awesome, I realize the q-loader is still in early stages and the last thing I want to happen is realize it sucks and/or won't work, and be stuck not just with the loader, but with a warp-left body as well. Alternative is of course a vert feed + revvy. Any insight would be appreciated. Warp feed is not an option, I think its just too bulky.
1. You can use a gas through if you want, but the only reason I could see t is if you think the hose is ugly or something. Don't use inline regs with mags.

2. I like CP barrels myself. They come in different bore sizes, so find out what marbs are and get one close to that.

3. See if you can try a Warp or Q-Loader before you decide thay're too bulky or you just dont lke the way it works. I myself just like vert feed and a Halo or Revvie.

07-28-2004, 10:15 PM
Hehe yea I don't really like the look of the hose.. reminds me of my old spider standard. :eek: I like microline, I'll probably use it to gasthru.

I am really leaning towards the traditional vert feed setup.. maybe if it was just qloader money I would try it... but I wouldn't want to be stuck with a warp left body too.

Any opinions on double trigger vs blade? I've never had either. Purely aesthetic, or is it easier to "walk" with the blade?

I need to do some more research on barrels... definately gonna look into CP, and the dye ultralite has caught my attention.

Also leaning towards blue body now instead of ice.. lol a week and a half left plenty of time to change my mind about everything :rofl:

07-28-2004, 10:19 PM
1. Can the marker be configured to gas-thru the grip or use a gas-thru reg?

2. Barrel recommendations? I usually shoot marbalizer. Looking to spend around 70-80 here... accuracy most important, noise level 2nd.

3. I'm still tinkering with the idea of getting the warp-left body and using a q-loader, no more hopper shots and I usually play front!! While this idea sounds awesome, I realize the q-loader is still in early stages and the last thing I want to happen is realize it sucks and/or won't work, and be stuck not just with the loader, but with a warp-left body as well. Alternative is of course a vert feed + revvy. Any insight would be appreciated. Warp feed is not an option, I think its just too bulky.

Guess thats all for now, I appreciate any advice for a soon-to-be-proud-mag-owner. :headbang:
1- yes to both but having a gas-thru reg is pointless and can hinder the mags performance.
2- meh, barrels are overrated, nothings really gonna give you more accuracy other than a kit and basicially any kit will do i usally shoot my stock tho, there all just tubes
3-if your gonna spend the cash for a Q, then why would you only get a revvy if you went vert? id got vert with apache myself, or an egg, but apache is much better quality

07-28-2004, 10:23 PM
Any opinions on double trigger vs blade? I've never had either. Purely aesthetic, or is it easier to "walk" with the blade?

I need to do some more research on barrels... definately gonna look into CP, and the dye ultralite has caught my attention.

trigger is personal preferance but I, and most prefer a blad, and it is typicially easier to wak, but i doubt your gonna walk a mech mag (even ULT) until the hAir trigger is out

both are quality barrels

07-28-2004, 10:27 PM
I've been out of paintball for about 5 years, when I played revs were the best loaders. :D I guess I'll look into getting something faster, if its affordable. I've never been big on BPS, much more concerned with accuracy. 3-4 bursts are fine, though it will be nice to be able to do more when needed. The appeal of the Q for me wasn't so much the BPS potential, as it was the hopper location and the clip-based system.

07-28-2004, 11:27 PM
a revvy would probably be just fine unless you're a speed demon on that mech mag, if you can outshoot a revvy then get an egg, halo's are too expensive and high maintenance if you're not shooting 15+ bps consistently