View Full Version : 'Mag history question

07-27-2004, 09:16 PM
In a video posted a little while ago I saw TK ripping it up with an autoresponse trigger. Does anyone know if AGD took them into the public market or were they custom modifications only? Has anyone fired one or seen the guts of 'em?
I realize they arn't legal for any tournament and most rec fields, but I'm still interested in them. Was it just a new sear and sear pin, or a completely new gripframe/valve/on-off?

07-27-2004, 09:19 PM
It was a complete gripframe/sear, and iirc, AGD wasn;t the company that made them. If you check the Misc. Gear forum, they pop up once in awhile.

I'd kinda like to see how fast you get a RT ripping with one of those.

07-27-2004, 09:28 PM
It was a complete gripframe/sear, and iirc, AGD wasn;t the company that made them. If you check the Misc. Gear forum, they pop up once in awhile.

I'd kinda like to see how fast you get a RT ripping with one of those.

I would like to see that too.

trains are bad
07-27-2004, 09:31 PM
Interesting tidbit.

The BATFE has ruled that triggers that fire on both the pull and release are semi-auto.

07-28-2004, 10:46 AM
Uh, let me think...ProLine made those if I am not mistaken. Jeremy at Jackal Machine and I modded countless numbers of those frames. Years ago I wrote an article on how, using those guts, you could modify a Benchmark 2 finger frame and using a trigger stop, you could limit it to one shot per pull. What you got was a trigger pull less than half the distance and impossible to short stroke. The downside was that since mechanical advantage was added in reverse, it also made the trigger pull stiffer. Stiff, but incredibly short. If you've been around for a number of years, the article and our mods drove the cost of s used frame from 50 bucks or so to some I sell go for over $150.00 on ebay. I still have the original one I did in a chrome frame around here somewhere.

07-28-2004, 10:50 AM
One more thing for those curious as to how fast they were originally.....not very, in my opinion since to get the pull-fire, release-fire, the trigger pull was very, very long. Some liked the thing on the old Mags but they really became obsolete when the RT's hit the market...that and most fields banned them. At the time, most players at a field were playing with rentals, it was not all that common to see someone that had shelled out the bucks for what was considered a high-dollar gun.....Man, times have changed :)

07-28-2004, 11:04 AM
I thought I still had these photos. Reason we had to modify BM frames was that all the AR frames were single trigger. The first ones we did we simply cut off the trigger guard and added a two-finger trigger shoe. It wasn't long before it became mandatory to have a trigger guard so rather than make a guard, we used a new frame. Also, I don't recall, for sure, but I don't think the originals had safety's...since the pull was so long, it would have been very difficult to accidentally fire a round...I may be wrong on this though.

Anyway, here's a couple of photos, if you need an explanation of anything, just ask.



paint magnet
07-28-2004, 12:25 PM
The Autoresponse frame was made by Pro-Line, and does not work with the RT valve or level 10. While not tournament legal, I doubt anyone would care today with all the electros shooting 18+ bps.

07-28-2004, 02:00 PM
The Autoresponse frame was made by Pro-Line, and does not work with the RT valve or level 10. While not tournament legal, I doubt anyone would care today with all the electros shooting 18+ bps.

i had mine runing on my xvalve for a long time till i sold it all i had to do was tune the lvl 10 to it. never had any problems.